
Músicas do Green Day por letra de abertura

Nomeie as músicas da banda americana Green Day de acordo com a letra de abertura.
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Quiz feito por AndersonFCS
Ultima atualização: 31 de outubro de 2023
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Primeiramente enviado31 de outubro de 2023
Vezes Jogadas32
Pontuação média26,7%
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Continue rolando a página para respostas e mais estatísticas ...
"Don't wanna be an American Idiot"
American Idiot
"Do you know what's worth fighting for"
21 Guns
"Do you have the time / To listen to me whine"
Basket Case
"Dear mother, can you hear me whining?"
Welcome To Paradise
"Do you know the enemy?"
Know Your Enemy
"Oh love, oh love / Won't you rain on me tonight?"
Oh Love
"Summer has come and passed"
Wake Me Up When September Ends
"Words get trapped in my mind"
When It's Time
"Hear the sound of the falling rain"
"She / She screams in silence"
"I walk a lonely road / The only one that I have ever known"
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
"Scream with your hands up in the sky"
Revolution Radio
"Another turning point / A fork stuck in the road"
Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
"Where can I find the city of shining lights"
Ordinary World
"She is my drama queen"
Drama Queen
"I'm having trouble trying to sleep"
Brain Stew
"There's a trouble in the air"
99 Revolutions
"Born into Nixon I was raised in hell"
21st Century Breakdown
"I declare I don't care no more"
"St. Jimmy's comin' down across the alleyway"
St. Jimmy
"I wanna be the minority"
"I'm the son of rage and love"
Jesus of Suburbia
"This is a public service announcement this is only a test"
"Well, I've got a fever / A non-believer / I'm in a state of grace"
"I sit around and watch the tube, but nothing's on"
"I text a postcard, sent to you / Did it go through?"
Last Night On Earth
"Hey mister, where you headed? / Are you in a hurry?"
Hitchin' a Ride
"I'm running late to somewhere now"
Somewhere Now
"Take away the sensation inside"
Give Me Novacaine
"I woke up to a message of love"
Father of All...
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