
Name a U.S County - Hard Version

For every state listed, name a county that is incorporated in that state, that also does not share the name of any other U.S County
Does not include Alaska
Does not include Virginia's' independent cities
States like Connecticut or Massachusetts that have "Town Counties" will just use their regular counties
The amount of counties removed are next to the new number of counties/possible answers
Quiz by SocialStudyNerd
Last updated: October 5, 2024
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First submittedJune 29, 2023
Times taken31
Average score71.4%
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# of Counties/Possible Answers
16 (-51)
Autauga | Bullock | Chilton | Colbert | Conecuh | Coosa | Crenshaw | Cullman | Dale | Etowah | Geneva | Marengo | Mobile | Talladega | Tallapoosa | Tuscaloosa
11 (-4)
Apache | Cochise | Coconino | Gila | La Paz | Maricopa | Mohave | Navajo | Pima | Pinal | Yavapai
24 (-51)
Arkansas | Ashley | Baxter | Chicot | Conway | Craighead | Cross | Desha | Drew | Faulkner | Garland | Hempstead | Hot Spring | Independence | Izard | Little River | Lonoke | Poinsett | Searcy | Sebastian | Sharp | St. Francis | Woodruff | Yell
50 (-8)
Alameda | Alpine | Amador | Calaveras | Colusa | Contra Costa | Del Norte | El Dorado | Fresno | Glenn | Imperial | Inyo | Kern | Lassen | Los Angeles | Madera | Marin | Mariposa | Mendocino | Merced | Modoc | Mono | Monterey | Napa | Placer | Plumas | Riverside | Sacramento | San Benito | San Bernardino | San Diego | San Francisco | San Joaquin | San Luis Obispo | San Mateo | Santa Barbara | Santa Clara | Shasta | Siskiyou | Solano | Sonoma | Stanislaus | Sutter | Tehama | Tulare | Tuolumne | Ventura | Yolo | Yuba
38 (-26)
Alamosa | Arapahoe | Archuleta | Baca | Bent | Boulder | Broomfield | Chaffee | Clear Creek | Conejos | Costilla | Crowley | Denver | Dolores | Eagle | Gilpin | Gunnison | Hinsdale | Huerfano | Kit Carson | La Plata | Larimer | Las Animas | Mesa | Moffat | Montezuma | Montrose | Ouray | Pitkin | Prowers | Pueblo | Rio Blanco | Rio Grande | Routt | Saguache | Teller | Weld
5 (-3)
Hartford | Litchfield | New Haven | New London | Tolland
1 (-2)
New Castle
32 (-35)
Alachua | Brevard | Broward | Citrus | Collier | Dixie | Flagler | Gadsden | Gilchrist | Glades | Gulf | Hardee | Hendry | Hernando | Highlands | Indian River | Levy | Manatee | Miami-Dade | Okaloosa | Okeechobee | Palm Beach | Pasco | Pinellas | Santa Rosa | Sarasota | St. Johns | St. Lucie | Suwannee | Volusia | Wakulla
62 (-97)
Appling | Atkinson | Bacon | Banks | Barrow | Bartow | Ben Hill | Bleckley | Brantley | Bulloch | Butts | Candler | Catoosa | Charlton | Chattahoochee | Chattooga | Clinch | Cobb | Coffee | Colquitt | Coweta | Crisp | Dooly | Dougherty | Early | Echols | Emmanuel | Evans | Glascock | Glynn | Gordon | Gwinnett | Habersham | Haralson | Heard | Irwin | Jenkins | Lanier | Long | Lumpkin | McDuffie | Meriweather | Muscogee | Oglethorpe | Peach | Rabun | Rockdale | Schley | Screven | Spalding | Taliaferro | Tattnall | Telfair | Tift | Toombs | Towns | Treutlen | Troup | Twiggs | Upson | Ware | Whitfield
