Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Extinction 2 | Late Devonian | 100%
Extinction 1 | Late Ordovician | 100%
When | 360 ma | 60%
How Much | 50% | 60%
How Much | 60-70% | 60%
How Much | 70-80% | 60%
Extinction 3 | End Permian | 60%
Extinction 4 | End Triassic | 60%
Why | ice age | 60%
Why | no oxygen | 60%
so there was ... | no oxygen | 60%
AKA | the great dying | 60%
When | 201 ma | 40%
When | 251 ma | 40%
for ... | 2 ma | 40%
When | 450 ma | 40%
60% of plants | 40%
| |
When | 66 ma | 40%
How Much | 75% | 40%
specifically | 80-90% marine | 40%
How Much | 90-96% | 40%
called the ... | alverez hypothesis | 40%
ammonites | 40%
| |
Why | asteroid impact | 40%
CAMP | 40%
| |
this would be located in the ... | chicxulub impact crater | 40%
and so ... | clathrates melted | 40%
which released ... | co2 and so2 | 40%
coal | 40%
| |
Index Fossil | conodonts | 40%
so... | dinosaurs | 40%
After | dinosaurs take over | 40%
so it was ... | dry | 40%
ecological space | 40%
| |
Extinction 5 | End Cretaceous | 40%
fern spores | 40%
| |
which indicated there were ... | forest fires | 40%
gas | 40%
| |
and released ... | ghgs | 40%
hibernating | 40%
| |
what helped species survive? | hiding | 40%
maybe there was a ... | impact | 40%
maybe there were ... | impacts | 40%
called an ... | impact winter | 40%
this is supported by the ... | iridium anomaly | 40%
AKA | K/Pg extinction event | 40%
lethal blasts | 40%
| |
which species could do that? | mammals | 40%
ocean stagnation | 40%
| |
and set fire to ... | oil | 40%
Who | over half of animals | 40%
pangaea | 40%
| |
which... | release methane | 40%
shattered glass | 40%
| |
shocked quartz | 40%
| |
siberian traps erupt | 40%
| |
there were also ... | soot | 40%
suevite | 40%
| |
and so ... | temperatures increased | 40%
After | triassic coal gap | 40%
tsunami deposits | 40%
| |
Why | unclear | 40%
this would have caused ... | vaporization | 40%
would have resulted in ... | 1% surface light | 20%
plant diversity recovered by: | 230 ma | 20%
broken ear drums | 20%
| |
what else happened? | deccan traps erupted | 20%
which ... | devastated primary producers | 20%
dust | 20%
| |
yucatan peninsula had ... | evaporites | 20%
fire | 20%
| |
food chain collapses | 20%
| |
1 | freezing temperatures | 20%
like ... | gypsum | 20%
half of plants | 20%
| |
because ... | limestones were vaporized | 20%
no photosynthesis | 20%
| |
like ... | phytoplankton | 20%
Why | sea level fall | 20%
and then lead to ... | sulphuric acid rain | 20%
tektite rain | 20%
| |
which had ... | tektites | 20%
after 1 ... | temperatures rose | 20%
disrupted rainfall | 0%
| |
which lead to ... | so2 in the atmosphere | 0%
what doubled? | volcanic activity | 0%
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