
Asian Countries Americans Travel to the Most

Name the countries in Asia that U.S. residents travel to most often.
For the year 2023. Source
Quiz by blackrussian13
Last updated: July 2, 2024
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First submittedMarch 3, 2018
Times taken52,587
Average score80.0%
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# Visits
2.11 mil
1.82 mil
979 k
931 k
881 k
South Korea
# Visits
783 k
685 k
637 k
637 k
United Arab Emirates
539 k
Level 68
Mar 8, 2018
It would be cool to visit these countries
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
I've been to all of them.
Level 74
May 28, 2018
Show off! XD
Level 83
May 28, 2018
To be fair it probably was pretty cool, the parts of Asia I've seen have been glorious
Level 81
May 28, 2018
All of these places were cool to visit in their own way, except Taiwan where I was just at the airport. I'm not cool for visiting them and this isn't a brag. If my comments sometimes inspire feelings of envy in you I suggest you travel more. It doesn't have to be as expensive or difficult as you think.
Level 36
May 29, 2018
They know you're not cool for visiting them. It's part of the joke.
Level 81
May 29, 2018
Then it's a poorly crafted joke resting on a faulty premise. I was trying to be generous.
Level 81
Feb 18, 2019
If you hear someone say "I'm going to drive to New Jersey next weekend," and you respond with "oh? I was just there last month," would this be you bragging? Or would you be attempting to have a conversation like a normal human? Every time you make a statement about something you've done does that mean you are bragging? Are you so pathologically insecure that you can't open your mouth to even comment on something without saying something meant to inflate your ego? Are you the kind of person so in need of validation that you seek to impress the anonymous faceless members of a website that you will never personally interact with and have no desire to meet? Maybe that's true for you. And I assume it must be true for a lot of people as I see them projecting their insecurities on me and on others all the time. I wasn't bragging. If you doubt this, again, I suggest you look inward. It's your issue, not mine.
Level 81
Feb 18, 2019
I spent last year in Thailand, Japan, and the Philippines. I can't talk about visiting New Jersey last year because I didn't. If this makes it seem, to you, like to relate anything from my own experiences means I am bragging, again, a) that's on you, and b) I kindly suggest you travel more. What's stopping you?
Level 68
Jan 27, 2020
kalbahamut, you count a country as visited if you've been to an airport there?
Level 82
Mar 3, 2021
The point is, if I've been to Tenerife, you've been to Elevenerife. This is the joke that amuses me.
Level 69
Jul 15, 2024
What are your thoughts? Any must-see, and wastes of time?
Level 61
Mar 8, 2018
I don't think I'd like to be friends with anyone who ever vacationed in Dubai.
Level 52
Mar 8, 2018
Level 46
Mar 8, 2018
Any specific reason? I lived there for quite a while.
Level 75
Mar 10, 2018
Level 79
May 13, 2018
Probably wise. However, can you make an exception in my case because I went to Dubai for a week and am now thoroughly repentant? I don't plan to return.
Level 59
Apr 15, 2020
bruv why would you even say that
Level 42
Mar 8, 2018
stupid comment about Dubai, if I may say so! But prejudice is "in" these days, sadly!
Level 64
Mar 9, 2018
Why would that choice be based on prejudice?
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
You are judging someone before you know them based on the fact that they visited Dubai. Pre judging them. Prejudice.
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
Though I think hoji was probably implying that carib hates Arabs or something... I don't know.
Level 66
May 30, 2018
Maybe that user just really hates shopping/urban vacations, since that's what Dubai is most known for. It wasn't necessarily bigoted.
Level 78
Mar 8, 2018
I would imagine that many of the visitors are those with connecting flights there. But I definitely could be wrong.
Level 67
Mar 27, 2020
Visitors count as people who have stayed at least one night
Level 20
Mar 9, 2018
Are you kidding me? Whoever wrote the second comment on this list really annoys me. Why would you EVER say something like that? Maybe you didn't mean it in the way I think you meant it, but come on! Jetpunk seems like a pretty diverse place, and I can't believe you would ever think to say something like this. I don't know if this site has administrators or something, but can someone please take this comment down?!?
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
Until carib decides to explain themselves we won't know, but I'm guessing that the comment had nothing at all to do with racism or religious bigotry or anything like that. I assume... it's probably meant to imply either a) that the people who go to Dubai are the sort of people who are happy to look the other way on things like human rights abuses, oppression of gays, women, and minorities, and wanton destruction of the environment... or maybe b) that people who vacation in Dubai are likely to be tacky tasteless rich people... or maybe sex tourists... the two demographics they seem to cater to the most.

It could be something about race or religion but if so why pick on Dubai and not Turkey or India?