4 (-0)
Hawaii | Honolulu | Kauai | Maui
27 (-17)
Ada | Bannock | Bear Lake | Benewah | Bingham | Boise | Bonner | Bonneville | Boundary | Camas | Canyon | Caribou | Cassia | Gem | Gooding | Idaho | Jerome | Kootenai | Latah | Lemhi | Minidoka | Nez Perce | Owyhee | Payette | Power | Shoshone | Twin Falls
23 (-79)
Bond | Bureau | Chicago | Coles | Cook Suburbs | DuPage | Edgar | Iroquois | Jersey | Jo Daviess | Kankakee | Macoupin | Massac | McDonough | Moultrie | Ogle | Peoria | Piatt | Rock Island | Sangamon | Stephenson | Whiteside | Will
22 (-70)
Bartholomew | Blackford | Dearborn | Dubois | Elkhart | Fountain | Hendricks | Huntington | Jay | Jennings | Kosciusko | LaGrange | LaPorte | Parke | Porter | Posey | Starke | Switzerland | Tippecanoe | Vanderburgh | Vigo | Warrick
26 (-73)
Allamakee | Appanoose | Audubon | Black Hawk | Bremer | Buena Vista | Cerro Gordo | Des Moines | Dubuque | Guthrie | Ida | Keokuk | Kossuth | Mahaska | Monona | Muscatine | O'Brien | Palo Alto | Pottawattamie | Poweshiek | Ringgold | Story | Tama | Wapello | Winneshiek | Woodbury
32 (-73)
Barber | Cloud | Coffey | Cowley | Doniphan | Ellsworth | Finney | Geary | Gove | Harvey | Hodgeman | Jewell | Kearny | Kingman | Labette | Leavenworth | Neosho | Ness | Norton | Osborne | Pratt | Rawlins | Reno | Republic | Riley | Rooks | Shawnee | Trego | Wabaunsee | Wallace | Woodson | Wyandotte
36 (-84)
Ballard | Barren | Boyle | Bracken | Breathitt | Breckinridge | Bullitt | Calloway | Carlisle | Casey | Edmonson | Elliott | Estill | Fleming | Garrard | Graves | Greenup | Jessamine | Kenton | Knott | LaRue | Laurel | Leslie | Letcher | Magoffin | McCracken | McCreary | Meadge | Menifee | Metcalfe | Muhlenberg | Owsley | Rockcastle | Trigg | Trimble | Wolfe
38 (-22)
Acadia | Ascension | Assumption | Avoyelles | Beauregard | Bienville | Bossier | Calcasieu | Catahoula | Concordia | East Baton Rouge | East Carroll | East Feliciana | Evangeline | Iberia | Iberville | LaFourche | Morehouse | Natchitoches | Plaquemines | Pointe Coupee | Rapides | St. Bernard | St. Helena | St. James | St. John the Baptist | St. Landry | St. Martin | St. Mary | St. Tammany | Tangipahoa | Tensas | Terrebonne | West Baton Rouge | West Carroll | West Feliciana | Winn
8 (-8)
Androscoggin | Aroostook | Kennebec | Oxford | Penobscot | Piscataquis | Sagadahoc | Waldo
10 (-13)
Anne Arundel | Calvert | Cecil | Charles | Garrett | Harford | Prince George's | Queen Anne's | St. Mary's | Wicomico
6 (-8)
Barnstable | Berkshire | Dukes | Hampden | Nantucket | Norfolk
54 (-29)
Alcona | Alger | Allegan | Alpena | Antrim | Arenac | Baraga | Benzie | Branch | Charlevoix | Cheboygan | Clare | Eaton | Gladwin | Gogebic | Grand Traverse | Gratiot | Hillsdale | Houghton | Ingham | Ionia | Iosco | Isabella | Kalamazoo | Kalkaska | Keweenaw | Lapeer | Leelanau | Lenawee | Luce | Mackinac | Macomb | Manistee | Mecosta | Missaukee | Montcalm | Montmorency | Muskegon | Newaygo | Oakland | Oceana | Ogemaw | Ontonagon | Oscoda | Presque Isle | Roscommon | Saginaw | Sanilac | Schoolcraft | Shiawassee | Tuscola | Washtenaw | Wexford
