Fill in the Sudoku grid! Each row, column and 3x3 thick box must contain the digits 1 to 9 exactlyonce. For the full instructions, see this page.
Key: Each answer is of the format #X where # is a digit and X is a letter. The letter indicates which 3x3 box the digit belongs to according to the key on the right.
Note: The time limit is set at 60 minutes to allow people time to do it properly! Since this is a "Map Quiz" format, it's incredibly difficult to cheat on it.
i would love if answers were organised by letter rather than number, so i can go straight to the box i'm in before choosing the right number, but maybe that's just me
1B and 1I are in the wrong place. Can't get those two right. (clarification: The first answer I put in was where 1B SHOULD be but is not, it is where 1I should be).
9:50 But I agree, much more logical ;) to sort the answers by letter instead of number, and/or even group them. (Instead of one continuous line/block of answers have some space between each set of 9. So a1-a9 and then a blank line)
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A1 A2 A3
A4 A5 A6
A7 A8 A9
B1 B2 B3
B4 B5 B6
B7 B8 B9
Etc Or just color code per block and drop the abc
Edit darn, the blank line in between doesn't really show and I forgot how to use html so it shows the text as is. Well I am just gonna do --- And imagine it is a blank line. --- would actually work too. Now you have a big letter number jumble. I am not even dyslexic but that is one big soup which all turns into one and develops you.. especially since (imo) it is counterintuitive.
But fun to do, eventhough sudoku's normal aren't my thing
Excellent adaptation of this mythic puzzle, unique idea, and as always perfect execution: it's an amazing quiz! Nominated!
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A1 A2 A3
A4 A5 A6
A7 A8 A9
B1 B2 B3
B4 B5 B6
B7 B8 B9
Etc Or just color code per block and drop the abc
Edit darn, the blank line in between doesn't really show and I forgot how to use html so it shows the text as is. Well I am just gonna do --- And imagine it is a blank line. --- would actually work too. Now you have a big letter number jumble. I am not even dyslexic but that is one big soup which all turns into one and develops you.. especially since (imo) it is counterintuitive.
But fun to do, eventhough sudoku's normal aren't my thing