When zoglins came out some of my friends joked that his name should be zombified hoglin or zombified piglins name should be ziglin, so I put it in here
Fireflies were announced to be added in 1.19 but Mojang decided not to add them
Moobloom, copper golem, crab etc were Mob Vote mobs, that's a little different (if you are interested I made a quiz about these mobs: https://www.jetpunk.com/user-quizzes/1753911/minecraft-mob-vote-mobs-by-picture)
I am considering removing fireflies from the quiz and maybe I'll do it when I update this quiz
(in Minecraft or real life) :-(
When zoglins came out some of my friends joked that his name should be zombified hoglin or zombified piglins name should be ziglin, so I put it in here
Moobloom, copper golem, crab etc were Mob Vote mobs, that's a little different (if you are interested I made a quiz about these mobs: https://www.jetpunk.com/user-quizzes/1753911/minecraft-mob-vote-mobs-by-picture)
I am considering removing fireflies from the quiz and maybe I'll do it when I update this quiz
Illusioner was added in 1.12 in 2017 but was never implemented in survival mode
If you want to summon him just use /summon illusioner, but it only works on Java Edition