52 (-35)
Aitkin | Anoka | Becker | Beltrami | Big Stone | Blue Earth | Carlton | Carver | Chisago | Cottonwood | Crow Wing | Faribault | Freeborn | Goodhue | Hennepin | Hubbard | Isanti | Itasca | Kanabec | Kandiyohi | Kittson | Koochiching | Lac Qui Parle | Lake of the Woods | Le Sueur | Mahnomen | McLeod | Meeker | Milles Lacs | Morrison | Mower | Nicollet | Norman | Olmsted | Otter Tail | Pine | Pipestone | Red Lake | Redwood | Roseau | Sherburne | Sibley | Stearns | Swift | Traverse | Wabasha | Wadena | Waseca | Watonwan | Wilkin | Winona | Yellow Medicine
31 (-51)
Alcron | Amite | Attala | Bolivar | Clairborne | Coahoma | Copiah | Forrest | George | Grenada | Hinds | Issaquena | Itawamba | Kemper | Leake | Neshoba | Noxubee | Oktibbeha | Pearl River | Prentiss | Rankin | Sharkey | Sunflower | Tallahatchie | Tate | Tippah | Tishomingo | Tunica | Walthall | Yalobusha | Yazoo
34 (-80)
Andrew | Audrain | Bates | Bollinger | Callaway | Cape Girardeau | Chariton | Cole | Cooper | Dent | Dunklin | Gasconade | Gentry | Hickory | Howell | Laclede | La Fayette | Maries | McDonald | Moniteau | New Madrid | Nodaway | Oregon | Ozark | Pemiscot | Pettis | Ralls | Ray | Reynolds | St. Francois | St. Genevieve | Shannon | Stoddard | Taney
30 (-26)
Beaverhead | Broadwater | Cascade | Chouteau | Daniels | Deer Lodge | Fallon | Fergus | Flathead | Glacier | Granite | Judith Basin | Lewis and Clark | McCone | Meagher | Missoula | Musselshell | Petroleum | Pondera | Powder River | Ravalli | Rosebud | Sanders | Silver Bow | Stillwater | Sweet Grass | Toole | Treasure | Wilbaux | Yellowstone
34 (-59)
Antelope | Arthur | Banner | Box Butte | Burt | Cherry | Cuming | Dawes | Dixon | Dundy | Frontier | Furnas | Gage | Garden | Gosper | Hayes | Hitchcock | Hooker | Kearney | Keith | Keya Paha | Kimball | Loup | Merrick | Morrill | Nance | Nuckolls | Otoe | Red Willow | Richardson | Sarpy | Saunders | Scotts Bluff | Thayer
11 (-6)
Carson City | Churchill | Eiko | Esmeralda | Eureka | Lander | Nye | Pershing | Storey | Washoe | White Pine
New Hampshire
5 (-5)
Belknap | Cheshire | Grafton | Merrimack | Strafford
New Jersey
10 (-11)
Atlantic | Bergen | Burlington | Cape May | Hudson | Hunterdon | Monmouth | Ocean | Passaic | Salem
New Mexico
19 (-14)
Bernalillo | Catron | Chaves | Cíbola | De Baca | Doña Ana | Lea | Los Alamos | Luna | McKinley | Mora | Quay | Rio Arriba | Sandoval | Santa Fe | Socorro | Taos | Torrance | Valencia
New York
25 (-37)
Bronx | Broome | Cattaraugus | Cayuga | Chemung | Chenango | Cortland | Dutchess | Herkimer | New York | Niagara | Onondaga | Ontario | Oswego | Queens | Rensselaer | Rockland | St. Lawrence | Saratoga | Schenectady | Schoharie | Tompkins | Ulster | Westchester | Yates
North Carolina
50 (-50)
