Yellow 18 | Answer | % Correct |
unable to hear, loss of hearing | deaf | 100%
animal considered dangerous | beast | 67%
part of the face on either side of the nose, Santa's were rosy | cheeks | 67%
the part of land that meets the ocean, to move along at consistent speed without much effort | coast | 67%
the part which rises to the top in whole milk, the rich fat part of milk | cream | 67%
hole in a container causing it to lose contents | leak | 67%
domestic animal with hooves & wool for hair, | sheep | 67%
number which comes after two | three | 67%
bread which has been baked | toast | 67%
past tense of mean | meant | 33%
loud long low sound, groan | moan | 33%
to require something that is essential | need | 33%
green round vegetable | pea | 33%
bar or series of bars used for part of fence or barrier or part of train tracks. | rail | 33%
past tense of read | read | 33%
to comprehend text with your eyes, mind and often mouth | read | 33%
piece of material on the mast of a boat which helps the wind propel it | sail | 33%
long thin string of cotton, nylon etc used to mend or hold material together; action of putting string through a needle | thread | 33%
to pause, "I will ___ her for you." | wait | 33%
anticipate something with fear, apprehension | dread | 0%
careful, arranged in orderly tidy way | neat | 0%
material used to cover a bed | sheets | 0%
the passage that leads from mouth to upper stomach | throat | 0%
rustic path often in the woods , road | trail | 0%
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