Voiceline | Agent | % Correct |
Sage, I'll teach you how to control my seekers if you teach me how to raise the dead. Fair trade I reckon. | Skye | 100%
Last Yoru standing wins. | Yoru | 93%
You've buried your secrets well, Cypher. But I am a hunter, and I will find them. | Sova | 90%
That Cypher thinks he sees everything. I go invisible, idiot! Come get me! | Yoru | 90%
Reyna, damn! Even I couldn't keep up! | Jett | 87%
Ay Viper, none of your gas is flammable, right? | Phoenix | 87%
Be safe, Raze. | Killjoy | 86%
Remember fam, winning takes sacrifice, right Cypher? Sacrifice? Like chess? Our chess game...*sighs*...come on, I know you got it. | Phoenix | 85%
Vamos, Breach. Let's go! | Raze | 85%
Don't mess up that pretty face, Phoenix. | Jett | 83%
Everyone give Sage a break! Crying over every bruise...I'm here! You can bother me. | Skye | 81%
Sova, be a dear and find them for me. | Reyna | 80%
Ah, Fade, سلام. I would offer you a camera, but your methods for gathering intel are a little less traditional. | Cypher | 79%
Viper, who's birthday is March 20th? I found it when, uh...*chuckles*...okay, okay. I have everyone's passwords. | Cypher | 79%
Phoenix, yo! That was insane! | Jett | 79%
Look out for that Raze, fam. Can't have you blowing up. | Phoenix | 79%
Brimstone-zinho, you sure I can't listen to music? You're really bringing me down here, man! | Raze | 79%
Cypher, your homemade gadgets are soo cute! Reminds me of some of my work in kindergarten. | Killjoy | 78%
KAY/O, you are the best! Now imagine if you let me install those ordinance mods, huh? Huh?! Come on! | Killjoy | 78%
Reyna, I can see why you don't want any of my tech. You're scary enough without it. | Killjoy | 78%
Bonjour, Yoru. Your sunny demeanor is blinding as always. | Chamber | 77%
Do me a favor Breach and, uh, open them up. Toxin works best when...directly injected. | Viper | 76%
Damn right we crushed it!...ugh...even as I was saying it...when Jett says it...you know what, forget it... | Brimstone | 75%
Bien joué KAY/O, you are unstoppable my friend. | Chamber | 75%
Breach, Breach. I took a servo from your arms, for my tripwire, don't be angry. Breach... | Cypher | 75%
Ah Raze, don't tinker with my gadgets! I don't need exploding cameras again! *sighs* The cleanup was so messy... | Cypher | 75%
Chamber, about that nanotech for your guns. Do you like...have any extra, or... | Killjoy | 75%
Killjoy my suit's got, like, a billion volts. Don't touch it. | Neon | 75%
I'll kill that Omen. I'll take his memories. I will remember... | Omen | 75%
Chamber, I would rather drink my own poison. | Viper | 75%
Killjoy, don't overthink it! Sometimes, you just need to hit them with explosives. | Raze | 74%
Skye. Ever though thought about making other summons? Like, uh, lions. Or...ooh, dragons!? | Jett | 73%
Another Raze?! Ha! I bet she's fun! I mean, I'll still kill her...obviously... | Raze | 73%
When Reyna gets started it's hard to stop her. I'd like to avoid that, please. | Raze | 73%
Together, Viper. Fear and toxin is an effective combination. | Fade | 72%
Killjoy, after this you wanna do some...tinkering? | Raze | 72%
They have Sova over there too? Can someone um...steal his eye? What? I wanna see what it's recorded. | Killjoy | 71%
Killjoy! Thanks for letting me borrow your Alarmbot. It's so much better with explosions! Why did you never try that? | Raze | 71%
You're mine, Reyna. | Reyna | 71%
Astra, it is delightful to see you. I am at your service, mademoiselle. | Chamber | 70%
I still can't get over that owl, Sova. It's too cute. Why is it so cute? | Jett | 70%
Time to blow up that Yoru's ego! | Raze | 70%
Беги, Sova. | Sova | 70%
Reyna, I'll take one side if you take the other. They'll be dead in five seconds. | Yoru | 70%
Oh, there is a terrible beast inside you, Skye. Unleash it. | Omen | 69%
May the wind guide your blades, Jett...and my arrows. | Sova | 69%
Hey, other Astra! If you know what I know, eh...then what are you doing? Yawa, come on, clear off! | Astra | 68%
That Raze sucks! | Raze | 68%
Yo, Killjoy? Think you could enhance my knives at some point? Maybe some lasers, homing tech...I-I'm just spitballing here. | Jett | 67%
I'll shut down Killjoy's tech. | Kayo | 67%
Don't wanna take you out Sage...but I gotta. | Phoenix | 67%
Killjoy. You and me until the end. | Raze | 67%
Sage, we are the perfect pair. You give life. I take it. | Reyna | 67%
I can't believe their Viper's dumping all that shit in the air. I'll kill her! | Skye | 67%
Sage, if I die out there, you're in charge. Someone has to look after these knuckleheads. | Brimstone | 65%
Fade, of all people, you've never asked to see my face. | Cypher | 65%
Killjoy, your inventions are too fragile. See these arms? Carbon steel with titanium plating! That's what you need! | Breach | 64%
Beau travail, Yoru! You humble me. | Chamber | 64%
The enemy Skye is here, but don't worry! My robotics will beat her organics every time! | Killjoy | 64%
I like the way you work, Breach. Violento. Me gusta. | Reyna | 64%
Ah, Viper, must you always play with your food? | Reyna | 64%
Killjoy, do you control the admin account on my bracer? I...might...need you to reset the password... | Brimstone | 63%
Astra, what can I say?! Je reste sans voix, I am speechless! | Chamber | 63%
Their Sova will see what I want him to see. | Cypher | 63%
Astra, after this let's grab coffee and talk theoretical physics. Just us girls, ja? | Killjoy | 63%
Jett, you were the wind. So powerful! Well done! | Sage | 63%
Cypher, I knew you were a legend from the start. Great work mate! | Skye | 63%
Reyna, what you just did, je n'en reviens pas, I cannot believe it! | Chamber | 62%
