Name a valid U.S. state that ...
Ends in Carolina
North Carolina | South Carolina
Has over 20 million residents
California | Florida | Texas
Is the birthplace of 5 or more U.S. presidents
New York | Ohio | Virginia
New York City's metro area is in
Connecticut | New Jersey | New York
Has between 10 and 8 million residents
Georgia | Michigan | New Jersey | North Carolina | Virginia
Shares a Border with Massachusetts
Connecticut | New Hampshire | New York | Rhode Island | Vermont
Produce 1 million bushels or more of corn
Illinois | Iowa | Minnesota | Nebraska
Is 4 letters long
Iowa | Ohio | Utah
Is at the four corners border
Arizona | Colorado | New Mexico | Utah
The northernmost point of the state is higher north than the 49th parallel
Alaska | Minnesota
Has an area of over 150,000 square kilometers
Alaska | California | Texas
The northernmost point of the state is on the 49th parallel
Idaho | Montana | North Dakota | Washington
Has a major US river named after it
Arkansas | Colorado | Mississippi | Missouri | Ohio | Tennessee
Borders two or more Great Lakes
Michigan | New York | Wisconsin
Has coastline on the Chesapeake Bay
Maryland | Virginia
Shares a border with California
Arizona | Nevada | Oregon
Has all straight line borders
Colorado | Utah | Wyoming
Has a megacity
California | New York
Has an area of under 10,000 square kilometers
Connecticut | Delaware | New Hampshire | New Jersey | Rhode Island | Vermont
Shares a border with Texas
Arkansas | Louisiana | New Mexico | Oklahoma