
Countries by Contribution to UN Budget

Can you name the countries that contribute the most money to the budget of the United Nations?
For 2023. Source: United Nations
Quiz by Gamer1162
Last updated: January 25, 2023
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First submittedDecember 13, 2016
Times taken65,657
Average score90.0%
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708 m
United States
446 m
235 m
179 m
128 m
United Kingdom
126 m
93.3 m
76.9 m
75.3 m
South Korea
62.4 m
61.8 m
58.9 m
54.6 m
40.3 m
35.7 m
34.6 m
Saudi Arabia
33.2 m
30.5 m
25.5 m
24.7 m
Level 76
Dec 14, 2016
Funny about Switzerland. Considering they didn't join until 2002.
Level 70
Sep 13, 2019
Right! They're usually not so generous with the proceeds of war profiteering, financial fraud, and tax evasion.
Level 77
Feb 15, 2023
Level 74
Dec 15, 2016
US contributes way more than any other country to this useless organization. That needs to stop. The whole thing should be dismantled and the money put to better use.
Level 59
Dec 15, 2016
True, the UN is quite ineffective and rarely will they do something worth while. The US contributes 2.5 times more than what Japan does. It's like with their military spending, we need to cut some of it, not all.
Level 78
Dec 20, 2016
The US have three times the population of Japan, four times the GDP, and thirty times the area. Whichever method you chose, the amount that the US has to pay seems more than fair. Specially if you consider that they have special privileges such as a permanent seat in the security council and veto power.

If the UN is inefficient (which it is), perhaps we should try to work to improve. Dismantle it, and then having the create a new forum to discuss international matters would be even a greater waste of money.

Level 51
Feb 19, 2017
The ones that surprised me most were actually The Netherlands and Belgium. Tiny countries, but a large contribution per capita.
Level 78
Feb 19, 2017
Proud American, proud to contribute, unlike Donald the clown
Level 60
Feb 19, 2017
As a Belgian, I can say that we contribute much more per capita to the UN than the US. Same goes for Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, UK, Germany, France, South Korea, Australia and perhaps a few others.

The UN might nog be perfect, just as we humans continue to be flawed in most things we do. But they do have accomplishments (solved conflicts in Mozambique, Angola, etc.), helped fight diseases all over the world, preventing last year that ebola spread even further. Children rights are acknowledged, Improvement is maybe needed, but throwing everything overboard is to rash.

Level 40
May 18, 2023
Level 47
Dec 19, 2024
g is next to t
Level 32
Feb 20, 2017
I think you should go crunch the numbers as to how much is paid per capita. The US is paying more than you think guy.
Level 63
Aug 8, 2017
Here are the numbers for USA/Belgium. Contribution: 604 million/22.1 million = 27.3 times more. Population 323 million /10.3 million = 31.6 time more people. So, Belgium's contribution is slightly more per capita, but not drastically so.
Level 88
Jul 24, 2019
+rocamorar, the USA has a SC seat because it was a leading fighter in WW2, much like the other P5 members. Veto power is the same reason. That has nothing to do with how much it pays. Kapulani3 is right, the USA donates land, money, and time to a worthless organization that overlooks abuses in China (Tibet and Xinjiang aren't even on the decolonization list) and sides with the disgusting antisemites against Israel. Don't forget how they shamefully threw Taiwan to the wayside for Communist murderers in China.
Level 84
Sep 16, 2019
Countries switched Taiwan for China, not "UN". With US agreement.
Level 82
Oct 9, 2019
Did Donald Trump write the above?
Level 96
Jan 24, 2020
One problem talking about these numbers, is that these are the contributions Assessed from each country. Using a dense and somewhat controversial formula, the US is charged ~$1.87 per capita, and Belgium ~$2.14.

However, in 2017 (easiest year I could find data for), the US additionally gave almost $10 Billion in 'Voluntary' contribuitions, to support other efforts, such as WHO, ICJ, Peacekeeping, and other UN-related activities. That changes the per capita contribution to ~$31.6 per capita for US.

