You're certainly not alone there. I often mix up Bucharest and Budapest. To make matters worse I often mix up Romania and Bulgaria too, which results in me sometimes thinking Budapest is the capital of Bulgaria - completely incorrect!
Today when I took this it gave me, I'm pretty sure, the hardest mix of answers possible, including Podgorica, Pristina, Chisinau, Ljubljana, and Reykjavik. Still super easy, though.
Ljubljana used to be the only European capital I couldn't answer for the lone reason that spelling it was a nightmare for me. Fortunately, I can do it now. :3
Kal has bragging rights. It even says so on the level page. “So, what do i get for having a high level?” “Bragging Rights”. Also, Kalbahamut is like 12 quizmaker.
Okay Timothy, it's not about making a typo, the city is called Tallinn but because of all the illiterate people, the second "n" is given for free. So for us who actually try to type the name right without paying attention, the second "n" gets carried out to the next answer and so on. There are other infamous examples, like on JetPunk Pittsburgh is Pittsburg, Riyadh is Riyad, the list goes on...
If this is so random, how come it has the 2 words I struggle to remember how to spell ( Reykjavik and Ljubljana) and the one European capital I keep forgetting (Skopje). Does it know me? :¬) Good quiz.
You're certainly not alone there. I often mix up Bucharest and Budapest. To make matters worse I often mix up Romania and Bulgaria too, which results in me sometimes thinking Budapest is the capital of Bulgaria - completely incorrect!
And you're clearly bragging.
Reason I ask is that it is very easy compared to the quizzes you are compiling at the moment.
In any case, keep up the great work, it is appreciated.
Don't you hate it when you get a typo?