I'm faster than Skye's wolves. | Jett | 62%
Okay Raze, fine, your tinkering...may...have made my tech better. Nice work. | Killjoy | 62%
Sage, the life you give. Do you ever wonder where it's taken from? | Omen | 62%
Omen, with me. Nightmare thrives in the dark. | Fade | 61%
Brimstone, remember your screen isn't frozen, it's just locked. And no, the internet isn't down. *sigh* It's never down... | Killjoy | 61%
Cypher, just tell me where they are. I'll do the rest. | Jett | 60%
Their Jett has nothin' on me. I got her. | Jett | 60%
Skye, with a few genetic modifications, your animal flora could be even stronger. W-wait, was that offensive? Sorry... | Killjoy | 60%
Save it Jett, I'm not racing you. You'd only embarrass yourself. | Neon | 60%
The enemy fears you, Reyna. You can use that. | Omen | 60%
Who's this other Phoenix guy? Nah mate, you're mine! | Phoenix | 60%
Yoru let's see what you got, mate. | Phoenix | 60%
You know, Breachy, in all this chaos it would be terrible if some equipment just...got lost...you know? | Raze | 60%
Reyna, there are better ways to survive than your path. | Sage | 60%
Their Jett is fast! So are rabbits and squirrels. I hunt both. | Sova | 60%
If any of you die I lose a bet with Brimstone, so don't embarrass me like that, please. | Viper | 60%
Chamber, you've made promises we expect you to keep. Less flirting, more focus. Thank you. | Viper | 60%
Viper, you must let me take you out some time. Dinner, dancing, I know the perfect place. | Chamber | 59%
Where's that smile, Phoenix? | Jett | 59%
Astra! I bring the fire, you bring the stars. They are stars, right? Are they stars? | Phoenix | 59%
Hey Phoenix! If I die? Viking funeral, all the way. | Jett | 58%
Cypher, my condenser cables are missing from the lab again. Put them back please, thank you. | Killjoy | 58%
Reyna, the souls you consume. Do you hear their voices as I do? | Omen | 58%
That was incredible, Reyna. And they call me the monster... | Omen | 58%
Yo Sova, that owl's pretty dope. Would look a lot better with some flame decals on it, right? | Phoenix | 58%
Well done, Breach! I knew hiring you was a good idea. | Viper | 58%
Raze! Huh. Together again and we're not even breaking the law! | Breach | 57%
Chamber, I mark them, you shoot them. It's a good arrangement. | Fade | 57%
I'll crash their Cypher's network. | Kayo | 57%
Raze, I found a new album you just have to hear! Maybe you could...come over after the mission? But, only if we survive! | Killjoy | 57%
Breach! Lindo! Your arms are looking great! You need a tuneup? | Raze | 57%
Olha, Jett, I can't wait for you to run circles around them! | Raze | 57%
Jett, don't slow down for us. My creatures move fast, they'll keep up. | Skye | 57%
Raze, it's time to get cray-cray, my girl! | Astra | 56%
Reyna, I'm programmed to kill you. Don't give me a reason. | Kayo | 56%
Viper, you gotta let loose! Let's go out after this! Girls night....woop-woop! | Raze | 56%
Reyna, still hungry? I'm sure my pets can chase out some game for ya. | Skye | 56%
A second Breach, huh? Huh. This might be a fair fight after all! | Breach | 55%
That Brimstone's a stubborn ass. Heh, reminds me of someone... | Brimstone | 55%
Hey Phoenix, if you die, I call dibs on your jacket. | Jett | 55%
One Brimstone is enough. | Brimstone | 54%
I choose to trust you, Brimstone. Show me I made the right choice. | Fade | 54%
Hmph, that Reyna is not as fearless as she appears. | Fade | 54%
Breach, I wish you'd take my extra reactor coolant. Ugh, if your arms overheat out there, don't blame me! | Killjoy | 54%
There can only be one Phoenix. I'm coming for you. | Phoenix | 54%
Okay, Raze. Your paint shells, my fragments, maximum damage. | Kayo | 53%
Okay, Skye. Get us to a good position, then I'll lock it down. | Killjoy | 53%
Jett! My sister from another mister. Let's have some fun, yeah? | Raze | 53%
Neon, holy shit, you guys see that?! Gata can move! | Raze | 53%
Brimstone, you old dog! I respect that you've still got some bite! If you break a hip out there, I got you covered. | Skye | 53%
Ah, Viper, what's your problem, girl? Who caused you such rage? | Astra | 50%
Their Sage is a coward hiding behind walls. Grow a spine already! | Breach | 50%
If that Sova thinks an arrow will stop me, he's got another thing coming...my fist! *laughs* | Breach | 50%
Jett, remember to stretch. I don't want you to sprain an ankle at 90 miles an hour. | Brimstone | 50%
Sage, remember that you can't save everyone. We save who we can, that's enough. | Brimstone | 50%
Be careful with my secrets, Cypher. It is better I think if we stay friends. | Chamber | 50%
So, Sage. You can bring people back from the dead? Anyone?! No constraints?! Interesting... | Cypher | 50%
They brought along Omen. His fear is a sorrowful kind. Like a broken doll lost in the attic. | Fade | 50%
Sage, you lock 'em down, and I'll take them out. Just like we practiced. | Jett | 50%
Radiant target acquired. Uh, hang on, it's Phoenix. Sorry, friend. | Kayo | 50%
Ugh, okay, uh, where's Sage? This scheiße hurts. | Killjoy | 50%
I feel the strain. Block it out, Omen. | Omen | 50%
Do you see under my hood, Cypher? Does it scare you? | Omen | 50%
Breach! You flash, I flash, everyone's blinded, let's go! | Phoenix | 50%
Killjoy, gatinha, there's no one else I'd rather fight beside, or dance with. | Raze | 50%
I'll show that Brimstone true power! | Reyna | 50%
I don't like your toys, Cypher. Don't spy on me. | Reyna | 50%
Gentle Sage is not so gentle after all. | Reyna | 50%
Reyna that was savage! How d'you learn to hunt like that?! | Skye | 50%
Sage, let's keep everyone alive. | Skye | 50%
Listen for the wind. It will tell you where their Jett is. | Sova | 50%
