
Top 10 US States that Produce the Most Coal

Can you name the US states that mine the most coal?
For fun, we also give you Trump's margin of victory over Clinton
Quiz by Gamer1162
Last updated: December 26, 2019
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First submittedApril 12, 2017
Times taken21,098
Average score70.0%
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Tons Mined
Trump Margin
West Virginia
North Dakota
Level 59
Apr 12, 2017
These numbers will probably be quite smaller as the US moves from coal to alternative fuel sources.
Level 59
Dec 26, 2019
Interestingly, the numbers have gone up for most of these states. Ohio dropped out of the top ten
Level 89
Apr 13, 2017
Those margin numbers shouldn't be surprising. Hillary wanted to kill coal jobs.
Level ∞
Apr 13, 2017
I think its probably more complicated then that, but she probably should have given coal some lip service. In the end it doesn't matter. Its not like Clinton, Trump, or anyone else can save coal. It's already economically infeasible to build new coal plants, and within a generation it won't make sense to operate existing ones either.
Level 61
Apr 23, 2017
The world is moving on from coal. It's market forces, not any one person. Quit your complaining, snowflake.
Level 71
Jun 11, 2017
The depletion of coal is killing coal jobs.
Level 80
Jun 12, 2017
As the depletion of the horse and carriage killed carriage-making jobs.
Level 68
Jun 20, 2017
huh? coal is non-renewable, horses and carriages are renewable

this isn't really comparable

Level 74
Feb 5, 2020
Coal is "renewable" just takes a few years (millennia)
Level 59
Sep 14, 2020
Renewability has nothing to do with jobs getting killed. Innovation creates new jobs from new technologies. Coal has already been replaced by oil, natural gas, nuclear, solar, and wind. It doesn't make sense anymore. Just as cars replaced carriages, so building cars makes sense, but not building carriages.
Level 82
Apr 17, 2017
Trying to understand the inclusion of the Trump statistics here. I'm no fan, but it's distracting and not relevant to the quiz at all. JetPunk would get very tiresome indeed if quizzes started having extra stuff like this.
Level 61
Apr 23, 2017
Did you miss the part where Trump spent his entire campaign promising to revive the coal industry (as if that's within a president's powers)?
Level 59
Jun 11, 2017
Makes sense since he was campaigning against someone who stated her goal would be to "put coal miners out of business". Those kinds of comments speak pretty clearly to blue collar folks who've never gotten a paycheck from anywhere but the coal business - for generations.
Level 64
Jun 12, 2017
Did you miss the part where that absolutely wasn't the case at all?
Level 78
Dec 28, 2019
Here's what she said. In the context of her speech, I think she meant that her plans to focus on renewable energies will help coal miners, who will be put out of business anyway. Incredibly bad wording, though.
Level 70
Jun 11, 2017
^ Ditto on this dude + it helps you guess.
Level 70
Jun 11, 2017
I was able to exclude all the states that went to Clinton after I got the one blue state, so it was helpful to me.
Level 49
Feb 4, 2020
It was helpful to me too for that reason, but I agree it doesn't make a great deal of sense to have it there.
Level 35
Jun 11, 2017
*Sees how much won over Hillary* TRIGGERED
Level 59
Jun 11, 2017
^Funniest comment I've seen in a while.
Level 59
Jun 11, 2017
Level 48
Jun 12, 2017
Hillary still won the popular vote. TRIGGERED
Level 70
Jun 11, 2017
I am not American, but am I not correct in thinking that the majority of voters in the USA put President Trump in power by a democratic election? Yet the people that voted against Trump (for Clinton) are the loudest in complaining about the result and do they not envisage that every knife thrown at Trump is a flower in the garden of the USA's biggest enemies.
Level 54
Jun 11, 2017
You're exactly right
Level 91
Jun 14, 2017
If by "exactly right," you mean mostly wrong, then I couldn't agree more.
Level 43
Mar 18, 2019
It was the exact opposite of that
Level 55
Jun 11, 2017
I am an American, and you are not correct. A majority of the voters voted against Trump. American presidential elections are not strictly democratic.
Level 59
Jun 11, 2017
snix is correct. The American electoral system is designed to make sure that the voters in large cities can't consistently silence the votes of the very large minority who don't live in large cities. If you win some large cities and most of the rural areas, you win in a landslide, even if NewYorkers and Los Angelinos voted against you en masse.
Level 64
Jun 12, 2017
The majority of voters also voted against Hillary Clinton, too.
Level 65
Jun 13, 2017
The electoral college has nothing to do with cities vs. rural areas. NYC barely had over 30,000 people living in it when the Constitution was written (and the EC designed). Cities were tiny back then and no one in the 1780s could have envisioned that NYC would 200 years later have 8 million residents. It was a compromise to offset the votes of large states like Virginia, NY, Massachusetts with small states like Delaware, Rhode Island.
Level 81
Jun 12, 2017
1. 40% of eligible voters in the United States didn't even vote in the last election.

