Name a European capital that …
is a top 10 "Fashion Capital" of the world
Paris | London | Rome | Berlin | Madrid
has an average temperature of 6.0ºC (42F) or below
Reykjavík | Oslo | Moscow | Helsinki | Tallinn | Vilnius
is the capital of a country bordering Greece
Skopje | Sofia | Tirana
only has 4 letters in its name
Bern | Kyiv | Oslo | Riga | Rome
is at least 400km away from the sea
Moscow | Budapest | Kyiv | Minsk
is the capital of a country whose name contains "land"
Amsterdam | Bern | Dublin | Helsinki | Reykjavík | Warsaw
is the capital of a country formerly part of Yugoslavia
Belgrade | Ljubljana | Podgorica | Pristina | Sarajevo | Skopje | Zagreb
is more than 450 km away from any other world capital
Reykjavík | Moscow | Lisbon | Andorra la Vella | Madrid | Athens | Dublin
is in the EU, but doesn't use the Euro
Bucharest | Budapest | Copenhagen | Prague | Sofia | Stockholm | Warsaw
has hosted the Winter Olympics
Oslo | Sarajevo
is west of the Prime Meridian
Reykjavík | Lisbon | Dublin | Madrid | London
is guessed less than 45% of the time on the "Europe Capitals Quiz"
Ljubljana | Skopje | Vaduz | Pristina | Chișinău | Podgorica
begins with the same letter as its country, but is distinctly different to it
Brussels | Stockholm
contains the letter K (but does not start with K)
Helsinki | Minsk | Reykjavik | Skopje | Stockholm
gets less than 50cm of annual precipitation
Athens | Madrid | Skopje
has an elevation greater than 500m
Andorra la Vella | Madrid | Sofia | Bern | Sarajevo
is on the Danube river
Bratislava | Belgrade | Budapest | Vienna
is less than 500km from the Black Sea
Chișinău | Bucharest | Kyiv | Sofia
is one of the world's top 2 most bike-friendly cities
Copenhagen | Amsterdam
is one of the three capitals of the European Union
Brussels | Luxembourg
Maybe using "completely different" instead of distinctly different will solve the problem for people that do not seem to get it? Not sure because to me it is no clearer than the first (and then you get smart asses saying, "well it is not completely different... this word contains an s aswell and has vowels too" etc.
Distinctly different in this case is simply that no parts of the capital name are derived from the name of the country. If even I as a non-native english speaker find it obvious, native speakers really shouldnt have an issue with it. Though I know time restraints can really influence your cognitive abilities.
I think we should give them Moldova. It would help Moldova a lot, as they probably don’t have any good Pad Thai places right now.
but is distinctly different to it" to "begins with the same letter as its country, but does not contain the country name." ???
Possibly need another minute.