It seems your science shit has some use after all, Killjoy. | Yoru | 50%
Why did they bring Sage? Now they have to die twice. Idiots. | Yoru | 50%
I'll show you scary, Omen. | Jett | 47%
Neon, how much power do you generate, exactly? If I could just attach this meter-... | Killjoy | 47%
Breach, you big beaut, get up here. The front line's got room for one more animal. | Skye | 47%
Don't forget who you are, Omen. A man, not a monster. | Sova | 47%
Let me see if I can hack into that Brimstone's bracer. If he's anything like our Brimstone, he won't know how to fix it! *laughs* | Cypher | 46%
Omen! I have the information you asked for. But my price! My price hasn't been paid yet. | Cypher | 46%
I know that Killjoy's tricks. Wait, she knows mine! Hah, finally, a challenge! | Killjoy | 46%
The enemy Raze's tech is just spare parts and duct tape. It's a wonder she hasn't blown herself up... | Killjoy | 46%
I don't have any history with that fake Breachy. Screw him. I'll put him down. | Raze | 46%
Neon, let's go, go, go! | Raze | 46%
That Raze has some good invenções. Would love to pick them apart. | Raze | 46%
Skye's out. | Raze | 46%
Be strong, Omen. | Sova | 46%
Omen, let's teleport and spook those guys. | Yoru | 46%
The enemy Omen's like me. He'll try to get behind us. Watch your backs. | Yoru | 46%
Killjoy, control your bots! That turret keeps looking at me funny... | Brimstone | 45%
Forge us a path, Skye. I'll be right behind ya. | Jett | 45%
Their Omen may be a nightmare, but I was never scared of the dark. | Sage | 45%
Your star shines bright, Phoenix. | Sage | 45%
Come on, Raze, you cheeky bugger. 't's get into 'em! | Skye | 45%
Raze, you always work to lift our spirits. Thank you. | Sova | 45%
Cypher, incroyable, you never cease to impress! | Chamber | 44%
Breach, my man! | Jett | 44%
I'll destroy every Reyna for what she did to you-... correction, them. | Kayo | 44%
Cypher, can you show me round the dark web one of these days? | Killjoy | 44%
Raze, plug me into the tunes, yeah, I know you got the good stuff. | Phoenix | 44%
Okay Yoru, right here, right now. We'll see who's the better shot. | Phoenix | 44%
Breach, you're practically dancing! You ready to go, lindo? | Raze | 44%
I got their Sage. She builds walls, I tear them down. No problem. | Raze | 44%
Killjoy is an offense to my Radiance. I'll break her apart! | Reyna | 44%
Raze? Good. Never lose your voice. | Reyna | 44%
I must stop their Reyna. | Sage | 44%
Joh- I mean, Omen. Keep yourself together, you're still needed. | Viper | 44%
Fire needs oxygen. Let me replace this Phoenix's air. | Viper | 44%
Their Cypher has a fear filled with regret. Voices calling for help, and he cannot answer. | Fade | 43%
Viper, do you mind if I run today's tests. You're...a little too biased...no offense. | Killjoy | 43%
Skye the life weaver. The power to create, to destroy. Which path will you embrace, I wonder? | Omen | 43%
Chamber! I'm ready for some custom guns. You'll hook me up, yeah? | Phoenix | 43%
Damn Jett! You're kicking ass!! | Raze | 43%
I wonder what torture their Omen is going through. Is it like ours? Poor soul... | Sage | 43%
Viper, have you though about my offer? You don't have to. | Sage | 43%
Omen, when you teleport, I don't know. Sometimes...I lose you. Does...that make sense? | Skye | 43%
Вот это да. No one can beat our Phoenix! | Sova | 43%
Fill your heart, Reyna. If you want results, I need those souls. | Viper | 43%
Someone knock that Breach on his ass. | Brimstone | 42%
Steady Viper. | Brimstone | 42%
I honestly don't know who the Cypher on their side is. *sighs* A real mystery... | Cypher | 42%
Do what you gotta do, Reyna. | Jett | 42%
Cypher, I'm so sorry about breaking all your stuff. I mean, I won't stop...but I am sorry. | Raze | 42%
Their Jett is nothing compared to ours. Let's crush that copy. | Raze | 42%
Omen, you are a force of nature. | Sage | 42%
Sage, you're the only one who can keep us alive. Don't fail us now like you failed me then. | Viper | 42%
That's payback, Sage. | Viper | 42%
Cypher, your head is too hard. I like you but expand your personality, wai? | Astra | 40%
Mad love, Sage. Come on, girl. That win's gotta be worth a smile! | Astra | 40%
Omen! That scared the shit out of me! | Breach | 40%
Raze, don't wreck this place all on your own! Hehe, save some demo for me! | Breach | 40%
Killjoy, I'm counting on that noggin'. | Brimstone | 40%
I wanna see heroes, not heroics. Lookin' at you, Phoenix! | Brimstone | 40%
It's open season on the enemy Reyna. If you get a shot at that heart, take it. | Brimstone | 40%
Sova, now here is a man of principle! But you have broken rules before, yes? Ah, of course you have. | Chamber | 40%
You have such a way with information, Cypher. After this, let's trade notes. | Fade | 40%
Let's see their Jett fight without wind. | Kayo | 40%
Astra, your aim was on point! Husay! | Neon | 40%
I will snuff out Phoenix's fire. | Omen | 40%
Come on, Jett, me and you we never lose. Let's do this! | Phoenix | 40%
You're mad Jett, damn! | Phoenix | 40%
Sage's walls are coming down! | Raze | 40%
Their Jett is playing hard to get. Alright, I'll play. | Reyna | 40%
That was worrisome, Reyna. | Sage | 40%
Thank you, Omen. Startled prey is easier to hunt. | Sova | 40%
What's it like, Reyna, fighting to keep a loved one alive? No, please. Tell me. | Viper | 40%
You here to take my kills, Reyna? Let's make it a competition. | Yoru | 40%
Raze, give 'em hell! | Brimstone | 38%
Brimstone, I'd hug you but it would kill you. I'm serious, no hugs. | Kayo | 38%
Enough cameras. Their Cypher's gotta go. | Neon | 38%
