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Countr (y/ies)
that has more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than the United States.
China | France | Germany | India | Iran | Italy | Japan | Mexico | Russia | Spain | United Kingdom
that is further north than the CONTIGUOUS 48 STATES at any point.
Belarus | Belgium | Canada | China | Czechia | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Iceland | Ireland | Kazakhstan | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Mongolia | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Russia | Slovakia | Sweden | Ukraine | United Kingdom
that has a higher population than California (California's population being the 2022 Census Bureau estimate and countries' being 2022 UN estimates)
Afghanistan | Algeria | Argentina | Bangladesh | Brazil | China | Colombia | DR Congo | Egypt | Ethiopia | France | Germany | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Italy | Japan | Kenya | Mexico | Myanmar | Nigeria | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Russia | South Africa | South Korea | Spain | Sudan | Tanzania | Thailand | Türkiye | Uganda | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Vietnam
that is larger (total area) than Alaska
Algeria | Argentina | Australia | Brazil | Canada | China | DR Congo | India | Indonesia | Kazakhstan | Libya | Mexico | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Sudan
Name a country...
Countr (y/ies)
that has more first-level subdivisions (like U.S. states) than the United States
Algeria | Azerbaijan | Iceland | North Macedonia | Russia | Slovenia | Thailand | Türkiye | Uganda | Vietnam
that has a higher life expectancy (both genders) than the United States
Andorra | Australia | Austria | Bahrain | Belgium | Canada | Chile | Costa Rica | Cyprus | Denmark | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Iceland | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Kuwait | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Maldives | Malta | Monaco | Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway | Portugal | Qatar | San Marino | Singapore | Slovenia | South Korea | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | Vatican City
that makes more cars than the United States
that is lower percentage Muslim than the United States
Angola | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Bahamas | Belarus | Belize | Bhutan | Bolivia | Botswana | Brazil | Chile | China | Colombia | Costa Rica | Cuba | Czechia | Dominica | Dominican Republic | East Timor | Ecuador | El Salvador | Estonia | Grenada | Guatemala | Haiti | Honduras | Hungary | Iceland | Jamaica | Japan | Kiribati | Laos | Latvia | Lesotho | Marshall Islands | Mexico | Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Namibia | Nauru | New Zealand | Nicaragua | Palau | Panama | Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Peru | Poland | Portugal | Romania | St. Kitts and Nevis | St. Lucia | Samoa | San Marino | Seychelles | Slovakia | Solomon Islands | South Korea | Taiwan | Tonga | Ukraine | Uruguay | Vanuatu | Vatican City | Venezuela | Vietnam | Zambia | Zimbabwe