
Name a Valid U.S. President #1

Name any U.S. President that belongs in each selected category.
Using names as they appear on the U.S. Presidents Quiz
Answer must correspond to the yellow box
Quiz by Stewart
Last updated: November 10, 2024
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First submittedApril 11, 2019
Times taken144,268
Average score77.8%
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 / 18 guessed
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Name a President ...
Valid answers
who was previously Vice President
John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | Harry Truman |
Lyndon B. Johnson | Joe Biden | +10 others
with an alliterative name
(i.e. initials are AA, BB etc...)
Woodrow Wilson | Calvin Coolidge | Herbert Hoover |
Ronald Reagan
who was impeached
Andrew Johnson | Bill Clinton | Donald Trump
who resigned from office
Richard Nixon
has served since the year 2000
Bill Clinton | George W. Bush | Barack Obama |
Donald Trump | Joe Biden
who didn't represent the Democratic or
Republican party
George Washington | John Adams | William Henry Harrison |
John Tyler | Zachary Taylor | Millard Fillmore
who won a Nobel Peace Prize
(not necessarily while in office)
Theodore Roosevelt | Woodrow Wilson | Jimmy Carter |
Barack Obama
who was assassinated
Abraham Lincoln | James Garfield | William McKinley |
John F. Kennedy
who died in office
(but wasn't assassinated)
William Henry Harrison | Zachary Taylor | Warren Harding |
Franklin D. Roosevelt
with a one-syllable last name
James K. Polk | Gerald R. Ford | Donald Trump | +6 others
who was born in Massachusetts
John Adams | John Quincy Adams | John F. Kennedy |
George H. W. Bush
with no biological children
George Washington | James Madison | Andrew Jackson |
James Buchanan | James K. Polk
whose first name contains the letter "Y"
Zachary Taylor | Lyndon B. Johnson | Ulysses S. Grant |
Harry Truman | Jimmy Carter
who was under 50 years old
when inaugurated
Theodore Roosevelt | John F. Kennedy | Bill Clinton |
Barack Obama | + 5 others
who was elected despite not winning
the popular vote
John Quincy Adams | Rutherford B. Hayes |
Benjamin Harrison | George W. Bush | Donald Trump
who had a mustache in his official portrait
(but no other facial hair)
Grover Cleveland | Theodore Roosevelt | William Howard Taft
who graduated from West Point
Ulysses S. Grant | Dwight D. Eisenhower
who had a child with a woman
he never married
Thomas Jefferson | Warren Harding
Level 90
Apr 13, 2019
I'm assuming with an average score thus far of 17/18 that mostly U.S.-centric people are taking this quiz.
Level 70
Apr 14, 2019
This quiz wasn't that hard for non-US people (like me) since most of the categories contain at least one famous or recent example.
Level 68
Apr 14, 2019
That was the intention. Especially since it was made by a Brit who only knows half the presidents anyway :P (Though I can assure you the answers are correct, I did my research!)
Level 43
Dec 18, 2024
Grover Cleveland had a child with a woman he never married, so that needs to be added.
Level 81
Apr 14, 2019
it's also just an easy quiz if you know much at all about US presidents. Nothing on here was particularly obscure or hard to guess, for many you just need to know how to spell or pronounce their names.
Level 81
Apr 14, 2019
for example, question #1 - guess young presidents, #2 if you don't know Bush, Truman etc just randomly guess you'll get one, #4 Lewinsky scandal pretty famous, #5 Watergate pretty famous, #6 turn on the news, #7 name any old president i.e. Washington.. these are all easy. trickiest ones might be the biological children thing (it's fairly well known Buchanan was the only bachelor president), maybe the illegitimate children thing (fairly well known Jefferson was sleeping with his slave mistress), West Point (guess presidents that were also generals, it's a famous military academy), or maybe the moustaches- the presidents with moustaches are pretty old and many are obscure.
Level 73
Apr 15, 2019
Brit here and I found this reasonably tricky. I missed the two on children as well as the West Point question. I should have thought of @Kalbahamut's logic of naming generals but it's tricky against the clock some times.