They got a Jett too? Nah, there's only one wind girl, and she's ours. That's a fake! | Phoenix | 38%
Glad you're here Sage. With you we can't lose! | Phoenix | 38%
I remember the machines Killjoy made. What they did to-...never mind, it does not matter! | Reyna | 38%
Together, Phoenix. | Sage | 38%
Their Phoenix may feel immortal...I shall remind him just how mortal he truly is. | Sage | 38%
If that Sova's arrows come anywhere near my pack? He's dead! | Skye | 38%
Concentrate, Sova... | Sova | 38%
It is difficult tracking their Omen, but not impossible. I can do it. | Sova | 38%
You want my approval, Chamber? Do that again. | Viper | 38%
Cypher, you collect information. Tell me, what are their dreams? What do they fear? | Viper | 38%
Reyna, a woman after my own heart. You can't have it though. | Viper | 38%
Ah, Sova. My measured friend, that was amazing! | Cypher | 37%
Jett wins again, I'm shocked(!) | Neon | 37%
Ugh, I can't deal with the morality of yet another Brimstone! The hipocresía! I'll silence him. | Reyna | 37%
Don't aim that camera at me, Cypher! Save it for the enemy. | Breach | 36%
It's you and me, Raze. | Breach | 36%
Let's kill that Reyna! Our team's got soul, I wanna keep it that way. | Brimstone | 36%
Please Brimstone, I am your key to the other side, you should at least pretend to like me. | Chamber | 36%
Killjoy, I could never wear that jacket but on you, superb. | Chamber | 36%
Viper, don't pretend you're not happy to see me. You're smiling on the inside, I know it. | Chamber | 36%
With me, Chamber. Your eyes, my cameras. We make a good team. | Cypher | 36%
Maybe their Killjoy isn't as smart as ours. I don't wanna deal with her if she is. | Jett | 36%
An enemy Astra. Powerful, but killable. | Kayo | 36%
Your second chance, Brimstone. I won't fail you again. | Kayo | 36%
Reyna killed. | Killjoy | 36%
Skye, I like morning runs, but morning implies sunlight. No more 4 AM wake ups, you maniac. | Neon | 36%
Omen, thank goodness you're on our side! Ai, great work, amigo! | Raze | 36%
Breach killed. | Reyna | 36%
Remember, Brimstone. if anything happens to you, I'll take the lead. | Sage | 36%
Burn bright, Phoenix. | Sage | 36%
Remember the plan, everyone. And please, please, stick to it. I'm talking to you, Raze. | Sage | 36%
Continue to give us vision, Sova. | Sage | 36%
One more time, Omen. *laughs* How many times have you heard that now? | Viper | 36%
Omen, that gave me the chills, abi. The good kind. | Fade | 35%
Reyna, remind me to never piss you off. | Neon | 35%
Happy hunting, Omen. | Reyna | 35%
Shame their Breach is against us! I really need a gym buddy... | Skye | 35%
Reyna, just stay in your lane, yawa girl. | Astra | 33%
That Brimstone can't stop me. | Breach | 33%
Stay out of Chamber's sights. | Brimstone | 33%
There's something about you, KAY/O...don't know what it is yet...but I like it. | Brimstone | 33%
Let's roll, Neon. Show us what that K-SEC training did for ya. | Brimstone | 33%
KAY/O, you are so industrial, it's a good look, but if you need something more upscale I have many ideas. | Chamber | 33%
Breach breached, ha. | Cypher | 33%
Between you and me, Sova? There's nowhere they can hide! Hmhmhm, how fun! | Cypher | 33%
You know, Viper, the name Sabine really fits you. | Cypher | 33%
Hell yeah, Brimstone! The best defense, is a good offense. | Jett | 33%
It is strange, Sage. Where I'm from, you're no medic, only a weapon. | Kayo | 33%
They brought along...Chamber?! I've seen his type before, overdresses, underdelivers! | Killjoy | 33%
Cypher, let's keep sharing information. Every data point helps. | Killjoy | 33%
I will kill you, Omen. | Omen | 33%
Sage, you are truly...limitless. | Omen | 33%
KAY/O, Team Forge, let's go! | Phoenix | 33%
Hey Omen, I respect a guy who knits. That's pretty cute. | Phoenix | 33%
Gonna burn you up, Phoenix. | Phoenix | 33%
Breach! Bra jobbatch! Did I say that right? *mumbles mispronunciations* | Raze | 33%
Phoenix, you're a star! Get it? Haha...okay, I am sorry... | Raze | 33%
Damn, Sage, you do everything. Why are the rest of us even here? | Raze | 33%
Skye, I am so proud. Keep fighting! | Sage | 33%
Their Sova looks familiar...hmm...what am I saying...of course he does. | Sage | 33%
In the words of our Sova, the pack survives! | Skye | 33%
Jett, you little ripper, that was insane! Keep it up, love! | Skye | 33%
That Killjoy's tech is everywhere! We're not at a science fair, get rid of that shit! | Yoru | 33%
Human or not that Omen can be killed. | Brimstone | 32%
Another Reyna. I killed her in the war, I'll kill her again. | Kayo | 32%
Sova, I spared you when we first met. I can't let you go again. | Sova | 32%
Ayy, Raze, waddup my queen! Make we go show them how it's done, girl! | Astra | 31%
Brimstone, the corporate sellout! Here to look out for Kingdom's special interests? | Breach | 31%
Phoenix keeps bringing the fire, it's like a Viking funeral! *laughs* | Breach | 31%
We're fighting a Phoenix? Book your vacations now, this is gonna be exhausting... | Brimstone | 31%
Sova, we need eyes. Show us where they are. | Brimstone | 31%
Oh, I'm hungry. Anyone hungry? Lunch on Brimstone after this! | Jett | 31%
I will find you, Omen. | Omen | 31%
Sorry Jett! | Phoenix | 31%
Chamber, let me borrow one of your guns! Please?...ah, come on man, please?...I said please... | Raze | 31%
Breach, clear a path. I will keep us safe along the way. | Sage | 31%
You finally joined us, Skye! We're better for you being here. | Sage | 31%
Breach, I'm thinking I'll hit the gym later. You in? | Skye | 31%
Sage, you're working miracles. | Brimstone | 30%
Phoenix! Our little star, keep that furnace burning, okay? | Cypher | 30%
So Chamber's more than just a nice suit, well done. | Fade | 30%
