The U.S. States have been pixelated! Only pixels with at least 50% land have survived! Each pixel can only be guessed by the state which has the most area inside it!
There are no answer boxes on purpose! The pixel grid is your only resource to name all the states
And I still run out of time, even though I type quite fluidly and with decent speed (I guess I would have made it on a keyboard, but seems like I'm too slow on a phone)
I feel like a lower resolution (so more states are missing) and less time would improve this quiz. As it is, it's basically just a matter of typing out all of the states at a fairly unrushed pace. In practice it doesn't seem materially different to a quiz simply asking for the states, which seems a shame since it clearly took a lot of effort to make.
Even though there was not a lot of time, I did not care, and kept trying until i got it-- A great quiz to be honest, and the creativity of the pixels was nice
Like someone else said in the comments section maybe if you shortened the time to like a minute less it would have been more challenging. I felt like this was too easy (no hate)
This beats or equals 52.4% of test takers
And I still run out of time, even though I type quite fluidly and with decent speed (I guess I would have made it on a keyboard, but seems like I'm too slow on a phone)