As for the born in Massachusetts question, that could have been any of the Presidents to me.

I also managed to miss two easy ones. I thought of one of the answers for the alliterative question but some how after thinking of it I just decided to move on to the next question and not bother to type the answer in. Genius.

Level 81
Jun 3, 2019
I guess John Adams for the Massachusetts one. He was famously from Boston, and the lawyer who defended British soldiers after the "Boston Massacre," but I guess not very well known outside of the United States.
Level 72
Jun 5, 2019
famous and easy are relative... some things may seem like general knowledge but might only be knowledge that you are exposed to in your own country and think it is something everybody picks up on without learning it ( as is the case with many things). but that wont happen if there isnt exposure to it in everyday life without deliberately looking it up.

plus interest makes a big difference, if have no interest in sport and politics but more in the science area. So I am not gonna look stuff like that up, and even IF you are exposed to certain things you wont retain the information.

Level 72
Jun 5, 2019
I think for non-us citizens with no interest in history or politics , the easy ones are, less than 50 yo, obama and clinton are fairly recent,. For the same reason the since 2000. I think everyone that has been on the internet or tv has heard of the assasination of kennedy. The one syllable one. If you paid attention to the news; the not winning the popular vote for trump (I tend to avoid the news but I didnt miss that piece of info.)

Well that was it basicly. If they would have added, who wears a tophat. Has a toy named after him. Had (allegedly?) wooden teeth (and something with an appletree???) I would have known a few more. That is about as far as my knowledge of the presidents go. I can name quite a lot of them, cause sometimes you see the names and some of them stick. But a lot of the extra knowledge you only know if you look it up/read something specefically about the subject

Level 81
Oct 15, 2020
If you had no interest in the US, history, or politics, why would you even be taking this quiz?

And the arboreal and apocryphal story I think you are referencing is the one in which George Washington chopped down a cherry tree, not an apple tree.

Level 62
Jan 20, 2021
I'm from the US but still only got 12, which beat a grand total of... 7.4% of people
Level 75
Jan 30, 2021
I'm seriously bad at US presidents but I got 17/18.

Even if you only get 10/18 you can use those answers to guess others you don't know. I couldn't think of an alliterative one for example, but I saw one in a different category that I got. A few other ones I got just by literally guessing the names in the other categories.

Not the most honourable strategy but hey ho.

Level 68
Nov 2, 2021
I’m not American and I got 14/18
Level 54
Mar 29, 2022
nah it's cause you can easily cheat once you have a few of the easy ones down, because then you can just list off characters off the other lists.
Level 73
Apr 16, 2019
Jimmy Carter's first name is not Jimmy. It is James which does not in fact have a Y in it.
Level 68
Apr 16, 2019
Commonly called Jimmy. As mentioned in the caveats:

"Using names as they appear on the U.S. Presidents Quiz"

