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January 26th
India annexes this still-disputed land
March 6th
This African country declared independance from the U.K.
March 17th
A Dutch ban on doing this on Sundays is lifted
May 6th
Pulitzer prize awarded to this future president
John F. Kennedy
May 17th
Brown vs. Board of Education made this happen in the U.S.
School Desegregation
June 27th
British Medical Research Council publishes a report suggesting a direct link between smoking and this.
Lung Cancer
July 6th
John Lennon and this person meet for the first time as Lennon's rock group performs at a church dinner.
Paul McCartney
July 9th
Discovery of this, the 102nd element.
July 12th
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first president to ride in one of these.
July 25th
A republic replaces this form of government in Tunisia
August 1st
This organization is created between the U.S. and Canada to provide aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and protection for Northern America
September 5th
"On The Road" is published, written by this author.
Jack Kerouac
September 14th
U.N. condemns the Soviet Union's invasion of this country.
September 21st
Olav V becomes king of this country
October 1st
First appearance of this phrase on U.S. currency.
In god we trust
October 4th
USSR launches this, the first artificial Earth satellite.
Sputnik I
December 5th
The president of Indonesia expels these people, who were the former colonial masters, from the country.
December 12th
Willem J Kolff and his team removed the heart from this animal and replaced it with a pneumatic pump which kept it alive for 90 minutes, proving the viability of the artificial heart.