Good quiz. If Seine is allowed, Dane (as in person from Denmark) should be in there too. Both are proper nouns, so either include both or neither of them...?
Cant believe I missed mane and pane, Also missed vein and sprain, and skein of which I have never heard. But I did get deign of which I hadnt heard before either. Missing 5 not a bad score I guess, when the average missed 15. Eventhough halfway through I had many gaps still and felt dumb and couldnt think of anything for a while, little black out just staring
"Thane" appears 10 times in Shakespeare's works, while "wain" appears 89 and "fain" appears 152. So if a word's appearance in Shakespeare "keeps it alive" then fain is way more alive-r.
Wain is not a Scottish word for child. It means a cart, so should be there. As should wean, a Scottish word for child, spelled correctly, which rhymes. Seine does not rhyme and is a proper noun
So the only one I didn't get was Seine. I kept thinking about it as it was the only word which fit alphabetically but didn't try because of the rule against proper nouns! Had no idea it was also a net...
According to the song, name rhymes with rain, right? I've been through a desert on a horse with no name! But seriously, for game and Spain to rhyme, you'd have to think it's accurate to say that Nick Jagger is the lead singer for the Rolling Stomes. Is that what you think?
The 'seine' here is a common noun, which means a type of fishing net (not the proper noun Seine, which is the French river; the river is pronounced /seɪn/ in English or /sɛn/ as in French).
Because English is not my native language, I just tried all consonants before -ane and -ain and then added l, r, t after few consonants like in train. Feign and so on, those I missed.
I don't know many of these one syllable words even if I read and write every day in English. It shows that the vocabulary you need in most contexts is always much smaller than all the nuances you could express with language. (I was thinking better word than small, but I cope with that. In Finnish I could choose from ten expressions.)
What about trichlorofluoromethane? That one works, right? Doesn't it? I didn't read the instructions. I understand things. Add that one. I didn't read previous comments. Add this one quiz maker! Use your time to read this suggestion! DO IT!
Perhaps state that dialect words are also not included?
I tried wean (pronounced Wayne: a word for a child used in Glasgow and the surrounding area) and stane (another word for stone often used in Scotland in the phrase dry-stane dyke meaning a wall built by stacking stones without mortar).
I avoided words like fain, ain, ane, cain, etc., assuming they would be considered archaic and/or foreign. To me, twain seems like an archaic term for two.
I decided to look it up after starting this comment, and the very first sentence in the definition states that it's an archaic term. I'd advice removing it.
The only correction I think would be appropriate for the quiz is to include "wain", as Wiktionary does not only list it as archaic; or to show the source that you're using for deciding if a word is actually archaic or not.
Thought I was so smart for coming up with explain. Typed it in and it wasn't accepted. Time to complain in the comment section. *Reads the caveat*. Just kidding, guess I'll just be sad over here in my corner.
So, the 'p' is spain just comes before the last stressed vowel ('ai').
I don't know many of these one syllable words even if I read and write every day in English. It shows that the vocabulary you need in most contexts is always much smaller than all the nuances you could express with language. (I was thinking better word than small, but I cope with that. In Finnish I could choose from ten expressions.)
Also great quiz, hoping to find some more in the future :D
I tried wean (pronounced Wayne: a word for a child used in Glasgow and the surrounding area) and stane (another word for stone often used in Scotland in the phrase dry-stane dyke meaning a wall built by stacking stones without mortar).
Neither were accepted.
I decided to look it up after starting this comment, and the very first sentence in the definition states that it's an archaic term. I'd advice removing it.
twain - "dated"
thane - "historical"
wain - "archaic or literary"
fain - "archaic"
The only correction I think would be appropriate for the quiz is to include "wain", as Wiktionary does not only list it as archaic; or to show the source that you're using for deciding if a word is actually archaic or not.