Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Fear of meteors | Meteorophobia | 87%
Fear of small objects | Microphobia | 82%
Fear of automobiles | Motorphobia | 79%
Fear of insanity | Maniaphobia | 69%
Fear of memories | Mnemophobia | 69%
Fear of brain disease | Meningitophobia | 62%
Fear of alcohol | Methyphobia | 62%
Fear of large objects | Megalophobia | 59%
Fear of cooking | Mageiricophobia | 56%
Fear of the color black | Melanophobia | 49%
Fear of mice or rats | Musophobia | 49%
Fear of childbirth | Maieusiophobia | 46%
Fear of changes | Metathesiophobia | 41%
Fear of music | Melophobia | 36%
Fear or hatred of poetry | Metrophobia | 31%
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