Question | Answer | % Correct |
The capital of Algeria is Cairo | False | 98%
Algeria was a French colony | True | 98%
Algeria is the biggest country in Africa | True | 96%
Algeria borders the Mediterranean Sea | True | 94%
Oran is a city in Algeria | True | 94%
The flag of Algeria consists of 3 colours, green white and red | True | 94%
Algeria borders Egypt | False | 92%
Algeria is mainly rainforest | False | 91%
More people live in the South | False | 89%
Algeria gained independence in 1962 | True | 89%
Algeria drives on the left side of the road | False | 77%
Algeria has a bigger land area than Kazakhstan | False | 70%
The population of Algeria is over 45 million | True | 64%
Arabic is spoken all around Algeria | True | 64%
Seven countries border Algeria | False | 43%
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