Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Deadly disease carried by mosquitos | Malaria | 100%
Name one of two asian countries | Malaysia / Maldives | 89%
Large hammer | Mallet | 89%
Condition caused by inadequate or unavailable food | Malnutrition | 89%
Failure (usually of a machine) to work normally | Malfunction | 86%
Green-headed duck | Mallard | 84%
Computer viruses | Malware | 83%
Not a benign tumor | Malignant | 81%
Illegal or negligent professional behavior. Often heard in medicine | Malpractice / Maladminister | 81%
Celebrity-filled beach city near Los Angeles | Malibu | 80%
Pliable, workable | Malleable | 67%
Germinated grain used in brewing and distilling | Malt | 64%
Illness, disease, ailment | Malady | 59%
Sleeping Beauty villain | Maleficent | 59%
Large dog originally bred to pull sleds | Malamute | 58%
Very unpleasant smell | Malodor | 58%
Improperly change in response to an environment or situation | Maladapt / Maladjust | 45%
Vague feeling of weakness or discomfort | Malaise | 42%
Nonsense | Malarky | 42%
Mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one | Malapropism | 33%
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