Wow, Sage! When you turn it on, you turn it on! Great work! | Jett | 30%
Chamber, I'm here to fight. Whatever you're scheming, leave me out of it. | Neon | 30%
There is a Raze. I sense her laughter. Hmmm, to laugh again... | Omen | 30%
That Brimstone's just sparks! | Raze | 30%
I'll burn brighter than their Phoenix. Just watch me. | Raze | 30%
Sova, you listen to the weirdest music. Lots of duntz-duntz-duntz-duntz-duntz. How do you dance to it? | Raze | 30%
Cypher removed. | Sage | 30%
I will quench your eternal flames, Phoenix. | Sage | 30%
Omen, you monster! I mean it in a good way, I swear. | Skye | 30%
At your command, Brimstone. | Sova | 30%
Reyna, jeez! Leave some for the rest of us!...or don't!...*laughs nervously*...I'm...I-I am sorry. | Cypher | 29%
You better run, Sova. | Jett | 29%
Is Killjoy here? I could use some repairs. | Kayo | 29%
Reyna, unleash your power. | Omen | 29%
Cypher thanks for setting your stuff up. It's super useful man! | Phoenix | 29%
I'll clip that Jett's wings! | Phoenix | 29%
Hey, other KAY/O, put a shirt on! | Raze | 29%
Oi Jett, I remember being so young. It's good that you'll die before feeling old like me. | Reyna | 29%
Goodbye, Cypher. You will not be missed. | Sova | 29%
Good luck, Skye. | Yoru | 29%
The enemy Skye is here. I never liked the zoo. | Yoru | 29%
Find them, Sova. I'll do the rest. | Yoru | 29%
Ugh, shut that Phoenix up! | Brimstone | 28%
KAY/O, I have no idea what you're talking about. | Brimstone | 27%
Fade, keep those nightmares away from me. I already have bad dreams. | Cypher | 27%
Reyna killed. | Cypher | 27%
Raze, you do not fear the chaos you inflict. I'm impressed. | Fade | 27%
I've seen what the enemy Skye becomes. Deal with her now. Trust me. | Kayo | 27%
It always feels like Reyna is after me personally. Does anyone else feel that way? Er, no? Just me...? | Killjoy | 27%
Everyone just learnt what I already knew; you're wild Sage! | Phoenix | 27%
You and me, Breach. Let's go! | Skye | 27%
In the wild, fire means life. You be our fire, Phoenix. | Sova | 27%
I wonder what's inside of their Omen. What truth is he keeping from ours? | Viper | 27%
You made them look like idiots, Jett. You should do that again. | Yoru | 27%
Stick with me Neon, we'll run circles around them. | Yoru | 27%
Skye that was... clears throat ...that was...pretty good. | Yoru | 27%
What's so special about that Killjoy's tech? I've got visual sensors too. They're called eyes! | Skye | 26%
Killjoy-o! The industrious leaves a legacy! *laughs* | Astra | 25%
Wassup, Killjoy! you and your little akokɔ crushed it! | Astra | 25%
Raze, I love your boom style, my girl! | Astra | 25%
Waste that Reyna creature! End her! | Astra | 25%
Damn, Jett, have you ever considered a life of crime? I have contacts. Let me know. | Breach | 25%
The enemy Sage thinks she will slow us down. Haha! That's cute. | Breach | 25%
You did well, Breach. Don't expect a hug. | Brimstone | 25%
Their Phoenix shines on the outside, but within I feel his doubt. | Fade | 25%
Reyna, after you take from the fallen, what remains? It makes me wonder. | Fade | 25%
I'll hunt down Skye. | Fade | 25%
Yoru can't hide from me. | Fade | 25%
Side by side again, Sova. Let's get lethal. | Kayo | 25%
It feels bad to kill that Brimstone. I mean I will. Just feels bad. | Killjoy | 25%
Sage killed. | Killjoy | 25%
There's a Viper over there. What a shame to rid the world of that mind. But I think she needs to rest. | Killjoy | 25%
Cypher, I am not kidding. If you take my picture I will fry that thing. Just try me. | Neon | 25%
Keep hunting them down! Their Sage cannot protect them all. | Omen | 25%
Their Sova thinks himself a hunter. What will he do when he feels me closing in? | Omen | 25%
Brimstone, chefinho! Thanks for the paint canisters, ha, best gift ever! | Raze | 25%
Brimstone, if you must live, then live well. Where do we go? | Reyna | 25%
Reyna, time to hunt. | Sage | 25%
I'm done with Cypher's secrets. | Sova | 25%
Their Cypher might find us. Good. Bring them to me. | Viper | 25%
Don't look so smug, Phoenix! | Yoru | 25%
Reyna, I think I'm in love! *laughs* | Breach | 24%
Sage. Keep me alive. I still have things to do. | Cypher | 24%
Viper, I'm speechless...and I always have something to say. | Killjoy | 24%
Hey Reyna, how old are you? No shade, you look great...but, like, sometimes you say the strangest things. | Phoenix | 24%
Sova removed. | Sage | 24%
We get eyes on that Omen, then we bury that thing! | Astra | 23%
I'm gonna run my fist through that Omen's face. Can you even punch a ghost? Who cares, I'm doing it! | Breach | 23%
You don't know what you're talking about, Breach... | Brimstone | 23%
Killjoy, I say this with love, but stay the hell away from my arm! | Brimstone | 23%
Phoenix, if you keep pulling stunts like that, you can brag as much as you like. | Brimstone | 23%
Killjoy, do you have your soldering iron on you? I want it-...um, I me- I mean, I-I need it. | Cypher | 23%
That Yoru looks pissed all the time. Honestly, it's impressive. | Neon | 23%
Jett, you're very talented. Aim for the neck. Easy kill. | Reyna | 23%
Be strong, Skye. | Reyna | 23%
Their Viper is terrifying. I love it! | Reyna | 23%
Haha, when that Brimstone sees me here, he's gonna be soooo pissed! | Breach | 22%
Their Cypher knows too much. | Chamber | 22%
Did you all see Sova?! Impressionnant, this man knows what he's doing! | Chamber | 22%
Neon stopped. | Fade | 22%
That Reyna won't touch a soul! I'll make sure of it. | Kayo | 22%
I'm with you to the end, Sova. | Kayo | 22%
Yoru, I must now classify you as a major threat. You understand. | Kayo | 22%
I'm ready, Sage! We got this. | Neon | 22%
