Suggested Quizzes

Biggest Cities in the United States0-4.91776,620
Biggest Countries by Population0-4.991,253,792
Communist Countries in History0-4.42421,004
Biggest Metro Areas in the USA0-4.98311,542
Biggest Spanish-Speaking Cities0-4.84105,300
Biggest Cities by Language0-4.95207,115
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.94216,200
Smallest Countries by Population and Area0-4.99326,016
Biggest US Cities by Decade0-4.95149,852
Recently Independent Countries Quiz0-4.98139,737
Biggest Cities Starting With M0-4.50123,096
Biggest Cities Starting With P0-4.46109,526
Biggest U.S. Cities A-Z0-4.51118,592
Biggest Cities in France0-4.48178,773
Biggest Cities in Spain0-4.51146,455
Biggest Cities in Italy0-4.61207,339
Countries in World War II0-4.44764,512
Biggest Cities in the World Quiz0-4.82628,740
Countries in World War I0-4.91201,676
Biggest Cities in Africa Quiz0-4.8989,498
Biggest Cities in Europe0-4.49436,100
Biggest Cities in Canada0-4.63116,264
Biggest Cities in Sweden0-4.8435,464
Countries Bordering China Since 19140-4.9085,007
Countries with the Highest Population Density0-4.88139,128
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99177,895
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.8997,989
Biggest Cities in China0-4.43130,535
Countries with the Lowest Population Density0-4.97135,289
Biggest Cities in Germany0-4.94250,436
Biggest City in Each U.S. State0-4.84145,032
Biggest City in Every Country0-4.9773,660
Independence from Whom0-4.99176,902
Biggest English Cities by Century0-4.9395,428
Biggest European Cities by Letter0-4.51115,705
Most Populous Countries in 20500-4.93184,239
Who Controlled These Colonies?0-4.84107,587
Biggest Cities in Asia0-4.9292,014
Most Populous Countries in 19000-4.89156,999
Biggest Cities in History0-4.4776,493
Warsaw Pact Countries0-4.8778,401
Biggest Cities in Europe, 1700 A.D.0-4.9563,304
Five Biggest Cities by Country0-4.52146,631
Most Populous Countries in 19500-4.4468,491
Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War0-4.90119,034
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99198,776
100 Biggest US Cities in 19000-4.4459,755
Top 10 World Cities Through History0-4.4266,320
Countries of the Japanese Empire0-4.9784,244
Countries in the Ottoman Empire0-4.9065,859
U.S. States with the Lowest Population Density0-4.9078,783
Countries Settled by Vikings0-4.94107,951
Most Populous World Capitals0-4.90135,520
Countries that Bordered the USSR0-4.91137,878
Biggest European Cities by Century0-4.96114,512
Top 10 Most Densely-Populated Countries in Europe0-4.9887,635
Top 10 Most Densely-Populated Countries in Asia0-4.9377,708
Former Countries0-4.63120,277
Capitals of the Most Populated Countries0-4.97113,664
Countries More Populous Than Their Neighbors0-4.99119,608
Five Most Populated Countries by Continent0-4.99238,098
Countries Less Populous Than Their Neighbors0-4.9760,036
Five Most Densely Populated Countries by Continent0-4.9563,088
Five Least Densely Populated Countries by Continent0-4.9562,409
25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union0-4.9467,512
Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire0-4.6362,914
Biggest Axis-Controlled Cities0-4.2533,011
Five Biggest World Cities by Letter #10-4.9364,978
Largest Cities in Alexander's Empire0-4.4737,848
Five Most Populated Cities by Continent0-4.94159,766
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.94124,238
Biggest Cities in the World - Extreme0-4.9887,529
Biggest Cities once in the Spanish Empire0-4.8049,337
Countries With More Than 100 Million People0-4.98132,199
Biggest Cities in the U.S. - Extreme0-4.93127,042
Top 10 Most Populous U.S. States0-4.97143,478
Top 10 Least Populous U.S. States0-4.94155,657
Cities of China (With Some Help)0-4.8627,053
Biggest Cities in Asia - Extreme0-4.9041,266
Biggest Cities with Exceptions0-4.8546,569
Top 50 Countries by Population - In Order0-4.97236,365
Countries with Megacities0-4.99188,246
Countries of Europe by Population0-4.98119,225
Top 10 Most Populous European Countries0-4.97195,448
Top 10 Most Populous Asian Countries0-4.96139,719
Top 10 Most Populous African Countries0-4.99149,793
Biggest Cities in Germany - Extreme0-4.8542,682
10 Biggest Cities That Aren't World Capitals0-4.9489,559
Biggest World Cities in 18500-4.6362,881
Megacities on a World Map0-4.98213,205
Countries of the World in 1938 Quiz0-4.9672,880
15 Largest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.98190,451
15 Largest Cities in Asia With a Map0-4.97104,135
15 Largest Cities in the Middle East With a Map0-4.8680,280
Biggest Cities once in the Ottoman Empire0-4.7641,832
Most Populous Countries in 18000-4.3136,575
Most Populous Countries by Year0-4.7687,872
15 Largest Cities in South America With a Map0-4.9587,478
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98161,710
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99130,458
Most Populous Countries with Exceptions0-4.9792,413
Five Most Populated Countries on a Multicolored World Map0-4.9761,430
Most Populated Countries Bordering the Pacific Ocean0-4.9877,157
Countries With More than 200 Million People0-4.9489,858
100 Biggest Cities on a World Map0-4.99353,393
