DC Legends of Tommorow

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Quiz by GorillaQuizzes
Last updated: June 28, 2017
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First submittedJune 21, 2017
Times taken177
Average score81.3%
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Time Master and leader of the group
Rip Hunter
Billionare with a super suit
Ray Palmer/ATOM
Old Professor
Martin Stein/Firestorm
Trained by the League of Assasins
Sara Lance/White Canary
Young mechanic who can merch with the Professor
Jefferson Jackson/Firestorm
Egyptian Priesteres also known as Chay-Ara
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl
Egyptian Prince also known as Khufu
Carter Hall/Hawkman
Robot that controls the ship
Loves fire and seeing things burn
Mick Rory/Heat Wave
Loves the cold
Leonard Snart/Captain Cold
Main villain of Season 1
Vandal Savage
Historian who got his powers from a serum made by the Nazi
Nate Heywood/Steel
Speedster also starring in the Flash TV Show
Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash
Has animal like powers because of her Totem
Amaya Jiwe/Vixen
Father of Thea Queen
Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer
Villain also starring in the Arrow TV Show
Damien Darhk
Level 32
Mar 2, 2019
Young mechanic who can merch? I think you mean merge