Raze, sow your chaos. | Omen | 22%
Skye killed. | Sage | 22%
That Killjoy thinks a few bots will keep her safe? Give me a break! | Skye | 22%
Killed their Omen. | Skye | 22%
Okay Cypher, I admit. That was good. | Sova | 22%
Brimstone, we really need to put an age floor on Valorant. I can't take this... youth. | Viper | 22%
Killed their Cypher. | Yoru | 22%
It could be worse, Brimstone! Instead of working together we could be facing off! Or maybe you'd prefer that... | Breach | 21%
An enemy Breach? Ugh, there goes my good day... | Brimstone | 21%
For a straight shooter, that Chamber sure can talk in circles. | Brimstone | 21%
Killjoy calls her tech killer robots. Good joke(!) Funny(!) | Kayo | 21%
Skye, you are so cool and collected, I'm almost jealous! | Killjoy | 21%
Bury their Skye! | Neon | 21%
Okay, Jett. Time to fly. | Reyna | 21%
Their Breach has no patience at all. He attacks fast, be ready to move. | Sova | 21%
Omen, we will find your answer. You will not be this way forever. I promise. | Sova | 21%
Raze, I will deny that I said this but your inventions are...*sighs*...valuable. Keep tinkering. | Viper | 21%
Check that Omen, okay? Ghost boy's gonna try and sneak behind us, fam. | Astra | 20%
You dey bore me, Phoenix. A warrior is known by his deeds, not his mouth. | Astra | 20%
Okay Omen, I'll smash in the front door while you sneak in the back. It's a good plan, yeah? | Breach | 20%
You got fire in your eyes, Phoenix. I like that. | Breach | 20%
Sova, you look after yourself. You already lost an eye for us. One's enough. | Brimstone | 20%
Astra's gone. | Chamber | 20%
After you, Reyna. | Chamber | 20%
Watch out for Breach's impacts. It's hard to move after that. | Jett | 20%
Skye destroyed. | Kayo | 20%
Fair winds, tight corners. Time to show off, Jett. | Neon | 20%
That Jett is all speed, no skill. She's mine! | Neon | 20%
So Raze, you got a plan? Or are you gonna... y'know... do what you always do? | Neon | 20%
Oy, Raze? Raze! Ugh, 'di bale na... | Neon | 20%
Brimstone, that bracer has access to the Kingdom mainframe, yeah? Just asking for a friend... | Raze | 20%
Anyone up for a cuppa at Cypher's place? Wherever that is... | Skye | 20%
Brimstone! You are a true leader! | Sova | 20%
To be young and have reflexes again. Good work, Jett. | Viper | 20%
Their Killjoy is too smart for her own good. I'll reprimand her. | Viper | 20%
Neon, you can practice restraint later. You're at war now. I need the storm. | Viper | 20%
Neon? What was that meal you made earlier, it was...good. | Viper | 20%
Woah, Viper, you are fierce, girl! | Astra | 19%
Cypher, stop bugging my gear with microphones! You're worse than Interpol! | Breach | 19%
Reyna, I must say how nice it is to work with you. It is so hard to find partners with your...experience. | Chamber | 19%
Their Chamber is dangerous from afar. But up close, he bleeds like the rest of us. | Fade | 19%
Phoenix, for once in your life, try waiting for the team. I know you can do it. | Yoru | 19%
Viper, watch those toxins this time. Not breathing in that crap again. | Brimstone | 18%
I'm gunning for Chamber. | Fade | 18%
Sage, healer, what an understatement. | Kayo | 18%
Omen you're not even winded. You sure you're human? | Phoenix | 18%
Reyna's down. | Phoenix | 18%
Easy, Sage. | Phoenix | 18%
Hey Sova! We're gonna hit the chessboard after this, yeah? | Phoenix | 18%
See you on the front lines, Phoenix. Save some enemies for me. | Reyna | 18%
Breach, we can only follow up if you wait for us. Nothing comes from rushing. | Sova | 18%
Keep your fire going, Phoenix. | Viper | 18%
Eat your own heart out, Reyna. | Viper | 18%
I'll crush their Sova's spirit. | Viper | 18%
The enemy needs a good scare. Omen! You're up! | Brimstone | 17%
You want revenge Viper? Now's your chance. | Brimstone | 17%
Yo, Brimstone! You know the drill. Just show me where to go. | Jett | 17%
Don't listen to that Chamber. What he wants is not what he says. | Neon | 17%
Nice Raze, subtle! | Neon | 17%
That Reyna won't hold back. I won't either. | Neon | 17%
Galing mo, Sage! I gotta take notes! | Neon | 17%
Sage killed. | Omen | 17%
Killed their Skye. | Omen | 17%
Who's hungry? Astra, let's finish up then get jollof. I bought last time, so your treat! | Phoenix | 17%
Man, that malice comin' off their Reyna, feels like she's already hunting me. | Phoenix | 17%
Did you see Breach back there? That's how it's done. | Raze | 17%
That Cypher wants to watch us? Let him, we don't hide! | Raze | 17%
Phoenix killed. | Reyna | 17%
There's a Brimstone over there. That man's a fossil! Put 'im in the ground where he belongs. | Skye | 17%
Their Reyna prepares on the other side. Kill her before she becomes monstrous. | Sova | 17%
Phoenix down. | Viper | 17%
I respect the predation of their Reyna. It's almost inspiring. | Viper | 17%
It's impressive what Breach can do when he shuts up for a second. | Yoru | 17%
Reyna, with me. | Yoru | 17%
Careful Viper, you'll scare the kids! | Brimstone | 16%
Give them darkness, Omen. | Fade | 16%
Breach, you don't respect what you should. All shiny buttons, no juju. | Astra | 15%
I'll make that Killjoy cry! | Breach | 15%
That Breach is asking for it. | Brimstone | 15%
Does that Cypher know how valuable his secrets are? I should be careful. | Chamber | 15%
Now where did Chamber build his nest? | Cypher | 15%
Helal, Cypher. There is no hiding from you, is there? | Fade | 15%
Sova, today, we hunt. | Fade | 15%
Chamber's going down! | Neon | 15%
Oh Astra with the galaxy brain, yeah! | Phoenix | 15%
Omen killed. | Sage | 15%
Ignite this place, Raze. | Sage | 15%
I bet their Jett thinks she's all that. Well news flash, girlie. No one wins alone! I'll take her and her team down. | Skye | 15%
