
Músicas do Oasis por letra de abertura

Nomeie as músicas da banda britânica Oasis de acordo com a letra de abertura.
Não há critério específico para as músicas escolhidas
Quiz feito por AndersonFCS
Ultima atualização: 31 de outubro de 2023
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Primeiramente enviado31 de outubro de 2023
Vezes Jogadas29
Pontuação média33,3%
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Continue rolando a página para respostas e mais estatísticas ...
"Today is gonna be the day"
"Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday"
Stand By Me
"It's a bit early in the midnight hour for me"
All Around The World
"Here's another sunday morning call"
Sunday Morning Call
"Hold up / Hold on / Don't be scared"
Stop Crying Your Heart Out
"Talking to the songbird yesterday"
"How many special people change"
Champagne Supernova
"Calling all the stars to fall"
"Slip inside the eye of your mind"
Don't Look Back In Anger
"All your dreams are made"
Morning Glory
"I don't know what it is / That makes me feel alive"
"I would like to leave this city"
Half The World Away
"Some might say that sunshine follows thunder"
Some Might Say
"You know I need a little break / To get away for a holiday"
Bonehead's Bank Holiday
"Step off the train all alone at dawn"
D'You Know What I Mean?
"Found what I'd lost inside"
Who Feels Love?
"There's no need for you to say you're sorry"
Married With Children
"Summer sun, that blows my mind"
Falling Down
"I'm free to be whatever I"
"Slide away and give it all you've got"
Slide Away
"Take the time to make some sense"
The Masterplan
"Maybe I don't really wanna know"
Live Forever
"Who kicked a hole in the sky"
Let There Be Love
"A cold and frosty morning"
Don't Go Away
"I don't feel as if I know you"
"If I may be so bold could I just say something"
The Girl In The Dirty Shirt
"What tongueless ghost of sin crept through my curtains?"
Gas Panic!
"I can give a hundred million reasons / To build a barricade"
Roll It Over
"Here's a thought for everyman / Who tries to understand what is in his hand"
Cast No Shadow
"I live my life in the city / There's no easy way out"
Rock 'n' Roll Star
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