2. Counting those who did, Trump lost by over 3 million votes.

3. The biggest enemy of the United States currently in Trump himself. Runners up would be anyone who claims that cherished American values such as free speech, criticism of elected officials, speaking truth to power, and a healthy opposition are somehow detrimental to the country.

Level 59
Feb 12, 2020
3 million votes, so roughly 1.5%.
Level 78
Feb 4, 2020
If you call political opposition "throwing knives", I question your relationship to democracy.
Level 71
Dec 3, 2023
Um, no. And, since you're not American, kindly stay out of it.
Level 90
Jun 11, 2017
Alabama is going to have to rewrite their song. "Hello Wy-o-ming coal miner, let me thank you for your time..."
Level 42
Jun 11, 2017
Got them all after a lot of guessing with 11 seconds left, phew xD
Level 81
Jun 12, 2017
There should be some comment in there to indicate that each of those numbers is actually MILLIONS of tons, not hundred thousands.
Level ∞
Jun 12, 2017
The source I used is listed. If you disagree, post your source.
Level 47
Feb 19, 2019
Our citizens are overweight, but saying it is millions of tons is too far.
Level 65
Jun 12, 2017
Fun quiz. Not sure why the political reference needed to be included by the quiz creator.
Level 59
Jun 12, 2017
*By the Quizmaster. Just to make that clear, I did not add that, when the Quizmaster featured it, he decided to add it.
Level 67
Nov 11, 2019
I love how all of those states that went red at the 2016 election have mined more coals than in the Obama period but Illinois is the except opposite.
Level 74
Feb 4, 2020
You might be misreading the quiz. The percentages aren't increases or decreases in coal production. They're the margin by which Trump won or lost the state.
Level 77
Dec 26, 2019
I bet most people think that coal is only used for generating electricity. Well, coal is also used to make coke, which is used to make steel. Activated carbon is used for water filter, air filters, kidney dialysis. Did you ever hear of carbon fiber ? Guess what is used to make it. Coal or coal by-products are used to make components for soap, aspirins, solvents, dyes, plastics and fibers, such as rayon and nylon.
Level 70
Dec 26, 2019
Though in mid-term future, most of these things will be probably made by power-to-X fuelled by solar power. Then a couple of small coal mines may be enough to supply the few remaining coal-based products for the global market. I am pretty sure that by 2100 people will consider coal burning as primitive as we today consider horse riding for long distance travel
Level 92
Feb 5, 2020
Guys - I LOVE your quizzes. I live for them. But I cannot deal with the increasing amount of political commentary thrown in for absolutely no reason. No it’s not cute, no it’s not innocuous. If you really feel the need to voice your opinions, please do so in an appropriate venue.
Level 28
Feb 18, 2020
No need to insert politics. Shame###
Level 43
Mar 10, 2021
This was kind of hard because I couldn't find a trend. nice quiz!
Level 73
Aug 27, 2021
Based on the 2019 data the results are:

Wyoming 276,912

West Virginia 93,279

Pennsylvania 50,053

Illinois 45,853

Kentucky 36,006

Montana 34,468

Indiana 31,559

North Dakota 26,997

Texas 23,307

New Mexico 14,536

Utah and Alabama are both right behind with over 14,000 tons as well.

Level 77
Sep 17, 2023
Take out the Chicago Metropolitan Area and Illinois' margin shoots up to +20.4. Funny how that works.
Level 45
Dec 10, 2024
talk about voting against yourself lol
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