Level 82
Jun 3, 2019
You should also accept Teddy if you accept Jimmy. The U.S. Presidents Quiz accepts "Teddy Roosevelt" as an answer. Great quiz btw.
Level 51
Oct 15, 2020
As they appear. After you've typed them in.
Level 67
Nov 2, 2021
I actually think Carter was sworn in using the name "Jimmy," so it has an extra veneer of legitimacy.
Level 75
Apr 16, 2019
Well, it was pretty easy for an European! Thank you for the first American Presidents based quiz I could fully complete:)
Level 71
Apr 17, 2019
Vote Whig!
Level 78
Apr 18, 2019
I got the 'Y' answer by reading 'Jimmy Carter' in the Nobel Prize answers which I had guessed by naming Obama :D
Level 68
Apr 18, 2019
Thank you for putting all valid answers into the answer table!
Level 17
Jun 3, 2019
James Madison did not father any children. He had one stepson.
Level 78
Jun 3, 2019
Agreed, James Madison should be an accepted answer for "no biological children."
Level ∞
Jun 3, 2019
Fixed, thanks.
Level 56
Jun 3, 2019
I would add a clue like "wasn't a native English speaker", for Martin Van Buren whose mothertongue was Dutch... IMHO it's interesting and unique enough to be in such a quiz.
Level 86
Jun 3, 2019
Van Buren was also the first president to be born in the United States of America (post Declaration). The first to be born under current Constitution was John Tyler.
Level 60
Jul 18, 2022
Which is funny because Tyler later renounced his US citizenship (joined the confederacy)
Level 74
Jun 5, 2019
I thought Grover Cleveland had an illegitimate child, but after looking it up I see there was never any real proof that the child was his even though he took financial responsibility for it because the other men involved with the woman were married.
Level 80
Jan 30, 2021
Indeed - I've seen a cartoon of Cleveland spurning his bawling child.
Level 64
Feb 17, 2021
'Ma, ma, where's my Pa? Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha!'
Level 77
Mar 14, 2023
Rum and rebellion!
Level 64
Jun 12, 2019
This is a really cool quiz! I hope more quizzes formatted like this are created!
Level 39
Jun 25, 2020
Cleveland also had an illegitimate child. In fact, it was a campaign slogan against him ...”ma, ma, where’s my pa...” which was then followed up when he won with “...gone to the White House ha, ha, ha...”. Some say he only took the “blame” for the child to protect others, some say it was his, but it’s the best known case. Don’t know if the child had heirs to test DNA...
Level 58
Nov 27, 2022
AFAIK, there's not enough evidence to say that it was certain. Cleveland did pay child support, but did not claim responsibility.
Level 59
Jul 3, 2020
Maybe consider adding a caveat for not representing rep or dem "while in the office" or "when elected" or something. For example, Teddy Roosevelt also represented Progressive party in his third elections in 1912, he just wasn't elected at that time. I'm surprised there weren't "the comments" yet.
Level 77
Jul 23, 2020
Jimmy Carter shouldn’t count as having a Y in his first name because his real name is James. Jimmy is just a nickname.
Level 59
Jul 30, 2020
Level 63
Nov 6, 2020
Great quiz. I don't usually bother with yellow box quizzes but this one was well worth it.
Level 63
Dec 18, 2020
I kept typing "Ulysses" and "Harry" and couldn't figure out why they weren't accepted. Typed "Grant" just in time! lol
Level 90
Feb 4, 2021
First name *or nickname, or given middle name that he went by* contain a Y...;)
Level 52
Mar 10, 2021
Thomas Jefferson never had a child with a woman he didn't marry. False information spread by people who didn't/don't like him.
Level 71
Mar 10, 2021
Sally Hemmings? There's DNA evidence that Jefferson fathered children with her.
Level 70
Nov 2, 2021
The DNA evidence isn't accurate enough to say that Jefferson was the father, only that he was related to her child. Jefferson's brother was well known for enjoying the company of the slaves, and is a more likely candidate for having fathered her offspring.
Level 36
May 10, 2022
His Brother isn't the one who took her to France. Nor was his Brother the one to induce her to return to slavery in the US, when she was free under French law.
Level 61
Nov 2, 2021
Encomium, not a good site for spreading crap. You might want to tour his estate in Monticello, and see what they say about the matter.
Level 67
Nov 2, 2021
Who doesn't like Thomas Jefferson?
Level 78
Jan 7, 2022
Alexander Hamilton.
Level 56
Oct 25, 2021
should allow first name guesses on the question with a "Y" in the first name. first thought was to provide a first name Ulysses and no credit unless Grant was provided.
Level 61
Nov 2, 2021
13/18. Not bad for a Brit.
Level 73
Nov 2, 2021
17/18, not bad for a Brit, questionable for a Brit with a history degree! Woops… I just had no idea who didn’t have children (wasn’t on the syllabus!).
Level 48
Nov 2, 2021
14/18, pretty good for a Finn
Level 65
Nov 2, 2021
Could we have more context around "has served since the year 2000"? Served as what? What does this mean?
Level 68
Nov 2, 2021
Looking for a person who was US President after the year 2000.
Level 65
Nov 3, 2021
Ah, I see now. I was completely reading that wrong. It might be better worded as "served after 2000"? I took it as has been in office since 2000 which of course didn't make sense.
Level 68
Nov 2, 2021
Buchanan??? Wasnt he the only bachelor president??
Level 49
May 23, 2024
Level 71
Nov 3, 2021
9 seconds remaining
Level 44
Jan 16, 2022
Not to be political or anything, but what is your favorite President of the United States? Reply if you want.

