각골난망 (remembering one's favors forever)
각별하다 (special (used to describe attitudes))
각박하다 (to be hard-hearted)
각골지통 (being embittered to the bone)
각출하다 (to each put (money, etc.) into)
각다귀 (insect of the family Tipulidae (a type of crane flies))
각근히 (busily and sincerely)
각설하다 (to change the subject; usually used as "각설하고")
각색하다 (to dramatize (a story, a book))
각광 ("각광을 받다" means "to be in the limelight")
각선미 (beauty of leg lines)
각양각색 (a variety of things)
각계각층 (various classes of society)
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