Reyna, I know that look. I've lost people too. Let's do this for them. | Skye | 15%
Take out Cypher's cameras. He's weak when he's blind. | Sova | 15%
Sage, protect the others. | Sova | 15%
Cypher killed. | Viper | 15%
Rest well, Neon. See you in another life. | Yoru | 15%
Nice, Reyna. I don't know why the rest of us are even here. | Yoru | 15%
That Viper really needs to die. | Yoru | 15%
Viper, don't get missing, girl! | Astra | 14%
I dropped ya, Viper! | Astra | 14%
Mandou bem, Raze! How's that for pronunciation, huh? *laughs* | Breach | 14%
Tell me what you have learned, Cypher-...sorry, I meant us, please tell us. | Chamber | 14%
Knock 'em down, Breach. | Jett | 14%
Their Astra doesn't protect reality, she destroys worlds. I would know. | Kayo | 14%
Brimstone, that was wonderful! | Killjoy | 14%
Okay, that literally happened one time, Phoenix, stop asking. | Killjoy | 14%
Show us the way, Skye. | Killjoy | 14%
No more deals, Chamber! | Neon | 14%
Astra, how did you even do that?! Man, where do I sign up for lessons? | Raze | 14%
Cypher buried. | Reyna | 14%
Skye. This is just the beginning of your power. | Reyna | 14%
You decided to show off a little, eh Breach? | Skye | 14%
Raze, I love the destruction! Just keep it on their side, yeah? | Skye | 14%
Let that Phoenix run his mouth. We'll shut him up soon enough. | Breach | 13%
That Sova's mine. | Breach | 13%
Sova, we need eyes on the enemy. Tell us where they are. | Brimstone | 13%
I'm with you Sova. | Brimstone | 13%
Neon, nice work. | Fade | 13%
Viper, oy! Holy shit! | Fade | 13%
Viper, be careful with that gas! | Jett | 13%
Cypher, you keep eyeing my hardware. Don't. | Kayo | 13%
Omen, you are a capable fighter. ...okay, that is all. | Kayo | 13%
Get them, Reyna! | Killjoy | 13%
Raze, the plan is-... never mind, just keep blowing them up. | Neon | 13%
Skye's fallen! | Neon | 13%
I'll silence their Breach. | Omen | 13%
Erase their Skye. | Omen | 13%
Your web is deadly, Cypher. | Sage | 13%
Jett grounded. | Sage | 13%
Raze has no patience. Wait out her explosions and strike when she's empty. | Sage | 13%
What a shame to take Jett's young life. Truly... a pity... | Viper | 13%
Something wrong, KAY/O? Deaths on your conscience? We're not so different after all... | Viper | 13%
Reyna's gone. | Viper | 13%
Astra, send the enemies towards me. I'm ready! | Yoru | 13%
I already hear that Breach running his mouth. Don't tell me you'll punch me, just punch me! | Yoru | 13%
What brand are your knives, Jett? They're not 'Mammoth'. 'Segreto', maybe? I need one for my collection. | Yoru | 13%
Phoenix! Don't get blood on that jacket. | Yoru | 13%
Eh, Phoenix, chalk it to all this aggrandizement. | Astra | 12%
Omen all that slinking around makes you hard to track. Glad you're on my side, eh? | Skye | 12%
Stop their Breach at all costs. | Sova | 12%
Oh, perfect, a hostile Raze(!) Kill her before she brings this whole place down on top of us. | Brimstone | 11%
Take us in, Skye! I want you on the front lines. Bring the whole damn zoo. | Brimstone | 11%
Breach, after this, billiards. I like taking your money. | Kayo | 11%
Cypher, get their good side. We don't want to be rude. | Neon | 11%
Do your thing, Jett! | Neon | 11%
Skye if your pets find them, tell me. I don't speak Wolf or Tiger... whatever. | Neon | 11%
Yoru's down. | Neon | 11%
Well done, Skye! Nature's wrath indeed. | Omen | 11%
Someone track down their Brimstone. Cut off the head of the snake. | Raze | 11%
Reyna, meu amor. What happened? Who hurt you? | Raze | 11%
Let's go, Viper. | Raze | 11%
Find them, Cypher. | Sage | 11%
I'll take out their Skye. It's something I must do. | Sage | 11%
Brimstone, after we win, I'll buy you a drink if you share a memory with us. | Sova | 11%
I'll shut that Raze up. | Viper | 11%
Guide us, Skye. Find your strength along the way. | Viper | 11%
Their KAY/O kills radiants, huh? We'll see. | Yoru | 11%
What up with that Breach? Uh! See him, kill him. | Astra | 10%
That pretty boy Sova sure looks the hero, I'll give him that. I'll still kill him. | Breach | 10%
Be mindful of their Chamber. He does not miss much. | Cypher | 10%
Viper down. | Fade | 10%
Brimstone, game plan! Let's do what we did at the Battle of Hell's Bridge. | Kayo | 10%
You are a machine, Sova. Well, part machine... | Kayo | 10%
Hanep, Cypher! Hope you caught all that on camera. | Neon | 10%
There is a fury in you, Sova. It is terrible. Beautiful. | Omen | 10%
That Sova's gonna put his eye out with all that tech. Mhm. His other eye I mean. | Skye | 10%
I'm impressed, Brimstone! Looks like the fire is still lit. | Viper | 10%
Skye, you've been holding back. | Yoru | 10%
Yeah, Raze! That's my girl's boom style! | Astra | 9%
Yoru is dead. | Kayo | 9%
Okay Omen, you won that round. | Reyna | 9%
If that Raze breaks one more thing... | Skye | 9%
Jett, fly safe. | Sova | 9%
That Cypher is a dead man. | Yoru | 9%
This Brimstone's got a space satellite, eh? Ha. Let's stick that yankee down into the earth. | Astra | 8%
Let's take this Reyna down! | Astra | 8%
Phoenix, burn 'em down. | Breach | 8%
Just tell me where they are, Sova. I'll take it from there. | Breach | 8%
Omen! You are a force of nature! | Brimstone | 8%
Phoenix, woah. You are really aggressive, I'm impressed!......and a little scared. | Cypher | 8%
Go, Phoenix. Burn! | Cypher | 8%
Raze, you powder keg. Nice work! | Cypher | 8%
Viper, fight with me. | Fade | 8%
That Viper believes she is in control. She is not. | Fade | 8%
Astra's dead. | Kayo | 8%
Steamroll them, Breach. | Kayo | 8%
Drive them crazy, Raze! You're good at that... | Killjoy | 8%
