Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Which two inspectors are the best of Scotland Yard and are also bitter rivals? | Lestrade | 74%
Which university is it theorized that Holmes attended? | Oxford or Cambridge | 67%
What does Holmes retire to do? | Beekeeping | 63%
In which era did Sherlock Holmes and John Watson 'exist'? | Victorian era | 58%
leg | 44%
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Where are the two places John Watson shot in the war that Arthur Conan Doyle can't seem to decide on? | shoulder | 42%
Gregson | 37%
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In which story does Watson meet and mary his wife (that we explicity know of)? | The Sign of Four | 37%
At what age does Sherlock Holmes retire? | 48 | 28%
Sherlock is often described as having a(n) _________ nose. | aquiline | 28%
What was Sherlock Holmes' first case? | The Gloria Scott | 28%
What type of pipe does Sherlock actually smoke in the books? | clay pipe | 23%
cherrywood pipe | 14%
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What type of pipe is commonly associated with Sherlock Holmes? | calabash pipe | 9%
Which battle was John Watson in that resulted in his being invalided home from military service? | Maiwand | 9%
Who was Holmes' close friend for a period pre-Watson? | Victor Trevor | 9%
What character, created by Edgar Allen Poe, did Arthur Conan Doyle partly take inspiration from for Sherlock Holmes? | Auguste Dupin | 7%
Where did Sherlock Holmes live before moving to Baker Street? | Montague Street | 7%
Which regiment was Watson a part of? | The Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers | 5%
In what area/district of London did Watson first establish a practice? | Paddington | 2%
What is the closest thing to "Elementary, my dear Watson" that Sherlock ever says in the books? ("It is _________ _______.") | simplicity itself | 0%