German | English | % Correct |
Bolivien | Bolivia | 100%
Dänemark | Denmark | 100%
Norwegen | Norway | 100%
Spanien | Spain | 100%
Algerien | Algeria | 98%
Australien | Australia | 98%
Belgien | Belgium | 98%
Libyen | Libya | 98%
Luxemburg | Luxembourg | 98%
Schweden | Sweden | 98%
Argentinien | Argentina | 97%
Armenien | Armenia | 97%
Rumänien | Romania | 97%
Russland | Russia | 97%
Türkei | Turkey | 97%
Kroatien | Croatia | 96%
Brasilien | Brazil | 95%
Kuba | Cuba | 95%
Republik Kongo | Rep. of the Congo | 95%
Indien | India | 94%
Kenia | Kenya | 94%
Niederlande | Netherlands | 94%
Syrien | Syria | 94%
Sambia | Zambia | 94%
Ägypten | Egypt | 93%
Finnland | Finland | 93%
Indonesien | Indonesia | 93%
Italien | Italy | 93%
Jordanien | Jordan | 93%
Mongolei | Mongolia | 93%
Papua-Neuguinea | Papua New Guinea | 93%
Singapur | Singapore | 93%
Trinidad und Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago | 93%
Irak | Iraq | 92%
Kasachstan | Kazakhstan | 92%
Madagaskar | Madagascar | 92%
Marokko | Morocco | 92%
Nordkorea | North Korea | 92%
Philippinen | Philippines | 92%
Südsudan | South Sudan | 92%
Bulgarien | Bulgaria | 91%
Kanada | Canada | 91%
Demokratische Republik Kongo | Dem. Rep. of the Congo | 91%
Irland | Ireland | 91%
Jamaika | Jamaica | 91%
Südafrika | South Africa | 91%
Zentralafrikanische Republik | Central African Republic | 90%
Deutschland | Germany | 90%
Mexiko | Mexico | 90%
Polen | Poland | 90%
Tunesien | Tunisia | 90%
Albanien | Albania | 89%
Antigua und Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda | 89%
Tschad | Chad | 89%
Dominikanische Republik | Dominican Republic | 89%
Frankreich | France | 89%
Gabun | Gabon | 89%
Georgien | Georgia | 89%
Kirgisistan | Kyrgyzstan | 89%
St. Kitts und Nevis | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 89%
Saudi-Arabien | Saudi Arabia | 89%
Slowenien | Slovenia | 89%
Südkorea | South Korea | 89%
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | United Arab Emirates | 89%
Jemen | Yemen | 89%
Libanon | Lebanon | 88%
Mauretanien | Mauritania | 88%
Katar | Qatar | 88%
Ruanda | Rwanda | 87%
Tansania | Tanzania | 87%
Usbekistan | Uzbekistan | 87%
Vatikanstadt | Vatican City | 87%
Bosnien und Herzegowina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 86%
Kolumbien | Colombia | 86%
Litauen | Lithuania | 86%
Mosambik | Mozambique | 86%
São Tomé und Príncipe | São Tomé and Príncipe | 86%
Kamerun | Cameroon | 85%
Moldawien | Moldova | 85%
Simbabwe | Zimbabwe | 85%
Föderierte Staaten von Mikronesien | Fed. States of Micronesia | 84%
Island | Iceland | 84%
Nordmazedonien | North Macedonia | 84%
Seychellen | Seychelles | 84%
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | 84%
Österreich | Austria | 83%
Bangladesch | Bangladesh | 83%
Kambodscha | Cambodia | 83%
Serbien | Serbia | 83%
Marshallinseln | Marshall Islands | 82%
Slowakei | Slovakia | 82%
Birma | Myanmar | 81%
Schweiz | Switzerland | 81%
Tadschikistan | Tajikistan | 81%
Kap Verde | Cape Verde | 80%
Fidschi | Fiji | 80%
Malediven | Maldives | 80%
Swasiland | Swaziland | 80%
Äquatorial-Guinea | Equatorial Guinea | 78%
Dschibuti | Djibouti | 77%
Äthiopien | Ethiopia | 74%
Griechenland | Greece | 74%
Osttimor | East Timor | 71%
Aserbaidschan | Azerbaijan | 69%
Komoren | Comoros | 68%
Neuseeland | New Zealand | 68%
Weißrussland | Belarus | 67%
Lettland | Latvia | 62%
Tschechien | Czech Republic | 61%
Salomonen | Solomon Islands | 59%
Vereinigtes Königreich | United Kingdom | 59%
Estland | Estonia | 58%
Vereinigte Staaten | United States | 58%
Zypern | Cyprus | 56%
Ungarn | Hungary | 53%
Elfenbeinküste | Ivory Coast | 34%
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