Level ∞
Jan 25, 2020
Interesting @platitude. I might have to update this quiz to take this new information into account.
Level 47
Apr 6, 2020
US donations consist of a lot of vouchers which poor countries can use to buy products from US farmers. A big part of these donations can just be seen as subsidies to US farmers.
Level 91
Mar 1, 2024
And arms manufacturers. Nearly all “military aid” is paid directly to American companies.
Level 46
Sep 22, 2020
Once you give a country veto power, you can't exactly take it away. That country would be extremely outraged and could even leave and start a new union, leaving the world in a horrible position.
Level 76
Dec 15, 2016
I don't think these numbers are of the actual payments - the US is actually $3 billion in arrears, deliberately so.
Level ∞
Jul 23, 2019
This seems to be one of those legends that's hard to prove or disprove. At various times, the US has owed money to the UN. But I believe that the spat had to do with billions in unpaid expenses that the UN owed to the US for peacekeeping activities. It seems to be a politically charged issue, so unbiased sources are hard to find. Without more research I can't say for sure.
Level ∞
Dec 16, 2016
I'd say that the UN's budget is pretty modest. Obviously they are a pretty ineffective organization, but I think they are generally a force for good and for creating more dialogue. At less than $4 billion a year, it's a bargain. Also, on a per-capita basis, the US pays a similar amount to other first world nations.

If we want to talk about areas where the US is shouldering an unfair burden, then military spending is the obvious elephant.

Level 91
Mar 1, 2024
See above comment re: “military aid”
Level 58
Feb 19, 2017
It's like democracy. Far from perfect but it's the best we have.
Level 76
Aug 9, 2019
This saying has kept people back for so long...
Level 89
Aug 27, 2019
@WillemLAif kept people back from what? I'm curious to know what system of government you feel would be a better option.
Level 96
Jan 24, 2020
@vermisciousknid. Benevolent Dictatorship. With me in the title role, of course.
Level 74
Feb 19, 2017
Ineffective? Tell that Smallpox.
Level 81
Jul 24, 2019
The UN does a lot of good. You probably just don't know about it.
Level 79
Jul 27, 2019
Kalbahamut, I agree with you. One small example - the UN Volunteer programme. I know a bit about this as I was supported by them to work for a year helping to set up the first ever adult emergency department in Malawi. Without their support, I would not have been able to.
Level 74
Jul 27, 2019
Considering the number of sex trafficking reports by UN "peacekeepers" and the fact that the UN sits around and doesn't get actively involved in conflicts -- it's not only a useless organization but a corrupt one.
Level 56
Nov 4, 2022
Oh no, there's corruption in a world organization! Who would've guessed?

Have you seen the corruption flowing through FIFA, Amnesty International, and literally every other world org? The UN's corruption is bad, but no where near as bad as some others

Level 44
Jul 19, 2021
None of these countries, save for Canada and Mexico, actually pay their required amounts. Check the arrears amounts per country, it is in the billions.
Level 57
Jan 25, 2023
Same with NATO. With how disrespectful Europeans are to us, how about they learn to fend for themselves.
Level 73
Jan 25, 2023
Level 91
Mar 1, 2024
It’s Donald in disguise again…
Level 84
Dec 15, 2016
Is that only contribution "directly" to UN or to all agencies combined?
Level 96
Jan 24, 2020
It's the amount the UN Assesses to each country. Many give additional funds to the UN and related agencies for specific programs.
Level 46
Feb 19, 2017
Great quiz!
Level 55
Feb 19, 2017
Got most of them, but missed a fair few. Was surprised to see Saudi Arabia there, although they produce a lot of oil, they seem to give a sizeable amount of cash to the UN.
Level 59
Feb 19, 2017
A rare 100% in first attempt!
Level 70
Feb 19, 2017
It actually shows more about the countries that spend massive amounts on Arms & Aircraft and little to the UN, but when in assembly those countries have the biggest mouths.
Level 78
Feb 19, 2017
Missed: Brazil (duh), doubted Switzerland, and surprised about Turkey
Level 67
Feb 19, 2017
India has the world's 7th largest economy and doesn't even make the top 20 here. Although the USA contributes the most, I think you'll find if you do the maths, that Japan, Germany, Australia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and Belgium all contribute a larger proportion of GDP than the USA. China, however, has an economy 2/3 the size of the USA, and contributes less than a third of the amount.
Level 91
Feb 19, 2017
Missed Belgium. Oh well.
Level 58
Feb 20, 2017
Sweden surprised me the most!
Level 29
Feb 21, 2017
Korea should be a right answer
Level 59
Feb 21, 2017
Whenever North and South Korea unify, I may think about it.
Level 48
Mar 3, 2017
And Germany and Japan don't get to be the permanent members of the security council
Level 96
Jan 24, 2020
Knowing that the UN was founded in the aftermath of WWII, I can't think of any reason those 2 countries specifically would be excluded...
Level 67
Jun 5, 2017
The United Nations is as useless as the League of Nations. The only difference is that the UN hasn't been put to the test like the League was.
Level 73
Jan 25, 2023
Maybe it's because it has managed to eliminate world-ending catastrophe before it even manifested itself?
Level 22
Apr 5, 2018
The UN is not useless , it is a mechanism of control to solve and resolve disputes that effectively has avoided world war theatre combat since WW2. I don't care who you are the UN works and it is a mere fraction of overall military spending to try the carrot approach. Plus this allows for grievances to be brought before the world by any member and or non member state to have their voice heard. I also disagree that the UN hasn't been put to the test. The mere fact it is still alive proves that it has.
Level 47
Mar 1, 2019
They don't care if it is actually useless or not. But they claim it is useless because they think it doesn't directly benefit them. If you're a farmer in Nebraska, it's hard to see why they should care if Pakistan and India go to war or not. I just wish they would be honest about their politics. It's not useless, they just don't care.
Level 84
Sep 16, 2019
The UN wasn't designed to be the world police but to provide a forum for discussion and prevent wars between the major powers, which worked so far. By bringing all countries together as members, it naturally can't be the world moral compass or something. I'm also pretty sure that if it were "more effective", those complaining about it wouldn't like the result.