I just want a quick overview of who JetPunk users think is the best President.

Level 68
Jan 16, 2022
Someone's "favourite" is a different question to who someone thinks is the best. I don't know enough to form an opinion to either question, especially since I'm British!
Level 77
Apr 6, 2023
George Washington had solid policies and a strong reputation, so probably him.
Level 71
Apr 6, 2023
Best President? Probably Abraham Lincoln--I think it's objectively agreed by most scholars that he is the best President.

Personal favorite? I'd have to go with Jimmy Carter.

Level 24
Jan 4, 2025
favorite is probably eisenhower or FDR
Level 48
Jan 20, 2022
My only issue with this quiz is that typing only the last names for some work but for others don't. Otherwise great quiz
Level ∞
Jan 21, 2022
Last names work for all the answers.
Level 58
May 5, 2022
Question: "Had a child with a woman he never married" should be "Had a child with a woman he never married, that we know of"
Level 36
May 10, 2022
President Carter does not have a "y" in his first name. His first name is James, not Jimmy... I notice that while many referred to JFK, as "Jack" you still list him under his proper first name. Why not the same courtesy to President Carter?
Level 78
Aug 23, 2022
It's going by the names they are most commonly called. His name is indeed "James," but except for the most formal of sources he's almost always called "Jimmy Carter" in regular discourse. Clinton is the same way, almost always "Bill" instead of "William." Meanwhile, while Kennedy is sometimes called "Jack," he's most often referred to as "John F. Kennedy."
Level 55
May 28, 2022
quite a lot time, got them all with 5 sec left, just tried many until got the last ones didn't know
Level 28
Jul 22, 2022
Great quiz, I'm really liking this format and the subjects.
Level 73
Apr 6, 2023
Wouldn't Jeffferson, Madison and Monroe also be an answer for the party? It was the Democratic-Republican Party but did not represent the actual Democratic or Republican party. Or am I wrong?
Level 77
Apr 6, 2023
Yeah, it was a completely separate party (though most members eventually left for the Democratic Party). For that matter, JQA should be added.
Level 63
Apr 6, 2023
A bit longer would be helpful for those of us who always refer to people by their full names. Even with an above-average thinking and typing speed, I only had 22 seconds remaining by the time I’d finished!
Level 62
Apr 25, 2023
13/18, from UK so i guessed a few successfully
Level 43
Jun 6, 2023
Grover Cleveland also had an illegitimate child, with Maria Crofts Halpin. His opponents would chant "Ma ma where's my pa?" to mock him; after he won, supporters would respond with "Gone to the White House, ha ha ha"
Level 57
Feb 1, 2024
Too America-centric!
Level 55
Feb 3, 2024
It's a quiz about American presidents. We're you expecting Australian US presidents? Or Canadian ones?
Level 67
Mar 28, 2024
You must be fun at parties
Level 37
Feb 12, 2024
This is a little bit of a nitpick, but Ulysses Grant's first name is Hiram, the use of his middle name as such is an error when he was applying to west point. The S middle initial doesn't stand for anything.
Level 67
Mar 28, 2024
"was born in Kenya"
Level 68
May 18, 2024
Level 55
May 3, 2024
While people generally assume that Jefferson had kids with Sally Hemings, who traveled with him frequently, I don't remember it ever being proven that the children were certifiably his. I think the DNA research showed that the mixed children were fathered by a member of the Jefferson family/household, but it was somewhat impossible to prove which white male they descend from. The evidence suggests it was likely Thomas, based on timelines and innuendo,but it's possible it was any of the men in his family.
Level 86
Sep 12, 2024
I learned today that Harry is Truman's given name, not Harold. Who knew.
Level 49
Nov 29, 2024
Last question, 5 seconds left, started typing Eisenhower wrote Einstein!!!