Great Inventors

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Quiz by PratyushK
Last updated: March 16, 2016
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First submittedMarch 16, 2016
Times taken143
Average score31.4%
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Wright Brothers
Automobile, The Motorwagen
Karl Benz
The Blood Bank/The Blood Plasma Preservation
Dr. Charles Drew
First Pendulum Clock
Christian Huygen
Father of Computers
Charles Babbage
Computer Mouse
Douglas Engelbart
The 'Pascaline' to make calculations
Blaise Pascal
First Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney
The First Waterproof Fabric named Mackintosh
Charles Macintosh
First Camera, Kodak
George Eastman
Quartz Clock. He is a Canadian Invenntor
Warren Marrison
Invention of Cotton Fiber named 'Fox Fiber'
Sally Fox
Denim that is used in Blue Jeans
Levi Strauss
First Practical Fountain Pen
Lewis Waterman
LASER Invention
Theodore Harold
Coining of The word LASER
Gordon Gould
The Light Bulb
Thomas Alva Edison
The Neon Light
Georges Claude
The First Sigle Chip MIcroprocessor was invented by which Company
The Microwave Oven
Percy Spencers
Alexander Fleming
Printing Press
Johannes Gutenburg
Father/Inventor Of Radio
Guglielmo Marconi
The First Commercial Sewing Machine
Isaac Singer
Steam Locomotive
George Stephenson
First Man to Land on the Moon
Neil Armstrong
First Human in Space
Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin
First Human to Walk in Space
Alexei Leonov
Invention of the Television
John Logie Baird
World Wide Web
Tim Berners- Lee
X-Ray,Received the Nobel Prize in Physics
William Conrad Roentgen
Alexander Graham Bell
Hans Lippershey
First Woman in Space
Valentina Vladimirirovna Tereshkova
Steam Engine
James Watt
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