Quizzes by glueehuffer

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user glueehuffer.
# of Quizzes 50
# Subscribers 1
Times taken 1,748
Quizmaker Rank # 9,303
3512023-02-11newjeans songs
3252023-03-20jpegmafia songs
1522023-02-11g-idle songs (updated)
1082023-02-11brockhampton songs (2022)
782023-02-11MF DOOM songs
752023-03-23swans songs
722023-02-11sematary + the haunted mound songs
702023-02-11aphex twin songs
662023-02-27xiu xiu songs
572023-02-20silent hill 1-4 soundtrack songs
552023-02-11westside gunn songs
512023-02-11alvvays songs
262023-02-11slowdive songs
232023-02-11billy woods songs
222023-02-11drain gang songs (updated)
222023-02-11yung lean songs (2023)
202023-02-11have a nice life songs
172023-02-11mach hommy songs
162023-02-11injury reserve songs
152023-04-22lil ugly mane songs
152023-03-28billlie songs (kpop)
142023-02-11sunmi songs
122023-02-27loona songs definitive edition
102023-02-11d'angelo songs
102023-02-11clipping. songs
72023-02-11yabujin songs
72023-02-16darkthrone songs
72023-02-11everglow songs
72023-02-11kevin abstract songs
62023-02-17jean dawson songs
62023-02-11boris songs
52023-02-11mike songs (the rapper)
42023-02-11yeule songs
32023-02-11sonhos tomam conta / moondaughter songs
32023-02-16julie songs
32023-02-11asian glow songs
22023-02-13tripleS songs
22023-02-11armand hammer songs
12023-01-27parannoul songs
12022-12-28Mid-Air Thief songs
12023-02-11brave little abacus songs
12023-02-11pink siifu songs
02023-02-11choker songs
02023-02-11steve hiett songs
02023-02-11chat pile songs
02023-02-11piper songs
02023-02-11della zyr songs
02023-02-11akai solo songs
02023-02-11airospace songs
02023-02-11saint pepsi / skylar spence songs