
Random State Capital to U.S. State

In this quiz the answers change every time you play!
Given a random U.S. state capital, can you name the U.S. state it’s the capital of?
Answer must correspond to highlighted box!
Quiz by Stewart
Last updated: January 7, 2019
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First submittedDecember 4, 2018
Times taken71,651
Average score80.0%
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Capital City
South Dakota
Baton Rouge
New Jersey
Des Moines
Capital City
Little Rock
Level 78
Jan 7, 2019
Way too easy. Either less time or more capitals. I did it in 18 seconds. And I had a couple of typos I had to fix.
Level 68
Jan 7, 2019
If you had less time than 1 minute, then slow typers wouldn't even have a chance! I personally can't complete this that quickly (if at all) since I only know half the capitals.
Level 76
Jan 8, 2019
I think the time is about right. Had to take it twice because I missed Hartford, still had time to guess several states there. The second time I got it with 35 seconds to spare, but didn't really have to stop and think. I mean, it is a pretty fast quiz already, I don't think there's room to reduce time.
Level 78
Jan 8, 2019
Yup. not a typing contest. a minute is fine.
Level 90
Jan 8, 2019
i randomly got every state with a long name.
Level 68
Jan 8, 2019
@someone2018, is that extremely lucky or extremely unlucky? :P
Level 29
Dec 29, 2020
lol probably unlucky cause he would have to type the whole name out.
Level 47
Jan 4, 2023
except for New Hampshire, for some reason NH works for it
Level 76
May 30, 2019
Level 25
Nov 30, 2020
I got all first try and had 5 seconds to go but people that don't live in the us might find it harder.
Level 70
Dec 23, 2020
Try the 'Counties of England' quiz..... smartypants
Level 42
Oct 19, 2024
Agreed. 18 seconds here..with typos as well. From a trivia standpoint, matching state capitals with state is extremely easy--so you have to add a speed aspect.
Level 60
Feb 15, 2019
Finally, a good way to slowly get my head around US State capitals! Lousy scores for a while before i slowly remember them. Why are US State capitals hardly ever the main (largest) city?
Level 72
Feb 15, 2019
Me too. I think it's because they were either the largest, or at least one of the largest, cities at the time the capital was decided upon. That and some were chosen because they were centrally located or important due to trade etc.
Level 48
Mar 20, 2019
Combination of central location and/or a desire to keep the 'power' from being centralized in urban areas. The latter is a power struggle (rural/conservative- urban/liberal) we still see everyday, in the US and abroad.
Level 70
Dec 21, 2020
Nothing really to elaborate on that the other comments here haven't mentioned, except to share this map of the US that shows states' largest cities and capitals and which states that happens to be same city. It's interesting how the age of the state doesn't necessarily predict whether the largest city will be the capital or not.
Level 49
Feb 17, 2019
I had a test over state capitals and got 10/10 with 25s left I'm not the worlds greatest typer you should do more like this.
Level 68
Feb 17, 2019
I'm glad you enjoyed it :) I have a whole bunch of randomised quizzes in my series here: Randomized Quizzes!
Level 36
Jul 22, 2019
Of all the capitals, I find Albany (NY) and Harrisburg (PA), the strangest choices. Since New York City and Philadelphia were both at one time Capitals of the USA; you would think that it would be natural for them to be chosen as capitals of their respective States.
Level 66
Oct 19, 2024
I would think having been national capitals would remove them from consideration as state capitals. You wouldn't want state and national power to be in the same place.
Level 44
Dec 21, 2020
Level 23
Dec 23, 2020
I got California and Hawaii xD Im European so I don't know cities of USA, I only know Stans xD
Level 32
May 19, 2021
Missed maine and maryland but not suprised. I live in California and don't know too much about the east
Level 55
Jan 5, 2023
I live in the UK but got 10/10 in 41 seconds.
Level 33
Apr 23, 2024
As a mobile player who cannot thumbtype quickly I thank you for this time.