Quizzes by sambear

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user sambear.
# of Quizzes 66
# Subscribers 2
Times taken 17,699
Quizmaker Rank # 1,813
4,1762021-07-17Countries that begin and end with consonants
2,7122017-03-08All the lyrics to Moana's "how far I'll go"
1,6442022-03-14Formula 1 driver countries
1,2132022-11-20League Systems at the 2022 FIFA World Cup
1,1142021-08-28Countries of Premier League Players
1,0172021-06-10Countries with Green on their Flags
8002016-11-28Countries with populations under 100,000
7972022-12-30Clubs Represented at the 2022 FIFA World Cup
5872023-02-15Name every country to play Brazil at the Football World Cup
4692022-08-18Every Country to compete in the Commonwealth games
4182018-09-07Flags with the Union Jack
3092017-05-1450 States Song
1762017-10-22Books written by John Green
1292022-03-03Countries by Area
1072017-03-08Rugby League world cup teams
962020-01-01Every Opponent for England at a Rugby World Cup
952018-02-19Countries to win international soccer tournaments
882018-07-26Countries of the 1936 Olympics
872018-07-21Countries of Wimbledon Winners (Male)
782019-11-15Ever Country to reach the quarter final of the Rugby World Cup
632018-07-22Countries of the 1908 Olympics
602018-07-22Countries of the 1924 Olympics
592018-07-21Countries of Wimbledon Winners (Female)
592016-12-28Countries that have played in the IRB sevens world series
592018-07-05Countries of the 2015 Rugby World Cup
592016-12-12Countries that have reached the knockout stages of the men's FIFA World Cup
582017-02-04Clubs that have played in the top flight of English Rugby
542018-07-19Countries of Tour de France winners
452018-07-19Tour de France 2018 Countries
442018-07-22Countries of the 1900 Olympics
432018-07-26Countries of the 1932 Olympics
432018-07-05Countries of the 2003 Rugby World Cup
432021-08-14Country that begin and end with vowels
432018-07-20Countries of French Open Winners (Female)
422018-07-05Countries of the 2007 Rugby World Cup
412018-07-24Countries of the 1928 Olympics
412018-07-22Countries of the 1912 Olympics
402022-09-27Liverpool Centre Backs 2020-21
392018-07-20Countries of French Open Winners (Male)
362016-12-30Facts about the city of Bath
352018-07-21Countries of US open winners (Male)
352018-07-05Countries of the 1987 Rugby World Cup
342018-07-22Countries of the 1896 olympics
342017-04-28Countries to compete in the Olympics
312018-07-22Countries of the 1920 Olympics
312018-07-05Countries of the 1999 Rugby World Cup
312018-07-22Countries of the 1904 Olympics
302018-07-05Countries of the 1995 Rugby World Cup
302021-07-12Countries by Largest City
272021-07-10Fifa World Cup Qualifying
272017-02-07Every team to play in the football league
272018-07-05Countries of the 2011 Rugby World Cup
252018-07-20Countries of Australian Open winners (Male)
242018-07-19Countries of Giro d'Italia Winners
242018-07-21Countries of US Open winners (Female)
222018-07-19Countries of Vuelta a Espana Winners
222018-07-05Countries of the 1991 Rugby World Cup
212018-07-20Countries of Australia Open Winners (Female)
202022-09-27Jetpunk 1 million club
182022-02-12Winter Olympic Countries
172017-02-09US States by country with similar population.
172018-07-19Giro d'Italia 2018 Countries
132018-04-26Name the winner of the Home/Five/Six Nations for each year
132017-03-18Countries in their native language
62018-08-13Countries in alphabetical order
22021-03-05Rugby World Cup Matchups