It's a legitimate question and will pop up with each new member. After all, Cyprus is politically, financially, culturally and historically quite European.
Except that there's no strict scientific definition of what makes a continent a "continent". The geographic distinction also has historical, political and cultural elements to it. At the end of the day, it's a human convention with a certain arbitrary nature to it. So let's not pretend it's a hard and fast fact except to say that our faithful Quizmaster has decided it's so for the purpose of this site.
If it weren't for cultural differences, Europe and Asia would be considered the same continent. Culturally, Cyprus is much closer to Europe than to Asia. Putting Cyprus in Asia on the basis of geographic proximity undermines the entire reason for Asia being a separate continent in the first place; it doesn't make any sense under any sane definition. Cyprus is European and should be considered as such. Don't believe a random comment on Fine. Then why don't you ask the EUROPEAN UNION? It's time we stopped being stubborn and admitted that CYPRUS IS A EUROPEAN COUNTRY. Cyprus is in EUROPE, not Asia. Period. Case closed.
Cyprus is culturally and politically very Europian, but geographically it is in Asia. Jetpunk and most of the Jetpunk quizzes are about Geography so it makes more than sense to say that Cyprus is in Asia. I also firmly believe that the border between Europe and Asia is quite clear. Since Turkey is in Asia for the vast majority, it definitely makes sense that Cyprus is Asian, because it clearly sits beneath the Asian part of Turkey. And also if you look at the nearest mainland to Cyprus, then those are all Asian countries as well. Plus there is really no need to discuss this since Jetpunk says that it is in Europe and they will not change this no matter how many countries there are, and I couldn't agree more.
Wait until you find out who Eurovision says is in Europe.
(On a serious note though, the continents were absolutely not created to signify a cultural distinction, given Greeks lived in both Europe and Asia when they came up with the idea, and Greek cultural influence existed across the Eastern Mediterranean when the Romans solidifed the definitions. The continental boundaries were designed to be useful to Greek mariners who placed the Aegean Sea at the center of the world.)
It is culturally in Europe and apparantly physically in Asia but Ukraine is more eastern than Cyprus and just because it is close to the Middle East does not mean it is in Asia.
What worth has your comment that is so great that it could settle this argument to your side?
As said before it is all European except in the geographic part, so in my opinion it should be counted as European and a lot of institutions do it as well.
Turkey is NOT part of Europe. Not geographically in whole, morally or in the development of human rights. Only Istanbul can be count to be part of Europe geographically. Turkey NOT!
Since development of human rights is one of the main criteria to define whether a country is part of a continent, Turkey should not be considered part of Europe.
Sometimes I'm not sure about that. There are always discussion about England/Uk, Greenland/Denmark, Turkey/Europe, Russia/Europe and so on. So you never know......
And as the best example for that: please see the first comment under this quiz - its a level 63 - and do you think, this is a joke from player Thigamahoozit? I'm not sure about that. :)
Nah it should be in the rickroll continent. Uhmm jokes aside. Or maybe Switzerland is Part of the drk. (Deutsches rotes Kreuz) it has a similar flag to Switzerland.
Madrid is also quite cold in winter. Spain is the European country with the highest average elevation. Besides, have you considered that there are parts in Andalusia where you can go skiing? Not to mention the Pyrenees.
Where you live temperature has never gotten below 20 °C ??? Where do you live, right on the equator? I dont think I could deal with that. I get uncomfortable above 20 and seriously unwell above 25 (what most others get above 30 or 35 )
Monaco is in the south of France and on the Mediterranean, a large part of France is much further north which will bring the average temperature down a bit by itself but also there are lots of mountains in France where there will be lower temperatures in general, again bringing the average down a bit.
...and Tahiti, Réunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, St Pierre and Miquelon, and Wallis and Futuna Islands. Mind you they would probably average out agin when you also take into account French Southern and Antarctic Lands.
Lol why do so many people care so much about cyprus and turkey? If jetpunk doesn't consider them eurpoean, then don't argue. If you really want to have them as european countries, then just go to a different website.
Because the continent placement is quite arbitrary and it's annoying. We shouldn't have to leave a site we've indulged ourselves in just because QM's decision on what is European and what is Asian is entirely random.
Nice quiz. Was a bit apt given I'm taking this from Houston. Power outages from the hurricane are making the summer heat (including at my house) pretty bad.
Surprised to see Croatia makes it to the top 10 while Montenegro doesn't, despite being further south and entirely on the coast (while half of Croatia is inland beyond the Balkans).
(On a serious note though, the continents were absolutely not created to signify a cultural distinction, given Greeks lived in both Europe and Asia when they came up with the idea, and Greek cultural influence existed across the Eastern Mediterranean when the Romans solidifed the definitions. The continental boundaries were designed to be useful to Greek mariners who placed the Aegean Sea at the center of the world.)
Though I don't want to fight about this.
As said before it is all European except in the geographic part, so in my opinion it should be counted as European and a lot of institutions do it as well.
And as the best example for that: please see the first comment under this quiz - its a level 63 - and do you think, this is a joke from player Thigamahoozit? I'm not sure about that. :)
Btw just a joke
Just a joke too
Just a joke again
1. Cyprus is in europe, include Cyprus!
2. Temperature changes. How'd you get those numbers, hmm?
3. Too American centered once again. THANKS FOR THAT.
4. Why isn't Argentina on this list?
5. Russia is in Asia and should not be an accepted answer
6. 9/10, missed Croatia. It is absolutely necessary to comment that. 100% necessary, in fact.