Hint | Answer | % Correct |
alcoholic beverage of which Scotch is a variety | whiskey | 94%
machine used to tell time | clock | 92%
three-leafed clover | shamrock | 92%
fairy usually depicted as a short man with a pot of gold | leprechaun | 90%
British term for what Americans call "pants" | trousers | 90%
female spirit heard keening when someone is about to die | banshee | 87%
mouth; someone astonished into silence is ___smacked | gob | 87%
wetland, often filled with peat | bog | 82%
rubber disc used in hockey (origin of word contested, but likely Irish) | puck | 82%
tiny bits (usually of something that has been smashed or exploded) | smithereens | 59%
phrase used as a company or group motto | slogan | 41%
habitually messy person | slob | 40%
a whole lot; more than enough (rhymes with snore) | galore | 38%