Question | Answer | % Correct |
Body part involved in a rhinoplasty | NOSE | 88%
Floral emblem of England | ROSE | 83%
Spice Girl | POSH | 67%
Support for broken limb | CAST | 63%
Mislay | LOSE | 63%
Singer known as the Man In Black | CASH | 58%
Price | COST | 58%
European Capital city | ROME | 58%
Iron oxidation | RUST | 58%
Exert force | PUSH | 50%
US drama with character Jack Bauer | LOST | 46%
Elephant protusion | TUSK | 46%
Heavy bar used for weapon | COSH | 42%
Another word for food | NOSH | 42%
Male deer secretion | MUSK | 38%
Canadian rock band | RUSH | 38%
African Capital city | LOME | 33%
A piece of work | TASK | 33%
Jim Carrey film | MASK | 29%
Consider something thoughtfully | MUSE | 13%
Perform a trick | RUSE | 13%
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