River: A body of water bearing the same name for its course
River system: A system which consists of at least two rivers. There are, however, requirements for this:
A river system has been assumed if it has
1. its source in a lake which is fed by a river of another name (e.g. Senguerr River -> Lake Colhué-Huapi -> Chico River)
2. its source at the confluence of two rivers, then following the longer stem (e.g. Amazon -> Ucayali stem)
This in return means, that a longer tributary joining the main river later somewhere along its way is NOT considered a river system (e.g. Tocantins - Araguaia)
N.B. I only considered information currently available in Wikipedia. Most lengths seem quite rounded and it’s highly possible they don’t depict the true length, especially with tons of meanders.
Some rivers (mainly in Argentina) may not carry water at all times. For the purposes of this quiz series, we consider dry or half-dry rivers equal to perennial rivers.
All headwaters included can be found in quiz stats.
River: A body of water bearing the same name for its course
River system: A system which consists of at least two rivers. There are, however, requirements for this:
A river system has been assumed if it has
1. its source in a lake which is fed by a river of another name (e.g. Senguerr River -> Lake Colhué-Huapi -> Chico River)
2. its source at the confluence of two rivers, then following the longer stem (e.g. Amazon -> Ucayali stem)
This in return means, that a longer tributary joining the main river later somewhere along its way is NOT considered a river system (e.g. Tocantins - Araguaia)
N.B. I only considered information currently available in Wikipedia. Most lengths seem quite rounded and it’s highly possible they don’t depict the true length, especially with tons of meanders.
All headwaters included can be found in quiz stats.
Stay tuned, Oceania is coming next!