Other Facts | Answer | % Correct |
"The Shawshank Redemption" is based on a story by Stephen King. | The only country to have a non-rectangular flag is {Nepal}. | 86%
There are exactly zero documented cases of a child being poisoned by Halloween candy from trick-or-treating. | In the Bible, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but he didn’t live there. He was raised in the town of {Nazareth}. | 77%
Canada's Justin Bieber is allowed to reside in the United States because he has an O-1 visa, given to "individuals with an extraordinary ability in the arts or extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry". | John D. {Rockefeller} was the first person to have a net worth in excess of $1 billion U.S. dollars. His company, Standard Oil, had a monopoly on the U.S. oil industry. | 64%
Alaska’s "Little Diomede" island is just 2.3 miles from Russia’s "Big Diomede" island. | People from Moscow are known as {Muscovites}. | 64%
The year 1900 was not a leap year. Years divisible by 100 are not leap years unless they are also divisible by 400. | The English Channel is known to the {French} as La Manche. Translation: "The Sleeve". | 59%
Of all the people in the Bible, Methuselah had the longest life span: 969 years. Some people believe that this number results from errors in translation and that his actual age was 969 lunar months, about 78.5 years. | {New Zealand} was completely uninhabited by people until around 1250 AD. | 55%
Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon" was one of the top 200 best-selling albums in the United States for 741 straight weeks, over 14 years. | In Jewish mythology, Adam had a wife before Eve. Her name was {Lilith}. | 50%
Syphilis has been called "The French Disease" by Italians, "The Italian Disease" by the French, and "The Christian Disease" by Arabs. In reality, it probably came from the New World. | Mozambique has an {AK-47} on its flag. | 50%
U.S. politicians Bill Clinton and Mike Huckabee were both born in the small town of Hope, Arkansas. | The book {Moby Dick} starts with the famous opening line "Call me {Ishmael}". | 36%
Extreme global warming or an asteroid impact could lead to huge, immensely powerful hurricanes called hypercanes with winds speeds of 500 mph. | Fortune cookies were invented in the {United States} by a person who was born in {Japan}. | 32%
Ceres is the largest asteroid in the solar system. For fifty years, it was considered to be the eighth planet. Today, it is one of the five known dwarf planets in the Solar System, along with Pluto, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea. | Lake Baikal is both the {deepest} and the {oldest} lake in the world. | 23%
New Zealand was once home to the giant moa, a flightless bird that could rise to a height of 12 feet and could weigh up to 600 pounds. It was driven to extinction shortly after the first people arrived in New Zealand. | A Great Dane named {Zeus} holds the record as the world's tallest dog, measuring 3 feet 8 inches from foot to shoulder. When standing on his hind legs, he measured over 7 feet tall. | 14%
Simeon Stylites was a Christian saint who lived in Syria in the 400s AD. He gained fame for living on top of a pillar for the last 37 years of his life, a feat which is recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest anyone has ever lived on a pillar. | {Moore}'s Law states that number of transistors on a microchip doubles every 12-24 months. This law generally held true for fifty years, from 1965-2015, but many people think the rate of doubling is now slower. | 14%
The record for the fastest manned jet aircraft is held by the SR-71 Blackbird, whose record speed of 2,193.2 miles per hour was recorded in 1976. | {Arsenic} trioxide was sometimes known as "inheritance powder" because of its common use as a poison. Rates of poisoning decreased after the invention of the {Marsh Test} in 1836 which made it possible to detect arsenic in human remains. | 9%
U.S. politicians Bill Clinton and Mike Huckabee were both born in the small town of Hope, Arkansas. | In contrast to {Moore}'s law, {Eroom}'s law states that the cost of developing a new pharmaceutical dr*g doubles every 9 years. | 9%
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