Hint | Answer | % Correct |
M countries in Africa & borders Senegal | Mali | 95%
M countries in Africa & Ara- bic is an official language | Morocco | 93%
Have 'tan' in their name | Afghanistan | 86%
Have 'tan' in their name | Kazakhstan | 86%
Have 'tan' in their name | Kyrgyzstan | 86%
Have 'tan' in their name | Pakistan | 86%
Have 'tan' in their name | Turkmenistan | 86%
Have 'tan in their name | Uzbekistan | 86%
African nations with Arabic as an official language | Egypt | 85%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile & Arabic is an official language | Libya | 84%
M countries in Africa | Mozambique | 83%
Have 'tan' in their name | Tajikistan | 83%
African nations with Arabic as an official language | Algeria | 81%
Border Senegal | Gambia | 81%
M countries in Africa | Mauritius | 81%
African nations with Arabic as an official language | Tunisia | 80%
Border Senegal | Guinea | 77%
Capital starts with N & Ara- bic is an official language | Chad | 76%
M countries in Africa | Malawi | 75%
African nations with Arabic as an official language | Sudan | 75%
Capital starts with N | Niger | 74%
Border Senegal | Guinea-Bissau | 72%
M countries in Africa | Madagascar | 71%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile | Mongolia | 70%
African nations with Arabic as an official language | Somalia | 69%
African nations with Arabic as an official language | Djibouti | 66%
Have ' tan' in their name | Tanzania | 63%
African nations with Arabic as an official language | Eritrea | 60%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mil | Canada | 57%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile | Australia | 55%
Capital starts with N | Kenya | 53%
African nations with Arabic as an official language | Comoros | 45%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile | Namibia | 43%
Have 'tan' in their name | Bhutan | 38%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile | Iceland | 29%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile | Denmark | 27%
Capital starts with N | India | 27%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile | Botswana | 26%
Capital starts with N | Bahamas | 25%
Capital starts with N | Burma | 23%
Capital starts with N | Cyprus | 22%
Capital starts with N | Tonga | 22%
Capital starts with N | Palau | 16%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile | Guyana | 14%
Population density below 5 people per sq. mile | Suriname | 13%