Never mind that the UN consists of a large number of agencies and thousands of programs that do all sorts of work, prepare agreements for intl. cooperation etc that ultimately bring lots of good to the world, eradicate diseases, provide refugee aid, facilitate air and sea transport and telecommunications etc etc that in many ways ultimately benefit also a farmer in Nebraska. Wars seem to be the most difficult to manage but that's pretty much a human fault, not limited to UN.

Level 52
Apr 27, 2019
Those who say that the US should be putting the money used for UN contribution to "better use" should definitely put things into perspective, especially when we're talking about the world's first economy, 604M dollars is not a lot, at all.

To give you an idea, for the year 2020, Overseas Contingency Operations were estimated to cost approximately $174 billion (that includes the war on terror, wars in Iraq, in Afghanistan).

Now, we can still debate how much the UN really is useful for maintaining world peace, but only a few that are delusional would argue that the US overseas military actions are doing a better job.

But I'll admit, even though it proves one's point, it is not only about military expenditures. If you have a look at the whole US federal budget, the amount that goes to the UN is negligible, a drop in the ocean.

Not to mention that the UN was never created to meet US interests. It is still not the case today, even if they are the biggest net contributor.


Level 55
Oct 7, 2019
If 604 million is "not a lot", kick on over to me and other Americans once in a while. Couldn't we cut this by a small percentage and put a few million towards actual Americans? The UN is a joke. You have the worst human rights abusers sitting on human rights councils, corrupt predators being caught in other nations on their payroll, and like NATO-- the USA funds most of it and does the heavy lifting, while clowns sit on the panels and make demands or pretend to be useful. Then you have other idiot politicians here who want to turn our decisions over to these globalist goons, to let them decide what is best for the greatest nation on the planet-- screw the UN. The fan club for Ryan Seacrest would be more useful and a better investment than this stupid charade.
Level 69
Oct 6, 2020
Merely using such an absurd phrase as "greatest nation on the planet" should disqualify anyone from any kind of rational debate. Yikes.
Level 69
Feb 15, 2023
The USA is the greatest nation on the planet. Whether you like it, or not. You're welcome to invent the wormhole to Earth 2, where China or Russia is #1, and see how you like things under their lead.
Level 28
May 25, 2019
3:48: GG
Level 74
Jul 24, 2019
This quiz proves my rule of thumb with Jetpunk quizzes: when in doubt, guess Turkey. It won't always be the correct answer, but if you have one country left to guess, and you have not already guessed Turkey, go for it. I think your odds are pretty decent.
Level 90
Jul 24, 2019
And always forget to put Cuba.
Level ∞
Oct 7, 2019
Also, start every American sports quiz by typing Smith, Johnson, Jackson, Williams, Brown.
Level 69
Oct 6, 2020
Works for country, food, and animal quizzes!
Level 90
Jul 24, 2019
I'm not interested in playing the guessing game, so quit early.

16/20 (80%) is better than only 1.1% of the rest of you guessers. Interesting.