Level 65
May 29, 2018
It could simply be that someone who reguarly vacations in Dubai is likely wealthy, and that they wouldn't run in the same circles due to the large difference in wealth. That is how I took it anyway.
Level 59
Aug 18, 2020
I agree, it’s probably either because of wealth insecurity or a general dislike of those who have and flaunt a large amount of money.
Level 66
Mar 9, 2018
I vacationed a few days in Dubai on my way to the Maldives. No problems. Maldives were awesome.
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
I've been to Dubai many times. It was an improvement on neighboring Saudi Arabia where I was living at the time, but I can understand why people wouldn't like it there.
Level 59
Mar 10, 2018
Sadly, the Maldives may disappear soon. Some say it's a really nice place.
Level 47
Mar 9, 2018
Im surprised Russia is not on the list. There is lots of tundra to go visit. And some more tundra. And there is tundra. And there is lots to do in the tundra that would keep people coming, those treeless siberian plains are great.
Level 64
Mar 9, 2018
Sorry, but I'm only interested in a place that has tundra.
Level 81
Mar 9, 2018
Russia is cool. And not just in a meteorological sense. Moscow is a huge vibrant interesting city with lots to do. St Petersburg is, for my money, the most beautiful city in all of Europe. Great museums, great food, great architecture, and so many model-gorgeous open minded women connecting with me on Tinder I honestly did not have time to even say "hi" to each of them. The current Russian president also speaks highly about the quality of their prostitutes. However, all of this is in the European part of Russia. I've never been to Siberia before.
Level 84
Mar 10, 2018
It's not only tundra, there's probably more of taiga, lots of steppe in the south and Altai mountains, plus volcanoes in Kamchatka. Vladivostok has nice beaches as well, while the most beautiful are places around Baikal lake. South Siberia is quite warm in summer. Many different cultures, religions, some nice architecture also, though it's true you could drive (or take a train) for days without a change in scenery.

So there's certainly enough to fill your vacation in the Asian Russia, but it's very different and less compact than ither countries.

Level 74
May 28, 2018
On this site Russia is usually included as part of Europe. My parents toured the Soviet Union in the 1970s and it was one of the highlights of their travels - they visited Moscow, Tashkent, and Odessa on a farm tour of Europe and the Soviet Union, but at that time there were negatives, too. When their group entered a restaurant for a meal, their guide made everyone get up from their tables and stand around the edge of the room until the Americans had eaten and left. Mom was so sad at the negative impression that must have made on the people against Americans when the point of their tour was to promote better relations and cooperation among farm families through exchanges of ideas and farming methods.
Level 55
Mar 9, 2018
I think s korea should work for south korea.
Level 59
Mar 10, 2018
You can type "ROK" for South Korea.
Level 61
May 28, 2018
My first feature!
Level 81
May 28, 2018
Level 74
May 28, 2018
Good for you!
Level 55
May 28, 2018
Where are Iraq and Syria? Lot of Americans visit those countries each year :)
Level 81
May 28, 2018
No, they don't.
Level 67
Dec 7, 2023
Kal got wooooshed? How surprising /s
Level 81
Jun 9, 2018
And Afghanistan?
Level 35
May 28, 2018
I do not know why at every quiz I forget Philippines!
Level 23
May 28, 2018
Level 66
May 28, 2018
same. I never guess it because I thought JetPunk considers it as part of the PRoC.
Level 67
Mar 23, 2019
Great quiz! Surprised that Singapore isn't on the list.
Level 38
Sep 6, 2019
Thailand was the first I wrote. I had never seen so many Americans at once in my lifetime
Level 80
Apr 24, 2020
Sometimes trial and error is the best way to go about things...
Level 51
Apr 29, 2020
I guessed them all in order somehow
Level 80
Feb 26, 2021
Where is Malaysia, the fourth most visited country in Asia?
Level 48
Mar 1, 2022
it is specifically ''asian countries where Americans goes the most'' so its normal that Malaysia is not in n4
Level 54
Mar 19, 2021
Level 76
Mar 22, 2021
What about it?
Level 69
Jul 15, 2024
US military presence.
Level 69
Jul 15, 2024
which are gone
Level 54
Mar 19, 2021
Level 76
Mar 22, 2021
What about it?
Level 69
Jul 15, 2024
US military presence.
Level 69
Jul 15, 2024
which are gone
Level 38
Apr 5, 2021
Dang it, I forgot South Korea. I'M KOREAN LOL. I feel like I've let down all of the generations that came before me *facepalm*
Level 71
Apr 15, 2021
I'm surprised no one has brought this up, but it's worth pointing out that a *lot* of this is probably due to Asian immigrants and their families traveling to and from their countries of origin. I know plenty of Asian-Americans who travel to their home countries almost yearly. I'm not saying that tourism isn't a factor, but it's worth pointing out that Malaysia, a top tourism destination, doesn't make the cut, while India and South Korea, which don't get nearly as many tourists (though both are still in the top 10 among Asian countries), do.
Level 56
Jul 15, 2024
I know far more many Americans who have gone on vacation to India and South Korea than Malaysia, and not because their family is from there.
Level 68
Aug 18, 2021
Surely Georgia should be on here.😊😊😊
Level 64
Oct 29, 2024
Never ask an American what their vacation to the Philippines was for.
Level 35
Nov 9, 2024
UAE Almost got me
Level 44
Feb 6, 2025
Great quiz. Israel got me. I will hopefully visit all these countries one day. Only been in one in the quiz, Turkey.