Aww thanks! And nope, this is just the first one! I don't want to overuse the concept on quizzes where the animation is unnecessary, and I haven't yet come up with another scenario where it is necessary / beneficial to the quiz. Rest assured, I'm hoping to make more and better animated svgs though!
I'm not gonna lie, the last three (Mauritius, Rwanda and Vanuatu) were pure guesses based on where they were in the alphabetical list I couldn't see them in the animation. So, I just want to say thank you so much for the alphabetical listing it made getting those last three a lot easier!
Now that I've calmed down after my seizure, I'll ask whether Reunion/France should be included. It's got the same status, I think, as French Guiana, Guadeloupe, and Martinique. Are they all considered "external territories"?
They actually have the same status as Normandy and Corsica, they are just separated from the mainland by water. So I think France should be included in this quiz to add more challenge
This is hard on the eyes, but really neat. I managed to figure out Syria without reading the comments : ) but only because the countries are listed in alphabetical order
Syria was hard to notice.. made it though!
Bright idea and fine making, thanks!
How is this possible?