Name an Asian capital that …
has hosted the Summer Olympics
Beijing | Seoul | Tokyo
has an elevation greater than 1400m
Kabul | Kathmandu | Sana'a | Thimphu
is the capital of a Mediterranean country
Ankara | Beirut | Damascus | Jerusalem | Nicosia
is the capital of a country bordering Cambodia
Bangkok | Hanoi | Vientiane
has 3 words in its name
Bandar Seri Begawan | Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
contains the letter C
Damascus | Kuwait City | Muscat | Nicosia
is on an island
Bandar Seri Begawan | Dili | Jakarta | Manama | Malè | Manila | Nicosia | Singapore | Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte | Taipei | Tokyo
is south of the equator
Dili | Jakarta
is the capital of a "Stan" country
Ashgabat | Astana | Bishkek | Dushanbe | Islamabad | Kabul | Tashkent
is more than 1100 km away from any other world capital
Bandar Seri Begawan | Dili | Manila | Taipei | Tokyo | Ulaanbaatar
has an average daily high temperature of at least 33.3ºC (92F)
Abu Dhabi | Kuwait City | Muscat | Riyadh | Bangkok
is one of the last three Asian capitals alphabetically
Ulaanbaatar | Vientiane | Yerevan
received more than 13 million tourists in 2019
Bangkok | Singapore | Kuala Lumpur
has between 3 and 4 million people in its urban area
Amman | Damascus | Hanoi | Kabul
lies on the Mekong river
Phnom Penh | Vientiane
contain the letter Y twice
Naypyidaw | Pyongyang
is within 500km of the Caspian Sea
Ashgabat | Baku | Tbilisi | Tehran | Yerevan
gets 10cm or less of annual precipitation
Abu Dhabi | Manama | Doha | Muscat
is guessed less than 37% of the time on the "Asia Capitals Quiz"
Ashgabat | Dushanbe | Naypyidaw | Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
SJK is the administrative capital with the parliamentary buildings and a fancy lake full of crocs guarding the MPs.
i hate type ins sometimes
Sri Lanka : no
Well I am am happy with the ones I got especially in the amount of time given (which is short imo, for me definitely, since Im no star at capitals, but didn't even get to read the last 2 questions.)