Hint | Episode(s) | Answer | % Correct |
Sith Apprentice to the Emperor | 3, 4, 5, 6 | Darth Vader | 98%
Dark Lord of the Sith and Galactic Emperor | 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 | Darth Sidious | 92%
Alien crime lord | 1, 4, 6 | Jabba the Hutt | 92%
Descendant of Vader, member of the First Order | 7, 8, 9 | Kylo Ren | 92%
Bounty hunter who works with the Empire | 2, 4, 5, 6 | Boba Fett | 90%
Fallen Jedi and leader of the Separatist Alliance | 2, 3 | Count Dooku | 88%
First apprentice of the Emperor | 1 | Darth Maul | 88%
Bounty hunter and template of the Clone Army | 2 | Jango Fett | 88%
Alien bounty hunter shot by Han | 4 | Greedo | 87%
Cyborg Jedi killer and Droid Army leader | 3 | General Grievous | 85%
Imperial leader and commander of the Death Star | 3, 4 | Grand Moff Tarkin | 83%
Viceroy of the Trade Federation | 1, 2, 3 | Nute Gunray | 77%
Supreme Leader of the First Order | 7, 8 | Supreme Leader Snoke | 77%
Leader of the stormtroopers | 7, 8 | Captain Phasma | 75%
Alien junk shop owner | 1, 2 | Watto | 75%
Short tempered alien podracer | 1 | Sebulba | 71%
Leader of the First Order Army | 7, 8, 9 | General Hux | 69%
Assistant to major crime lord | 6 | Bib Fortuna | 54%
Insect-like alien Separatist | 2 | Poggle the Lesser | 48%
Admiral in the Imperial Navy | 5, 6 | Admiral Piett | 46%
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