I do the ones with a u, which were mostly new to me. Palau, Nauru, Vanuatu, Tuvalu.
The 2 "islands" (marshall/solomon).
And then well Tonga is like Togo em Fiji is like Fuji :D. Samoa just "looks" very Polynesian. And well then I forget Kiribati and micronesia ;) But if I do remember them (after realising I am missing something) it is Kiribati because it stretches to both sides of the map, and Micronesia as "that one that has that abreviation and people argue about if it should be filed under M or F"
After the three big ones, I first use ending letters, then name lengths: Tonga and Samoa, Fiji and Kiribati, Palau and Nauru, Vanuatu and Tuvalu (which are almost anagrams of each other), Marshall/Solomon Islands, with Micronesia the third big island group.
I do PNG Australia New Zealand (big 3) then I do Fiji Samoa Tonga (3 off to the side) then Tuvalu Vanuatu Nauru (3 that rhyme) followed by Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands (both names have islands) and lastly Kiribati FSM Palau (3 stretching east west) It might sound complicated but for me it works!
I do it with a song called "Tour the World" by Marbles the brain store. The song basically goes 'Palau, Nauru, Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Australia, these are the places I wanna meet ya, lets go to Micronesia. These are the pacific islands, Fiji islands, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu and Tuvalu. Don't forget New Zealand. PNG is gorgeous, Kiribati is also known as Kiribus. Song link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwifga3Trt76AhX56jgGHS71DZIQyCl6BAgYEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DLZFF8EuaGjM&usg=AOvVaw2WSthVD5i07ayOHPjxw5mE
My strategy: knock out the main three, then get those above the equator (plus Nauru). Then get the rest.
The only other region where I use a "strategy" is the Caribbean. First get the Greater Antilles (including the Bahamas), then the Saints, then the X and Xs, and end with the one-words.
Nice quiz, but shouldn't the instructions say "most southerly in latitude" rather than "lowest in latitude"? "Lowest" means closest to zero, ie closest to the equator, like Singapore.
That's basically exactly what it says in the instructions but a little more vague. I bet most people would get how the quiz works by reading the instructions, but thanks for giving me feedback. I always appreciate it!
Sorry, but I don't think capitalizing or not capitalizing "with" is that important, I know in most of my quizzes it is not capitalized, but it is not worth editing a featured quiz just to change the capitalization of one word.
Yes, its southernmost point is far south, but this quiz is not measuring that. This quiz is measuring the latitude of the northernmost point of the country, not the southernmost, and in that category, Australia is not in the Top 20 because Australia's northernmost point is farther north than all the other countries on this list.
Starts With M: Marshall Islands, Micronesia
Starts With P: Palau, Papua New Guinea
Starts With S: Samoa, Solomon Islands
Starts With T: Tonga Tuvalu
Ends With I: Fiji Kiribati
Ends With U: Nauru Vanuatu
The Major 2: New Zealand and Australia
The 2 "islands" (marshall/solomon).
And then well Tonga is like Togo em Fiji is like Fuji :D. Samoa just "looks" very Polynesian. And well then I forget Kiribati and micronesia ;) But if I do remember them (after realising I am missing something) it is Kiribati because it stretches to both sides of the map, and Micronesia as "that one that has that abreviation and people argue about if it should be filed under M or F"
The first group is: Fiji, Tonga, Samoa
Second group is: Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Kiribati
Third group is: Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Micronesia
Fourth group is: Nauru, Palau
PNG is easy to remember
Australia and New Zealand (big)
Nauru and Palau (5 letter, tiny)
Fiji and F.S Micronesia (F)
Solomon Islands and Marshall Islands ('island')
Tonga and Samoa (5 letter)
Vanuatu and Tuvalu (6 letter)
Australia, New Zealand
Marshall Islands, Kiribati
Nauru, Palau
Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
Tonga, Tuvalu, Fiji
Big 3 - Australia, NZ, PNG
M - Marshall Islands, Micronesia
S - Solomon Islands, Samoa
Rhymes (if you pronounce them incorrectly) - Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Nauru, Palau
The rest - Kiribati, Tonga, Fiji
Islands (Solomon and marshall)
Small countries (Tuvalu, Nauru, palau)
Little known Southern countries (Tonga, samoa)
Then Fiji and Vanuatu
And the big three (Australia, nz, png)
Finally Kiribati and Micronesia
All of our ways to remember Oceania countries will change once Bougainvillea becomes a country
The Main three NZ, Australia and PNG
The ones most related with NZ Fiji, Samoa, Tonga
The ones that end in u Tuvalu, Nauru, palau, Vanuatu
The ones that end with islands Solomon and marshall
And then the other two
The only other region where I use a "strategy" is the Caribbean. First get the Greater Antilles (including the Bahamas), then the Saints, then the X and Xs, and end with the one-words.
Australasia: Australia and NZ
Melanesia: PNG, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji
Micronesia: Palau, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Kiribati
Polynesia: Tonga, Samoa, Tuvalu
These countries will be the last in that list.
The opposite quiz capitalizes 'With' in the title but this quiz doesn't. Please make it consistent!
Did you do westernmost easternmost points or the other way around?