Name a state ...
Valid States
that borders Canada
Alaska | Washington | Montana | North Dakota | Minnesota | Idaho | Michigan | Ohio | Pennsylvania | New York | Vermont | New Hampshire | Maine
that borders Mexico
California | New Mexico | Arizona | Texas
with a population of at least 20 million
California | Texas | Florida
that doesn't border any other state
Alaska | Hawaii
with a Disney theme park
California | Florida
with an X in its name
New Mexico | Texas
whose capital contains the word "city"
Missouri | Nevada | Oklahoma | Utah
bordering the Great Lakes
Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | New York | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Wisconsin
with 5 or more National Parks
Alaska | California | Utah
where at least 30% of the population are African-American
Mississippi | Louisiana | Georgia
where at least 7% of the population are Native American
Alaska | Oklahoma | New Mexico | South Dakota | Montana
whose capital touches the Atlantic Ocean
Maryland | Massachusetts | Rhode Island
where at least 80% of the land is used for agriculture
Nebraska | South Dakota | North Dakota | Kansas | Iowa
where at least 75% of the land is forested
Maine | New Hampshire | West Virginia | Vermont
that was once an independent country
Hawaii | Texas | Vermont
where fewer than 27% of adults are obese
Colorado | Hawaii
that appears rectangular on a Mercator projection map
Colorado | Wyoming
with an average elevation of 100 feet or less
Delaware | Florida | Louisiana
that was named for a queen
Maryland | Virginia | West Virginia
where at least 5 U.S. Presidents were born
New York | Ohio | Virginia
Causes of obesity in Polynesia probably is a combination evolutionary strategies to survive famine, more cultural acceptance of fat people, supplying Native populations with cheap carbohydrates and other processed foods by the colonizing governments while suppressing native traditional food, (pounding poi was just recently legalized in Hawaii.) car culture.
Also, nice quiz
Massachusetts dropped down to nr 7. First (lowest percentage of obese people) is Colorado with 22.6%, second Hawaii with 23.8%, and runner up with 25.1% is California>
Most obese is West-virginia with 38.1% of adults.