
Does This Korean Word Have a Long Vowel? - 간

These Korean words start with '간'. How many words can you correctly sort into these two categories: words with a long vowel and words without a long vowel?
Usually, a Korean word may NOT have a long vowel in a syllable that is not the first syllable
According to the [ Standard Korean Dictionary]
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Quiz by Junseong
Last updated: January 3, 2024
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First submittedJanuary 3, 2024
Times taken3
Average score28.6%
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간사 (assistant administrator)
간증 (testimony (in Christianity))
간혹 (sometimes)
간택 (selecting a spouse for the royal family)
간신히 (barely)
간지 (slip sheet)
간이 (simplicity)
간특하다 (to be wily)
간편하다 (to be simple and convenient)
간선 (main line)
간교하다 (to be cunning)
간절하다 (to be earnest)
간파하다 (to see through)
간장 (liver)
간 (saltiness (of food or a drink))
간곡하다 (to be earnest)
간구하다 (to beg, 懇求하다)
간병 (nursing)
간 (liver)
간섭하다 (to interfere)
간장 (soy sauce)
간웅 (villainous hero)
간직하다 (to keep)
간소하다 (to be plain)
간행하다 (to publish)
간장 (liver and intestines)
간계 (evil scheme)
간청하다 (to beg)
간악하다 (to be wicked)
간발 (little)
간추리다 (to summarize)
간밤 (last night)
간략하다 (to be brief)
간음 (adultery)
간극 (gap)
간언 (remonstrance)
간격 (interval)
간담상조 (exchanging confidences and being close friends)
간사하다 (to be cunning)
간헐적 (intermittent)
간접적 (indirect)
간과하다 (to overlook)
간통 (adultery)
간과 ((figuratively) war)
간수하다 (to keep)
간주하다 (to deem)
간척 (land reclamation)
간인 (seal between pages)
간주 (interlude (music))
간조 (low tide)
간결하다 (to be concise)
간간이 (occasionally)
간객 (onlooker)
간단하다 (to be simple)
간식 (snack)
간부 (executive)
간첩 (spy)
간신 (treacherous subject)
간두지세 (very dangerous situation)
간담회 (meeting)
간지럽히다 (to tickle)
간판 (signboard)
간호사 (nurse)
Long vowel
No long vowel
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