Salt march, non-violence, glasses
Mahatma Gandhi
Berlin Wall, cigar, "Ich bin ein Berliner"
John F. Kennedy
Iron Lady, Falklands, conservatism
Margaret Thatcher
Long Walk to Freedom, Madiba, apartheid
Nelson Mandela
Perestroika, glasnost, Cold War end
Mikhail Gorbachev
New Deal, polio, fireside chats
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Little red book, Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward
Mao Zedong
General Secretary, nuclear arms treaty, tear down this wall
Ronald Reagan
Bolívarian revolution, red beret, Venezuela
Hugo Chavez
"Iron Curtain," V for Victory, British Bulldog
Winston Churchill
Reunification, physicist, first female chancellor
Angela Merkel
Independence, non-alignment, Yugoslavia
Josip Broz Tito
Brexit, "Bulldog" spirit, referendum
Boris Johnson
Open Russia, KGB, long tenure
Vladimir Putin
Lula, Workers' Party, Brazil boom
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Jazz, Nobel Peace Prize, _____care
Barack Obama
Longest reign, corgis, the Commonwealth
Queen Elizabeth II
French Resistance, Fifth Republic, General
Charles De Gaulle