How to Play: 1. This is best played with two people, so find somebody to play with!
2. You need to decide who will be Player A and who will be Player B. A will be crosses and B will be circles.
3. Take it in turns to make a move. You do this by typing either 'A' or 'B' and then the number of the cell you want to claim. For example 'A5' will play a cross in the center square.
4. You may not play in a square that is already occupied.
5. Finally, a player wins when they get three of their symbols in a straight line (including diagonally)!
It's impossible to program a quiz to actually finish when you get 3 in a row. So you win when you get 3 in a row, but you have to manually give up to actually "finish the quiz"
A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9 And boooom you are done with the quiz