Question | Answer | % Correct |
Which long-running American late-night television sketch comedy show has over 900 episodes? | Saturday {Night} {Live} | 93%
In astrology, which planet is associated with Saturday? | Saturn | 78%
Which 1977 American musical film starring John Travolta made over 60 times its budget at the box office? | Saturday {Night} {Fever} | 74%
Since 1956, which singing competition has always held its International Final on a Saturday? | Eurovision | 69%
In what country is Saturday the official day of rest, where all government offices and most businesses are closed? | Israel | 69%
How many members were in the British-Irish girl group The Saturdays, popular in the late naughties? | 5 | 67%
In what language are Samstag and Sonnabend both correct translations for Saturday? | German | 66%
Which British musician had a popular hit with Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting) in 1973? | Elton John | 58%
Saturday in the Park is a song by which U.S. rock band? (Also the name of a U.S. City) | Chicago | 53%
What day occurs before Easter each year, sometimes known as "Easter Eve"? | {Holy} Saturday | 30%
Which American magazine, in circulation since 1821, has released over 6000 editions in its lifetime? | {The} Saturday {Evening} {Post} | 26%
In the 2012 Summer Olympics, day 8 was dubbed as what after the host managed 6 gold medals that day? | {Super} Saturday | 24%
What ceremony, performed by the British Army, is held annually on a June Saturday in the U.K. each year? | Trooping the Colour | 14%
What day comes before Palm Sunday, celebrating the raising of ______ of Bethany? | {Lazarus} Saturday | 13%
What day is set aside for commemoration of the dead within Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic? | Saturday of {Souls} | 7%
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