Alamance | Alleghany | Anson | Ashe | Avery | Bertie | Bladen | Buncombe | Cabarrus | Carteret | Caswell | Catawba | Chowan | Columbus | Craven | Currituck | Dare | Davie | Duplin | Durham | Edgecombe | Gaston | Gates | Granville | Guilford | Harnett | Hertford | Hoke | Iredell | Lenoir | Nash | New Hanover | Onslow | Pamlico | Pasquotank | Pender | Perquimans | Person | Pitt | Robeson | Sampson | Stanly | Stokes | Swain | Transylvania | Tyrrell | Vance | Wake | Yadkin | Yancey
North Dakota
28 (-25)
Barnes | Benson | Billings | Bottineau | Bowman | Burleigh | Cavalier | Dickey | Divide | Emmons | Foster | Grand Forks | Griggs | Hettinger | Kidder | LaMoure | McKenzie | Mountrail | Oliver | Pembina | Ransom | Rolette | Sargent | Slope | Stutsman | Towner | Trail | Walsh
28 (-60)
Ashtabula | Athens | Auglaize | Clermont | Columbiana | Coshocton | Cuyahoga | Darke | Defiance | Gallia | Geauga | Guernsey | Hocking | Licking | Lorain | Mahoning | Muskingum | Pickaway | Preble | Ross | Sandusky | Scioto | Trumbull | Tuscarawas | Van Wert | Vinton | Wyandot
37 (-40)
Alfalfa | Atoka | Beckham | Canadian | Cimarron | Coal | Cotton | Creek | Garvin | Greer | Harmon | Kay | Kingfisher | Latimer | Love | Major | Mayes | McClain | McCurtain | Muskogee | Nowata | Okfuskee | Oklahoma | Okmulgee | Payne | Pittsburg | Pushmataha | Roger Mills | Rogers | Sequoyah | Tillman | Tulsa | Wagoner | Washita | Woods | Woodward
14 (-22)
Clackamas | Clatsop | Deschutes | Gilliam | Hood River | Josephine | Klamath | Malheur | Multnomah | Tillamook | Umatilla | Wallowa | Wasco | Yamhill
25 (-42)
Allegheny | Berks | Blair | Bucks | Cambria | Centre | Clarion | Clearfield | Dauphin | Huntingdon | Indiana | Juniata | Lackawanna | Lebanon | Lehigh | Luzerne | Lycoming | McKean | Mifflin | Montour | Philadelphia | Schuylkill | Snyder | Susquehanna | Venango
Rhode Island
2 (-3)
Newport | Providence
South Carolina
24 (-22)
Abbeville | Aiken | Allendale | Bamberg | Barnwell | Charleston | Clarendon | Colleton | Darlington | Dillon | Edgefield | Georgetown | Greenville | Hampton | Horry | Kershaw | Lexington | Marlboro | McCormick | Newberry | Orangeburg | Saluda | Spartanburg | Williamsburg
South Dakota
34 (-32)
Aurora | Beadle | Bennett | Bon Homme | Brookings | Brule | Charles Mix | Codington | Corson | Day | Edmunds | Fall River | Faulk | Gregory | Haakon | Hamlin | Hand | Hanson | Jerauld | Kingsbury | Lyman | McCook | Mellette | Miner | Minnehaha | Moody | Oglala Lakota | Sanborn | Spink | Stanley | Sully | Tripp | Yankton | Ziebach
21 (-74)
Bledsoe | Cannon | Cheatham | Cocke | Dickson | Dyer | Fentress | Grainger | Hamblen | Hawkins | Maury | McMinn | McNairy | Obion | Overton | Pickett | Rhea | Sequatchie | Trousdale | Unicoi | Weakley
155 (-99)
