Question | Fact | ✓ | Answer | % Correct |
What is the smallest 'country' of the UK? | Right | ✓ | Northern Ireland | 91%
What is the most northern (in terms of latitude) Capital City? | $214,750,000,000 | ✓ | Reykjavík | 86%
What is the Official Language of São Tomé and Príncipe? | 332,698 km2 | ✓ | Portuguese | 80%
What mountain range divides Europe and Asia? | 8ºN to 24ºN | ✓ | Ural | 79%
Which of the worlds capital cities has the highest population? | 28 | ✓ | Tokyo | 78%
Which island contains two Caribbean countries? | 3,444 km | ✓ | Hispaniola | 76%
Which of the Great Lakes comes first alphabetically? | 7 | ✓ | Erie | 71%
Which ocean has disputable recognition as one of Earth's Oceans? | 58 (63) | ✓ | Southern Ocean | 68%
What is the tallest mountain in the United States? | 3 | ✓ | Denali | 62%
Which country has the most Official Languages? | 91,700,000 | ✓ | Bolivia | 31%
UNKNOWN COUNTRY | Vietnam | 23%
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