This quiz is the second in a series designed to teach JetPunkers how to read hangeul, the standard Korean writing system.
If you've taken the first learn-as-you-go hangeul quiz, you should already know that the letter ㅏ in hangeul is pronounced "ah."
This quiz focuses on a very similar looking letter, ㅑ , which is pronounced like the "yah" in "Booyah!" Every Korean word below contains the ㅑ "yah" symbol.
Letters apart from ㅏ and ㅑ found in the hangeul examples below represent consonants. For example, ㄴ is the "n" consonant symbol, so 냐 should be read like the "nya" in "Nyan Cat." But there's an important exception! The circle symbol ㅇ is a silent placeholder, so 야 is pronounced simply "yah."
Your job is to guess the English counterparts of the Korean words listed. Clues have been provided to help you along. As you figure out the answers, be sure to compare the English words with their hangeul equivalents! This should help you remember how to read ㅑ in later quizzes.
Hopefully, by the end of this quiz, you'll have ㅑ = "yah" memorized for good.
First submitted | July 25, 2020 |
Times taken | 81 |
Average score | 88.9% | Report this quiz | Report |