Countries With More than 50 Million People0-4.99162,389
All 1M Cities by Proximity0-5.00490,082
Megacities on an Empty Map0-4.9683,902
2,000 Biggest World Cities Furthest from a Larger City0-4.9757,726
Most Recently-Settled Countries0-4.8947,388
Biggest Roman Empire Countries0-4.8279,252
Biggest Mongol Empire Countries0-4.9165,249
All 3M Cities on the World Map0-4.9460,114
10 Biggest Cities by U.S. State0-4.9126,297
All Cities in India with Population of 1 Million0-4.8238,194
Ten Biggest Cities by Hemisphere0-4.9461,046
Five Most Populated Countries by Hemisphere0-4.96105,256
Soviet Union Country Quiz0-4.8663,727
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97170,218
Top 10 Asian Countries by Population Increase0-4.9181,418
Countries with the Most Population Growth by Decade0-4.9893,998
Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1 AD0-4.9773,755
Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1000 AD0-4.7466,659
Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1500 AD0-4.9164,974
Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1800 AD0-4.9152,064
First Countries to Reach 5 Million People0-4.90105,864
First U.S. States to Reach 1 Million People0-4.4757,534
First U.S. Cities to Reach 100,000 People0-4.6054,567
Biggest Cities in Deserts0-4.9340,649
100 Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map0-4.97290,131
250 Biggest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.9091,303
Biggest Cities in Each U.S. State - Extreme0-4.9166,721
Flags of Countries With More Than 100 Million People0-4.97139,951
Most Populous Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.9692,201
Ten Southernmost Megacities0-4.8244,966
Countries with the Most People Bordering Them0-4.9672,039
Biggest Countries by Population - Shape Quiz0-4.9048,975
Countries of Europe in 1815 With a Map0-4.99127,630
Former Flags0-4.9777,537
500 Biggest US Cities0-4.8589,890
Countries of the World in 19000-4.8560,378
Every 1,000,000+ City on a Map0-4.9974,603
Countries of the World in 1914 with a Map0-4.99161,653
Biggest Cities in France - Extreme0-4.8739,523
Louisiana Purchase with a Map0-4.9533,588
100 Biggest Cities in Germany on a Map0-4.8668,898
Countries in the Byzantine Empire0-4.9364,161
Countries of Europe in 14440-4.9382,268
Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map0-4.99105,426
Countries of the World in 1945 with a Map0-5.00119,557
Densest Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.9362,255
Countries of the Mongol Empire on a Map0-4.9988,695
Modern Day Countries of Austria-Hungary on a Map0-4.9883,718
Populous Countries Bordering Smaller Countries0-4.9789,762
Battle to Country0-4.8733,258
Modern-Day Countries of the British Empire in 19210-4.9994,092
Most Populous Modern-Day Countries by Century0-4.9883,799
Biggest Cities and Towns in England - 1377 AD0-4.5823,698
Countries by Former Name0-4.9889,604
Flags of Countries of the World in 19100-4.9565,341
Most Populous Cities as a Percent of Their Continent0-4.8856,596
Historic Journeys on a World Map0-4.9937,648
Biggest Cities in the Confederate States in 18600-4.3921,520
African Cities in the Top 200 Worldwide0-4.9339,037
100 Biggest Cities in the World with Exceptions0-4.9651,448
Countries of Europe in 1650 with a Map0-4.8943,839
Modern-Day Countries of the Ottoman Empire on a Map0-4.9567,433
Countries by Population Range - Tile Select0-4.8348,043
Countries by Founding Story0-4.9152,264
Biggest Cities in 4 Random Countries on a Map0-4.9999,735
Countries with a Population Under 1 Million by Clue0-4.9977,550
Modern-Day Countries of the Persian Empire on a Map0-4.9857,207
Modern Day Countries of Nazi Germany on a Map0-4.97116,927
Modern-Day Countries of the Inca Empire on a Map0-4.8246,590
Modern Day Countries of the Japanese Empire on a Map0-4.9873,922
Modern-Day Countries of the Umayyad Caliphate on a Map0-4.9958,407
Every 100k+ City in the United States on a Map0-4.9584,898
Countries of the World in 14440-4.9846,812
Colour in the Flag Map by Guessing Cities0-4.9353,143
Largest Cities once part of the Byzantine Empire0-4.7117,223
Every Country of Europe Since 1815 With a Map0-4.9754,541
100 Biggest Soviet Cities in 1989 with a Map0-4.9423,667
Former Country Flag-Shape Picture Quiz0-4.9860,305
Three Biggest Cities by Time Zone With Map0-4.9725,796
Countries of Europe in 18480-4.9857,998
All 100k+ Cities in Europe on a Map0-4.9873,430
Countries of Europe in 1870 with a Map0-4.9343,982
Biggest Cities Ever Under Danish Rule0-4.4014,229
Countries of Europe before World War II with a Map0-4.9434,277
5 Most Populous Cities in Each Country With a Map0-4.9729,522
500 Biggest Cities in the World on a Map0-4.9690,584
All 50k+ Cities in Europe with a Map0-4.8915,380
50 Biggest Cities in 1920 on a World Map0-4.9962,321
5 Largest Cities for Every Letter on Map0-4.9738,590
Countries of Europe in 1360 with a Map0-4.9943,375
Largest City on Every Continent A-Z0-4.9730,298
Modern-Day Countries of the Holy Roman Empire on a Map0-4.9338,222
Biggest Cities Founded by the Dutch0-4.4616,180
States of the Holy Roman Empire in 13560-4.9650,265
Modern Day Countries of the Spanish Empire on a Map0-4.9771,486