No more Sova. | Killjoy | 8%
You and me, Reyna. No limits. | Neon | 8%
I know Sage, don't hurt myself, but it's a gunfight so no promises. | Neon | 8%
Tear them down, Breach! | Phoenix | 8%
Guide us in, Skye! | Phoenix | 8%
I got their Omen. | Raze | 8%
Omen, shall we see who cuts quicker? No harm in a little competition. | Reyna | 8%
I'm impressed, Sova. Even with blood on your hands you're keeping control. | Reyna | 8%
Take out Cypher's tools. | Sage | 8%
Reyna, take 'em all down. | Skye | 8%
Jett! You were amazing! | Sova | 8%
Hunt them down, Cypher. | Viper | 8%
Don't let their Neon get around you. | Yoru | 8%
Omen, let's flank them. | Yoru | 8%
Let's make that Killjoy's toys look as dumb as her jacket, eh? | Astra | 7%
Not bad, Phoenix. Hope for you yet. | Astra | 7%
That Brimstone better stay out of my way. | Breach | 7%
Astra, help me manage the field? A bird's eye view is one thing, then there's...whatever the hell you got. | Brimstone | 7%
That poor Viper...we didn't have to be your enemy. | Brimstone | 7%
Retire their Brimstone. | Cypher | 7%
Reyna, I acknowledge your performance. Brimstone ordered me to. | Kayo | 7%
Jett, you were a storm. Well done. | Omen | 7%
Brimstone's out. | Phoenix | 7%
Jett's grounded. | Raze | 7%
If that Brimstone is like ours, he's not going to quit. Let's make him retire, shall we? | Reyna | 7%
Brimstone down. | Skye | 7%
Leave that Sova to me. | Skye | 7%
Viper. For a scientist, you are very violent. | Sova | 7%
Burn them, Phoenix! | Viper | 7%
Brimstone's dead. | Yoru | 7%
Chamber, back me up. | Yoru | 7%
Why, Cypher, like, you think I don't see you. I know who you are, man! | Astra | 6%
Stay safe, Sage. I got you. | Astra | 6%
I'll destroy their Sage! | Breach | 6%
Good luck, Astra. | Chamber | 6%
Exercise caution around their Fade. Not the type you want to meet in a dark alley. | Cypher | 6%
Blow them away, Raze. | Cypher | 6%
Their KAY/O is tough. A bullet is tougher. | Fade | 6%
Let's run them down, Sova. | Fade | 6%
You are a boss, Brimstone! | Kayo | 6%
Watch over us, Brimstone. | Killjoy | 6%
Neon, strike them down. | Viper | 6%
KAY/O, I'm impressed! | Yoru | 6%
That Phoenix won't be smiling when I'm done with him. | Yoru | 6%
Let that Sova find me, whatever. It'll help him look death in face. | Jett | 5%
That enemy Astra thinks she knows everything. Let's bring her back down to Earth. | Raze | 5%
Raze dead. | Reyna | 5%
No more Viper. | Skye | 5%
I'm not sure what you are, Omen, but you did well! | Astra | 0%
Waste that Reyna, guys. Before she beast mode. | Astra | 0%
I've told you, you are better than all this, Viper. Share your heart, eh? | Astra | 0%
Where are they, Cypher? | Breach | 0%
Sova's dead. | Breach | 0%
You never stop fighting, Viper. No matter what. | Breach | 0%
Viper, you're enjoying this a little too much. | Breach | 0%
It was never personal, Viper. Just business. | Breach | 0%
Don't let their Astra dictate our battle. Find the angle, take control. | Brimstone | 0%
So they got a Cypher. He'll see what we want him to see. | Brimstone | 0%
Let's see what their Astra can do. | Chamber | 0%
Cypher, I'm sorry it has come to this. | Chamber | 0%
KAY/O, take them out. | Chamber | 0%
Fade, leave their brains intact. | Cypher | 0%
Viper. You're channeling that fury into real power. Keep it up. | Cypher | 0%
Their Viper's poison is not just physical, it's psychological as well. Keep strong. | Cypher | 0%
Breach! Clear a path. | Fade | 0%
KAY/O, a radiant's nightmare. So glad we are very good friends. | Fade | 0%
Omen killed. | Fade | 0%
We must make the enemy afraid. Look at Viper, yani. Scary mask, scary voice. She understands. | Fade | 0%
Goodbye Viper, well fought. | Fade | 0%
I'll find their Cypher. | Jett | 0%
No fire, no Phoenix. | Kayo | 0%
Raze, you are incredible. Well done, friend. | Kayo | 0%
Explosives ready, Raze! | Kayo | 0%
Their Skye is weak without her beasts. I'm on it. | Kayo | 0%
Keep that Yoru contained. | Kayo | 0%
I'll stop that Breach. | Killjoy | 0%
That Viper is so hateful, how could she even think straight? | Killjoy | 0%
What would you have become, Skye? Ugh, it doesn't matter now. | Omen | 0%
Omen wins by fear, don't let him get to you. | Phoenix | 0%
Aww it's a shame I gotta take out their Raze. That girl's a one-woman party. | Phoenix | 0%
You're mine, Sova! | Phoenix | 0%
Got their Omen. | Raze | 0%
Light the way, Phoenix. | Reyna | 0%
Phoenix, you're killing it out there! | Skye | 0%
You made this happen, Sage. | Skye | 0%
Careful of the Viper! | Skye | 0%
Lead us to victory, Brimstone. | Sova | 0%
Killjoy is no threat without her toys. Break them and remove her. | Sova | 0%
Your justice frightens me, Viper. Is there no other way to find peace? | Sova | 0%
I will put their Viper down. It is mercy. | Sova | 0%
Breach killed. | Viper | 0%
Tell me where they are, Cypher. I'll take care of the rest. | Viper | 0%
I'll find their Cypher. | Viper | 0%
Neon? You know I'm supposed to be the scary one, right? | Viper | 0%
Stand strong, Sage. | Viper | 0%
Skye, you have no clue the forces you're playing with. Eh, don't worry, you'll be dead before you figure it out... | Viper | 0%
Skye's dead. | Viper | 0%
Well done, Sova. You truly are a hunter. | Viper | 0%
Huh, they dragged Chamber out of his corner office. I can smell his cologne from here. | Yoru | 0%
There's a Killjoy and her bots. So annoying... | Yoru | 0%
That was good, Omen. Smile. | Yoru | 0%
Raze, remember this is a covert mission. At least try not to give us away. | Yoru | 0%
Skye killed. | Yoru | 0%
Let's see what you've got, Sova. | Yoru | 0%
I'll take down their Viper. | Yoru | 0%
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