Hint | Answer | % Correct |
1st Roman emperor and member of the 2nd Triumvirate | Augustus | 96%
Roman dictator killed on the Ides of March | Julius Caesar | 96%
Brother of the Above | Remus | 92%
Semi-Mythical Founder of Rome | Romulus | 92%
Murderous emperor known for his lyre playing | Nero | 87%
Emperor who converted to and legalized Christianity | Constantine | 84%
Emperor who declared war on Neptune and made his horse a Senator | Caligula | 82%
Orator who exposed the Catiline Conspiracy | Cicero | 72%
Poet who authored the Aeneid at the request of Augustus | Virgil | 70%
Author of "Metamorphoses" who was exiled to Tomis | Ovid | 63%
Member of 1st triumvirate known for his wealth | Crassus | 62%
Mythical Trojan prince from whom the original Romans were descended | Aeneas | 58%
Stuttering Emperor who conquered Britain | Claudius | 55%
Lover of Cleopatra defeated at Actium | Mark Anthony | 54%
Orator who called for the destruction of Carthage in many of his speeches | Cato the Elder | 49%
Senator and stoic philosopher executed by Nero | Seneca | 34%
Emperor who sacked Jerusalem and completed the Colosseum | Titus | 30%
Murderer of Claudius and mother of the above | Agrippina the Younger | 28%
Naturalist and writer who witnessed the destruction of Pompeii | Pliny the Elder | 22%
Historian who criticized several emperors in his "Annals" | Tacitus | 21%
Tyrannical and Astrology-Obsessed successor of the above | Domitian | 17%
Rival of the above defeated at Milvian Bridge | Maxentius | 16%
Final King of Rome who refused to purchase above books | Tarquinius Superbus | 14%
Widely influential romantic poet who dedicated much of his work to "Lesbia" | Catullus | 9%
Author and Social critic who coined the phrase "Bread and Circuses" | Juvenal | 8%
Legendary author of Sibylline Books | Cumaean Sibyl | 7%
Novelist and Courtier who authored the Satyricon | Petronius | 5%
Militant king who destroyed Alba Longa | Tullus Hostilius | 5%
Assassin who showed devotion to Rome by sticking right hand into open flame | Mucius Scaevola | 4%
Etruscan King who attempted to reestablish rule the above | Lars Porsena | 1%
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