Level 49
Jul 24, 2019
Why isn't India doing anything? Considering that they have a huge economy and a large population, they should be able to donate. It's not because they are developing. China, Turkey, and Mexico are developing and they donate lots.
Level 83
Jul 24, 2019
It's not that India 'isn't doing anything', they only narrowly missed a spot in this quiz as they're currenty #21 in contribution. You also mention China, Mexico and Turkey. These countries are far more developed than India and have a much higher GDP per capita than India.
Level 64
Oct 8, 2019
It shouldn’t be about GDP per capita. The largest economies should donate the most, India has the 6th largest economy. And 1.3 bn people.
Level 73
Jan 25, 2023
If the point of the UN and its related agencies is to help places like India, it kind of ruins it if India donated massive amounts.
Level 71
Oct 7, 2019
Only missed Netherlands for some reason
Level 74
Oct 8, 2019
I really don't know enough about the UN to decide whether it is worthwhile or not or who should be paying more, and after reading all the comments here I still feel the same way. :)
Level 82
Oct 9, 2019
India, soon to be the most populous country in the world, not on the list.
Level ∞
Jan 25, 2020
As an American I am okay with India taking care of its own numerous problems before spending money on the United Nations.
Level 47
Apr 6, 2020
They would donate food aid, to receive it back again. What's the point of that?
Level 69
Feb 15, 2023
Does India really receive food aid? Why aren't they focused on curbing their ridiculous-sized population if they can't feed them?
Level 65
Feb 16, 2023
So, rabble, how should they go about curbing their population? Mandate 1 child per family? Require adults to be sterilized? Maybe use a "vaccine" to secretly sterilize the population? How do you humanely curb population growth?
Level 69
Feb 16, 2023
Sterilization & incentivization to encourage people not to birth human beings they're incapable of caring for at the most basic level, such as feeding, sounds like an incredibly humane thing to do.
Level 75
Feb 16, 2023
The fertility rate for India is under 2.2 births per woman and has been decreasing rapidly over the last 15 years. They're nearly at replacement rate. India's population is still growing because their huge growth spurt from decades ago is still slowly working it's way up through the generations (which has happened to nearly every country at some point in the industrialization process).

I'm not saying India isn't overpopulated. It might very well be. But they have already tackled the sources of this problem and are just still dealing with the fallout. The only way to "curb" their population growth even further at this point WOULD be something like a 1-child-policy or mass murder.

Level 56
Nov 4, 2022
As Quizmaster said himself, India has bigger problems internally that it needs to fix first
Level 67
Oct 10, 2019
Lithuania freeloading again.
Level 57
Feb 8, 2022
why does mexico have a bigger contribution than saudi arabia lol
Level 59
Feb 15, 2023
because they have 4 times the population and 3 times the GDP probably
Level 73
Jan 25, 2023
One more reason why Russia shouldn't be one of the members of the security council.
Level 31
Feb 20, 2023
Not saying the current government is awesome or anything, but these seats and veto powers were given for WW2 contribution mostly.
Level 71
Jan 25, 2023
Level 81
Jan 26, 2023
Is that the time of day you took the quiz?
Level 31
Feb 20, 2023
Rather, it is the time it took to complete the quiz.
Level 65
Jul 11, 2023
No it's the time i saw his post
Level 70
Jan 30, 2023
Level 69
Feb 15, 2023
What do countries get for giving the UN hundreds of millions of dollars? Relevancy? A stronger position when enforcing things like maritime boundaries (Can imagine that’d be important to Japan, Netherlands, Australia, SK, Sweden, Turkey.. etc).

Seems surprising that someone like India, Pakistan, Indonesia, maybe Philippines/Vietnam/Thailand, South Africa, Egypt, Colombia, Chile, Peru, spend so little on it. Seems like they’re some of the benefactors.

I’d wonder if China was just trying to pressure the USA into spending more; but $0.5-1 billion dollars doesn’t seem like it’d be a concern. I wonder if Russia has always coasted along or not.

I’d like to know what accounts for the discrepancy in contributions. I guess it’s more-or-less G7 countries at the top- but then why allow India/Russia/Saudi Arabia/Brazil to spend so little

Level 29
Feb 15, 2023
19/20 I forgot India…
Level 43
Feb 18, 2023
20/20 first try! It was fun :) I was surprised by a few on this list.
Level 44
Feb 22, 2024
I did this quiz thinking the UN was NATO... i realized with 15 seconds left but it was too late
Level 32
Mar 5, 2024
so funny that I've guessed it all except for my country, saudi arabia