ka, ti, al, an, lu, sa, bu, ye, ca, vi, ba, na, ma, dh, br, mi, be, po, th, la, ga, so, ou, gi, ph, ya, ot, pr, nd, bo, mo, ki, za, ha, ni, co, dj, ro, di, qu, gu, as, ta, ad, su, he, pa, li, tb, ac, at, bi, ge, te, re, ne, ja, du, je, to, py, se, ku, ri, tr, va, sk, ku, no, me, ch, ul, ra, wi, am, we, ab, os, mu, is, wa, do, ap, fr, lj, ho, ju, kh, st, da, do, nu, lo, tu, fu, sr, si, mb.
i did my best to eliminate duplicates, so sorry if there are any.
I got 4 points, happy enough with that. Great quiz, but am not gonna torment myself to get a better score, not as long as there are still hundreds of quizzes I still havent taken ;)
But probably before I try sport quizzes (that go beyond "in which sport do you hit a ball with a racket" and which sport has something called a hoop" etc. of all the sports through all the ages I would struggle to give 10 names of players haha. It makes my knowledge of politicians and current muscial acts look incredible haha)
rg1227, hyperlinks are colored based on browser cache so when you clear cache, all links show as not visited. jetpunk score and badges are tied to your jetpunk login.
one of the first couple I typed was nd(jamena) and ngerulmud and funafuti are the only 2 capitals I can remember in oceania ( besides for Aus and Nz) so I dont find it strange people try it. In quizzes like this your mind can randomly jump from one to another capital and the ones that pop up arent always the most famous ones. But 42 is higher than I expected aswell.
tripolis and tunis on the other hand are lower than I expected
It is more fun to remember the actual capitals than to get 5 points.
just like in real life, I rather know the subject matter and have learned something and feel proud of my score (let's say 7,5/10) than not knowing the subject matter and copying and getting a 10/10.
Not saying it is technically cheating though, it just basicly becomes a different type of quiz. (not remember as much capitals, but just type fast :) )
That will only give you 63 though ( left the y out, since english speaking cant seem to decide if it is a vowel or a consonant ;) jk dont leave angry comments..)
65 including ye and ya :) so that is just under a third
ti an vi mi br sa so za pr co ta he pa be at bu re du ro ri va lu ch mo po am sk os wa li lj ma st ki lo na ot ha gu te me ba ca ka ye dh th ph ni di tb ne ja je to as ku bi ul py mu is do si se sr da ab su ya we ap ho nu fu bo qu ge al ga ou gi nd dj mb ad ac tr no ra wi fr ju kh tu
or, when lumped into vague "words," tianvi mibr sasoza prcota hepa beatbure durori valuch mopoamsk oswalilj mast kilo naot haguteme bacakaye dhthph niditb nejaje toaskubi ulpymu isdosi sesrdaab suya weap honufubo qugealga ouginddj mbadactr norawifr jukhtu
ka, ti, al, an, lu, sa, bu, ye, ca, vi, ba, na, ma, dh, br, mi, be, po, th, la, ga, so, ou, gi, ph, ya, ot, pr, nd, bo, mo, ki, za, ha, ni, co, dj, ro, di, qu, gu, as, ta, ad, su, he, pa, li, tb, ac, at, bi, ge, te, re, ne, ja, du, je, to, py, se, ku, ri, tr, va, sk, ku, no, me, ch, ul, ra, wi, am, we, ab, os, mu, is, wa, do, ap, fr, lj, ho, ju, kh, st, da, do, nu, lo, tu, fu, sr, si, mb.
i did my best to eliminate duplicates, so sorry if there are any.
But probably before I try sport quizzes (that go beyond "in which sport do you hit a ball with a racket" and which sport has something called a hoop" etc. of all the sports through all the ages I would struggle to give 10 names of players haha. It makes my knowledge of politicians and current muscial acts look incredible haha)
Of course, there are some problems like Tbilisi, Skopje, Ljubljana or Djibouti ;).
Just guessing one by one, no cheats.
tripolis and tunis on the other hand are lower than I expected
Just try each consonant successively from the keyboard: w, r, t, y, p, s, ... and so on, with letters: a, e, u, i and o.
For example: sa, se, su, si and so.
And get 5 points: P
just like in real life, I rather know the subject matter and have learned something and feel proud of my score (let's say 7,5/10) than not knowing the subject matter and copying and getting a 10/10.
Not saying it is technically cheating though, it just basicly becomes a different type of quiz. (not remember as much capitals, but just type fast :) )
They are:
ab ac ad al
am an ap as
at ba be bi
bl bo br bu
ca ch co da
dh di dj do
du fr fu ga
ge gi gu ha
he ho is ja
je ju ka kh
ki ko ku la
li lj lo lu
ma mb me mi
mo mu na nd
ne ni no nu
os ot ou pa
ph po pr py
qu ra re ri
ro sa se si
sk so st su
ta tb te th
ti to tr tu
ul va vi wa
we wi ya ye
65 including ye and ya :) so that is just under a third
or, when lumped into vague "words," tianvi mibr sasoza prcota hepa beatbure durori valuch mopoamsk oswalilj mast kilo naot haguteme bacakaye dhthph niditb nejaje toaskubi ulpymu isdosi sesrdaab suya weap honufubo qugealga ouginddj mbadactr norawifr jukhtu
132 in my first try. Let's see if I can fill out all. Nice quizz. Thank you!