Andrews | Angelina | Aranas | Archer | Atascosa | Austin | Bailey | Bandera | Bastrop | Baylor | Bee | Bexar | Blanco | Borden | Bosque | Bowie | Brazoria | Brazos | Brewster | Briscoe | Burleson | Burnet | Callahan | Camp | Carson | Castro | Childress | Cochran | Coke | Coleman | Collin | Collingsworth | Colorado | Comal | Concho | Cooke | Coryell | Cottle | Crane | Crosby | Culberson | Dallam | Deaf Smith | Denton | Dickens | Dimmit | Donley | Eastland | Ector | Erath | Falls | Fisher | Foard | Fort Bend | Freestone | Frio | Gaines | Galveston | Garza | Gillespie | Glasscock | Goliad | Gonzales | Gregg | Grimes | Hansford | Hartley | Hays | Hemphill | Hockley | Hood | Hudspeth | Hunt | Irion | Jack | Jim Hogg | Jim Wells | Karnes | Kaufman | Kenedy | Kerr | Kimble | Kinney | Kleberg | Lamb | Lampasas | La Salle | Lavaca | Lipscomb | Live Oak | Llano | Loving | Lubbock | Lynn | McCulloch | McLennan | McMullen | Matagorda | Maverick | Milam | Montague | Motley | Nacogdoches | Navarro | Nolan | Nueces | Ochiltree | Palo Pinto | Parker | Parmer | Pecos | Presidio | Rains | Randall | Reagan | Real | Reeves | Refugio | Rockwall | Runnels | San Augustine | San Jacinto | San Patricio | San Saba | Schleicher | Scurry | Shackelford | Somervell | Starr | Sterling | Stonewall | Sutton | Swisher | Tarrant | Terry | Throckmorton | Titus | Tom Green | Travis | Upton | Uvalde | Val Verde | Van Zandt | Victoria | Waller | Webb | Wharton | Wilbarger | Willacy | Winkler | Yoakum | Young | Zapata | Zavala
16 (-13)
Box Elder | Cache | Daggett | Duchesne | Emery | Juab | Millard | Piute | Rich | Salt Lake | Sanpete | Tooele | Uintah | Utah | Wasatch | Weber
8 (-6)
Addison | Bennington | Caledonia | Chittenden | Grand Isle | Lamoille | Rutland | Windsor
44 (-51)
Accomack | Albemarle | Amelia | Amherst | Appomattox | Arlington | Augusta | Bland | Botetourt | Buckingham | Charles City | Culpeper | Dickenson | Dinwiddie | Fairfax | Fauquier | Fluvanna | Goochland | Greensville | Hanover | Henrico | Isle of Wight | James City | King and Queen | King George | King William | Lunenburg | Mathews | New Kent | Nottoway | Patrick | Pittsylvania | Powhatan | Prince Edward | Prince George | Prince William | Rappahannock | Roanoke | Rockbridge | Shenandoah | Smyth | Southampton | Spotsylvania | Wythe
22 (-17)
Asotin | Chelan | Clallam | Cowlitz | Ferry | Grays Harbor | Island | Kitsap | Kittitas | Klickitat | Okanogan | Pacific | Pend Oreille | Skagit | Skamania | Snohomish | Spokane | Wahkiakum | Walla Walla | Whatcom | Whitman | Yakima
West Virginia
17 (-38)
Braxton | Brooke | Cabell | Doddridge | Greenbrier | Hardy | Kanawha | Mingo | Monongalia | Pleasants | Preston | Raleigh | Ritchie | Summers | Tucker | Wetzel | Wirt
35 (-38)
Barron | Bayfield | Burnett | Calumet | Dane | Door | Eau Claire | Fond du Lac | Green Lake | Juneau | Kenosha | Kewaunee | La Crosse | Langlade | Manitowoc | Marathon | Marinette | Milwaukee | Oconto | Outagamie | Ozaukee | Pepin | Price | Racine | Sauk | Sawyer | Shawano | Sheboygan | St. Croix | Trempealeau | Vilas | Washburn | Waukesha | Waupaca | Waushara
11 (-12)
Converse | Goshen | Hot Springs | Laramie | Natrona | Niobrara | Sublette | Sweetwater | Uinta | Washakie | Weston
Level 93
Jun 29, 2023
I think 44/49 is pretty good! :)
Level 45
Jun 30, 2023
Very impressive actually!
Level 54
Apr 18, 2024
45/49, i think u forgot kalawao county